Sunday 10 July 2016

TEST OF TIME Episode 21

Episode 21

CALLER : you can't just be there, you think you're still a kid? You're no more a kid so get something doing...
JADE : (with tears in her eyes)...I will, thank you...
CALLER : so how are you doing?
JADE : fine thanks...
CALLER : alright, I just wanted to say hi. Take care....bye...
JADE : bye....(cuts the line)....
(Funmi was surprised to see the tears coming down from Jade's eyes and was surprised....)

FUNMI : ...what happened? Did someone die?
JADE : ...(Cleaning the tears from her eyes while still crying)....Funmi, even though we've broken up, this guy still keep reminding me of my misery...why can't he just keep quiet and let me be....does he want to frustrate me to do the wrong thing? why does he keep allowing the devil use him against me....why is he so heartless?
FUNMI : so that's what he was saying? Why didn't you allow me talk to him? You should have given me the phone let me give him the best reply to all his ranting....haha....he is so heartless...Its okay Jade stop crying...after all you're trying, searching for a job....
JADE : (still crying)...I regret the day I met him....
FUNMI : its okay dear, don't worry, one day, I'm sure he will regret everything he has said to you......come on lighten up and eat your food....
JADE : I've lost my appetite....(She stands up and leaves the dining)....
FUNMI : (goes after her)...its okay Jade, don't let this thing affect you. After all Yomi has brought a business proposal to you. Maybe this is when you should accept what he's offering for the meantime.
JADE : Funmi, I just don't want to be so frustrated....I'd love to do business with him, but I don't want to sound too desperate...
FUNMI : why not let me see this Yomi guy and then we can know how to access him....(Seeing she's still crying)...its okay stop crying....

Later that night, Yomi calls her...

JADE : hello.....(Sounding quite moody)
CALLER : hello...Jade...
JADE : hi...
CALLER : are you okay? You sound everything alright?
JADE : yes.
CALLER : you don't sound as such....can you share with me?
JADE : don't worry Yomi, its okay....
CALLER : you remind me of the time I had my heartbreak....I'm sure I must have sounded this same way....
JADE : was it that terrible?
CALLER : Jade, believe me you don't want to hear it. If you do ehn, you would slap me for being stupid. I should have being awarded the most stupid man of the year....
JADE : is it that bad....
CALLER : it was worse...but hope yours is not heartbreak 'cause I'd advice you not to be as stupid as I was...
JADE : well.....
CALLER : oh my God don't tell me its what I'm thinking....(Hearing her chuckle) know what? Let me come over and see you tomorrow, so we can talk about it....a problem shared is a problem half solved....
JADE : (thinking about it).....hmm...
CALLER : or you have somewhere to go tomorrow?....
JADE : I need to submit my CV somewhere on the island...
CALLER : when will you be leaving the house?
JADE : around 9am....
CALLER : okay....but just take it easy okay....what do you think I can do now to lighten you up?
JADE : (smiles)....don't worry, I'll be alright....
CALLER : are you sure?
JADE : yes....
CALLER : what about the business proposal I brought to you?
JADE : which one?
CALLER : whichever one you want... But for the meantime, we could start the marketing thing if you don't mind...
JADE : that will need a kind process first...
CALLER : hmm....tell me....
JADE : you'll have to register a company name first. Then have an office space, people want to know if you can be reached or not. Then you'll open an account with a reputable bank. Since you're working on a project now, you can add that project to a list of your achievements....
CALLER : see, I know I have a good've just done the job of a consultant when do we start?...
JADE : just give me some time to clear my head...
CALLER : alright I will...
JADE : how far have you gone with your design?
CALLER : I'm almost through...just a few slants here and there that's all....
JADE : good...
CALLER : alright then we'll talk tomorrow....
JADE : alright take care....good night....(She hangs up and goes to bed)


(The following morning Funmi was dressing up to leave the house, but she goes to Jade's room.....)

FUNMI : Jade...
JADE : (just waking up)....yes
FUNMI : please, since you're going out, can you help me pay this money into Tola's account? She needs it in school urgently.
JADE : okay..
FUNMI : please pay it at the cashier's, so that she can collect it before 4 pm. Please, kindly make sure they input it into the computer before you leave the bank. I'd promised her she'll get it today....
JADE : okay....what of the account details?
FUNMI : I'll write and keep it beside the money....
JADE : alright...
FUNMI : thanks dear, you're a darling....
JADE : hmm.....

(At around 8:30am Jade was dressing up when she hears the bell ring....)

JADE : (looking at the time)....haha....early this morning, who could that be?...(Going towards the door)...who is that?.....(She hears no response)....haha.....(She opens the door)....
YOMI : hello....
JADE : (surprised)....hey! You....(Looking around) what are you doing here...
YOMI : well I came to take you to the island ma'am, I'm ready to be your driver throughout the day if you don't mind...(He bows)
JADE : my what?
YOMI : yes, I want to drive you wherever you're going today. Afterwards, we'll go somewhere to talk....
JADE : but you really don't need to bother, cause my cousin also asked me to run an errand for her....
YOMI : please, let me...
JADE : (smiling) will I do with you...
YOMI : whatever you feel like....I'm all yours....
JADE : please come in....
YOMI : thanks ma'am....(Entering into the sitting room)....
JADE : you didn't tell me you'd come here after I told you I was going to the island...
YOMI : I wanted to give you a surprise...
JADE : and you sure did...Please sit down, what will I offer you....
YOMI : oh..nothing. If you have to do that, you'll be late....let's go...
JADE : well..I won't allow my driver drive me on an empty stomach...just join me for breakfast will you...(She brings the bread and can of beverages to the dining)....come over let's take something...
YOMI : if you insist ma'am....(Goes to the dining and sits down)....
JADE : how was your night?.....(making the beverage)
YOMI : very well ma'am....
JADE : do you want mayonnaise or butter, I don't have margarine...
YOMI : butter please....

(They finished eating breakfast together and set out for the island. Yomi takes her to where she submitted the CV and when they left....)

YOMI : can you spare me some minutes? Let me use the ATM....
JADE : I also need to go to the bank, my cousin asked me to credit an account for her....
YOMI : oh which bank?
JADE : Phinix....
YOMI : huhh....okay....
JADE : do you know anyone there?
YOMI : hmm....
JADE : (seeing his reluctance)...why are you like that?
YOMI : I know someone there that brings a very bad memory....
JADE : how many branches?
YOMI : no, in this particular branch on the island...
JADE : oh....come to think of it, I also know someone working at Phinix too.
YOMI : this particular branch?
JADE : actually I don't know his branch but I don't think its here. He's an area manager or so...
YOMI : Does he bring bad memories too you too?
JADE : (smiles)...oh all. He's just a friend....more like a brother...we can  go to any other branch...
YOMI : no, its okay, let's go....
JADE : okay you can stay back in the car, after all we're not both going to pay in.....
YOMI : its alright, I'll go and use their ATM myself....
JADE : okay...

(They got to the bank and Jade goes to the cashier to pay into the account in which Funmi asked her to, while Yomi goes to use the ATM.

Meanwhile, Bimbo was in her office but had to come down stairs to confirm a cheque, while Jade was the next person that was called on the counter....)

BIMBO : (looking at the face more clearly, trying to recall where she'd seen the face before)....wait a minute, is this not the girl I met at Mark's place?......yes she's the one....she is.....(Looking at her. She finished what she came to do down stairs but didn't go back, she stayed behind and watched Jade till she finished and goes outside.....she follows her but didn't come out of the bank. She stay in and watched her through the security door to see how she'd go.

Meanwhile, Yomi had finished using the ATM and was already waiting for Jade in the car. Jade got in and they drove away.

Bimbo goes back into her office, and picks up her phone to call Tara.....)

BIMBO : (on the phone)......Tara...
RECEIVER : Bimbo what's up?
BIMBO : guess who I just saw now?
RECEIVER : who's that?
BIMBO : its that girl we saw at Mark's house the other day....
RECEIVER : where did you see her?
BIMBO : she came to our branch to credit an account o. I saw her at the counter.
RECEIVER : did you approach her?
BIMBO : no. I didn't even allow her see me. I stayed behind and guess what, it was a guy that brought her...
BIMBO : no not Mark, although, I really didn't see the car very well but I saw her entering the passenger's side and the person had being waiting in the car before she got there....
RECEIVER : so what do you think?
BIMBO : well I can't say she's cheating because I don't know who the guy that brought her is....
RECEIVER : but are you sure its not Mark?
BIMBO : hey I know all Mark's cars, Mark uses either a CRV or a Jeep. And the car wasn't any of that.
RECEIVER : should we find out what's going on with her? Maybe that way you can get Mark back....
BIMBO : you think I can?
RECEIVER : yes. we can get her number from the teller....
BIMBO : (takes a deep breath)....hmm.....we'll talk when I get back home...
RECEIVER : okay.....


(After running all their errands Yomi takes Jade to a park where they can talk peacefully....)

YOMI : so, tell me about the guy that hurt you yesterday....
JADE : he's my ex....(She explains everything about Yinka to him)....
YOMI : but he's so heartless, does he think its so easy to get a job these days? I pray he doesn't loose his job to know how it feels....
JADE : the worst part is the fact that he keeps doing it even after we've broken up....
YOMI : if you ask me, I'd say, one, that guy only dated you because he thought you have a good paying job, two, he's not ready for any kind of liability, and three he misses you, even though he doesn't want the liability that comes with you....sorry for using that word...
JADE : but what liability is there, I don't demand from him....
YOMI : you don't?
JADE : no I don't...well except my BIS and the transport money he gives me whenever I go to his house....oh and 200N recharge cards every two weeks, and he only did that like three times....
YOMI : (laughing)...N200 what! Recharge do what?.....(Laughing)
JADE : its not funny Yomi....
YOMI : sorry, I was just wondering who you'd call with that....(Still laughing)...that guy must be a good 'Akagum'!
JADE : I don't ever ask him for money....
YOMI : well perhaps the little he's spending is not okay with him....
JADE : fine, so he's broken up, then he should let me be and stop pestering my life.....
YOMI : hmm....I'm really sorry, but that guy doesn't know what he has...sorry...but seriously, Jade you need not bother yourself with this guy...he's irrelevant. In fact if he calls you, don't pick his calls, he doesn't deserve a minute of your time...look at you, you're beautiful, naturally endowed and intelligent, he only lost you because he doesn't deserve someone like you....
JADE : (smiling)....hmm....
YOMI : that's the truth. He's the looser...who would have a woman like you and not keep feeling on top of the world....
JADE : you're flattering me right?
YOMI : hell no, I'm not...its the truth...
JADE : hmm.....(Just then her phone rings and she picks it...) Hello Mum...
CALLER : hello dear, how are you?
JADE : I'm fine Mum. What of everyone at home?
CALLER : they're all fine....
JADE : and Dad?
CALLER : he's okay....Jade you need to come home as soon as you can.
JADE : (surprised)...haha, what happened?
CALLER : its about your father.....
JADE : Dad....?
CALLER : no, your biological father...
JADE : what!

To be continued...

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