Sunday 10 July 2016

TEST OF TIME Episode 20

Episode 20

About two days later, Nate calls Bode up...

NATE : good afternoon sir...
RECEIVER : good afternoon how may I help you?
NATE : I'm Nate sir, the man from Sir Thomas
RECEIVER : ehn! Sir what? Wrong number.
NATE : sir, I'm the young man that came over to your house some few days ago to speak to your wife...
RECEIVER : are you?
NATE : I'm fine sir.
RECEIVER : I've spoken to her, but she hasn't said anything yet. Let's give her some days.
NATE : (takes a deep breath)...okay sir. But this is my number in case she decides to change her mind...
RECEIVER : okay o.
NATE : thanks for your help sir...
RECEIVER : you're welcome...
NATE : (he drops the call)....oh God, please touch this woman's heart so I can go back to the UK in peace....


After giving the issue a serious thought, some days later, Kanyin called her husband....

KANYIN : what should we do now. I've decided to tell Jade about him.
BODE : good. I've always known you have a good heart...this is what we'll do. Let's call that man and tell him to come over....oh.....I didn't store the man's number when he called me o...
KANYIN : he called you?
BODE : yes, to know if you've changed your mind....
KANYIN : check your phone it may still be there...
BODE : I hope so o, if not we'll have to wait for him to call again....(He picks up his phone and searches for Nate's number).....let me try and remember the time he called me o....(Thinking)....yes it was in the afternoon....em......yes I can remember Baba Ibeji called me afterwards...yes.....(He searches his phoney.....yes I've found it!
KANYIN : okay, dial it....
BODE : (he dials Nate's number).....the man will be so happy....hello...
RECEIVER : hello sir!
BODE : good evening....
RECEIVER : good evening sir....any good news?
BODE : yes o. In fact she was the one that asked me to call you. Will you come over to our place so we can talk?
RECEIVER : I'll be there first thing tomorrow morning sir.
BODE : okay. Bye
RECEIVER : bye sir....
BODE : he said he will come first thing tomorrow morning.
KANYIN : that's okay. I'll talk to him first before talking to Jade. You know we can't discuss such a thing on the phone....
BODE : may be you should tell her to come over here then...let's talk about it here...
KANYIN : okay.

Meanwhile immediately after he dropped the call he calls Sir T to give him the good news....

Sir T : anything new Nate?
NATE : its good news sir...
Sir T : tell me....
NATE : she has decided to let you meet your child sir.
Sir T : (extremely happy)....oh thank you God....
NATE : I will go and visit them first thing tomorrow morning to discuss what we do that's why I called you....
Sir T : God has finally heard my prayers...he has not dissapointed me...
NATE : I'm happy with you sir...
Sir T : this is what you will do...I don't even know if its a boy or a girl...
NATE : she didn't say...
Sir T : okay get to meet him or her on my behalf please...but before that when you get there tomorrow, let me talk to them and thank then. After that, once we are able to ask for my child's forgiveness, we'll arrange for him or her to come and see me here immediately, okay?
NATE : okay sir.
Sir T : ...and Nate....
NATE : sir?
Sir T : thanks for your help. I really appreciate you....
NATE : thank you sir.
Sir T : and I congratulate you for a job well done...
NATE : thank you sir....
Sir T : see you soon.
NATE : see you too soon sir.


The following day, Nate shows up at Kanyin's house....

NATE : good morning ma'am...
KANYIN : good morning, please sit down, my husband will be here soon....
NATE : okay...(He sits down, while Kanyin goes to call Bode from the bedroom....)
BODE : (entering into the room)....good morning young man....
NATE : morning sir....(Standing up)
BODE : how are you?....(Giving him a hand shake)...
NATE : I'm good sir.
BODE : please sit down....
NATE : thank you sir....(Sitting down)
BODE : my wife has decided to forgive him and let him know his daughter.
NATE : thank you very much ma'am, God bless you....
KANYIN : amen, you're welcome...
BODE : although, she's not here right now, she's in lagos.
NATE : okay sir...Please, let me call him so that he can talk to you sir....(He brings out his phone and dials it...)....hello sir...
RECEIVER : hello...
NATE : I'm there sir and like I've said she's decided to forgive you. Let me put her on....(He hands the phone over to Bode who passes it to Kanyin....)
KANYIN : hello...
RECEIVER : hello, Kanyinsola....thank you for the audience, thank you, I can't thank you enough for giving me the opportunity to talk with you, I know I don't your time talkless of your forgiveness, I know I'm the person  that lives, I know I've wronged you beyond forgiveness but yet you still gave me this opportunity. Thank you. I appreciate the fact that you're talking to me...thank you.
KANYIN : its okay. My daughter is not here, you'll have to give me time to talk to her.
Sir T : thank you very much. How is she?
KANYIN : she's fine. She's in lagos.
Sir T : I know I don't have any right to ask how and what she's doing because I know you're a good mother, you must have ensured she has the best of things...
KANYIN : she's happy. She was brought up my a good man. A man she considers her father even though she knows he's not a biological one.
Sir T : can I thank him?
KANYIN : yes...hold on....(She passes the phone to Bode)...he wants to talk to you....
BODE : (collecting the phone).....hello?
Sir T : hello....good afternoon....
BODE : good is your health now?
Sir T : just knowing that you people have forgiven me alone, makes me feel better....I can't thank you enough...
BODE : you're welcome...
Sir T : she told me how you are a father to my daughter, thank you so much God bless you...
BODE : you're welcome. Jade is a good girl too, one anyone will for  as a daughter.
Sir T : Jade, that's her name?
BODE : yes...Jadesola.
Sir T : a beautiful name....thanks a lot.
BODE : its okay....we'll talk to her and she'll get in touch with you.
Sir T : I'll appreciate that. Please you all should forgive me, I'm suppose to come over there, but with my state of health I can't travel...
BODE : we understand.
Sir T : I hope you won't mind if I ask her to come over here to see me?
BODE : its no problem, but what of your family members here?
Sir T : yes, now that I know your whereabouts I'll tell them to come and pay you a visit. Kanyin knows some of them.
BODE : okay, we'll be  expecting them. At least that's the way we can be sure you're the one we're dealing with...
Sir T : its no problem. I'll send a message to them to come around. Thanks.
BODE : you're welcome...


Jade is on the phone with Mark....

CALLER : I have decided to become very serious with God now...
JADE : oh...why the change of mind?
CALLER : change of mind? Haba nau, it was like I didn't go to church before...
JADE : (laughs)...hellooo! Going to church doesn't make you a born again christian....
CALLER : well....I'm still a christian, being born again is just another level of christianity, a higher level.
JADE : (laughing) look at this guy o, so they are different abi?
CALLER : yes nau. Everybody that goes to church is a christian but born again christians are those taking their christianity to the highest level.
JADE : Mark being a christian means being like Jesus...are you like Jesus? Will you turn your other cheek if you're slapped on one?
CALLER : o, my own has not gotten to that stage.
JADE : hmm....that simply means you're not a christian....
CALLER : let's leave that one, the thing is I'm serious about being more serious with God o....
JADE : well that's good...
CALLER : so will you help me out?
JADE : haba....what's my own? I'm not a pastor nau....neither am I the Bible.
CALLER : but since you're more religious than me you can help me out...
JADE : your Bible, if there's anything you don't understand there, tell me, I'll explain. That's all I can do.
CALLER : That's all?
JADE : yes nau....or you want me to follow you everywhere so as to stop you from committing sin?
CALLER : well.....
JADE : well what? You're not serious....
(They both laugh it off and while they were still talking she notices that there was a call waiting....)
JADE : let's talk later Mark...I have another incoming call...
MARK : alright....Good night...
JADE : good night...(she switches the call)....hello?
CALLER : hi are you doing?
JADE : I'm good partner....
CALLER : so what's up with our business?
JADE : still thinking....
CALLER : hmm...take your time...and oh, I spoke to that man already....
JADE : oh really? So how was it?
CALLER : you won't believe this....he's ready to pay me seven million naira for the design....though, I'm just going to be modifying it.
JADE : wow! That's lovely...
CALLER : you brought me good luck...
JADE : yeah right...
CALLER : yes you did...
JADE : when do you start....
CALLER : well I've started already. Though, I still have the design, I'll just modify....
JADE : that's good...
CALLER : so for bringing me luck, I'm giving you 10% of it...
JADE : (shocked)...what! Hey....
CALLER : what?....
JADE : you seem to be so extravagant!
CALLER : why?...because of the ten percent?
JADE : why should you even give me anything in the first place...
CALLER : 'cause I want you to bring me more luck...
JADE : (dumbfounded)'re something else....
CALLER : so when should I bring the check?
JADE : (confused)...I don't want it...
CALLER : why? You hate money?....
JADE : no I don't....
CALLER : then collect it...
JADE : look that's your tithe, pay it to the church...
CALLER : but of course, I'll do that first. Not even a one tenth, I do pay more than one tenth.
JADE : and you still want to dash out 700k, you're weird....
CALLER : there's something you don't understand about the law of spending, have you heard about the sentence "giver's don't lack"? You don't have a job, so I know you need money....can't your partner help you?
JADE : no he can't....because we've not started business yet....
CALLER : hmm...talking of that, why don't we start up something on my field? We do the marketing together, getting client's for me and I give you 30% of any client you bring...that amount is negotiable though....
JADE : (confused).....Yomi...
CALLER : say it again please...
JADE : say what again?
CALLER : what name did you just call now?...
JADE : Yomi....isn't that...
CALLER : (cuts in)...Oh my God....I'm tripped, I mean, I'm trembling...
JADE : why?
CALLER : because that's the first time you'll be calling my name since we became friends....wait say it again let me record it....
JADE : you're a clown... (Laughing)
CALLER : I'm waiting....
JADE : look, let's just talk some other time, I have to sleep now, if not I'll laugh and choke till I can't find sleep....
CALLER : yes ma'am....sleep tight....
JADE : you too....

Some days later Jade and Funmi are talking during dinner...

FUNMI : you have not told me much about this new friend of yours...
JADE : there's really nothing much to say...
FUNMI : hmm...nothing much to say yet you guys talk on the phone every night and you keep laughing....
JADE : well...he's a cool guy...
FUNMI : you said you want to do business together?
JADE : ....that's his proposition...
FUNMI : I'd really love to meet him. A guy that wants to do business with you after just meeting you...
JADE : in fact, the guy is very funny.
FUNMI : so have you thought of something?
JADE : of course I have a business idea, its just that I don't want to sound so desperate......(Her phone rings and she looks at it and looks at Funmi....)...hmm...
FUNMI : what is it?....pick your call nau...
JADE : its Yinka....
FUNMI : so? Pick it nau let's hear what he wants...
JADE : (picks the call)....hello
CALLER : hi? How are you doing?
JADE : fine thanks...
CALLER : what's being going on with you?
JADE : nothing much...
CALLER : hmm....and about the job thing?
JADE : still searching...
CALLER : so you're still just at home?
JADE : well...
CALLER : (cuts in)...that's not idle mind is the devil's workshop... Stop being a layabout...dont become useless...You have to go and look for something doing. This staying home of a thing is not okay. Go out, walk round the whole area, you'll find something to do...someone will offer you something....
(While he was talking Jade could not control the tears that flowed from her eyes....)

To be continued....

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