Wednesday 13 July 2016


Episode 37

(Yinka's plan was set in motion. Before Sola got to the airport, Jade had sent a driver to go and get her. The driver was surprised to see that he will be picking two and not one person but Sola told him not to alert Jade because they wanted it to be a surprise. They got into the car and the journey to the island began.

As they entered into the compound, Sola and Yinka are amazed at the kind of house Jade is living....)
SOLA : (coming out of the car)...oh my God....
YINKA : Jesus Christ! (he steps out of the car)....
SOLA : (turns to the driver)...excuse me....which is the way in?
ANDREW : there...(Pointing at the entrance)
SOLA : okay....
(She and Yinka walks towards the door and rings the bell.
Meanwhile, Yomi was helping Jade cook in the kitchen, when they heard the bell...)
JADE : that should be Sola. I heard the sound of the car...
YOMI : I think its better you go and open the door, remember you're the one she knows...I'll just wash the cucumber and slice it for you....(Collecting it from her)
JADE : okay....(Goes to open the door)...I'll be right back!....(she leaves for the door to open it)....Sol...(She was shocked to see Yinka)
YINKA : hi Jade, merry christmas...
SOLA : hi sis...merry christmas...(Goes to hug her)
JADE : merry christmas dear..(She ignores Yinka and Hugs Sola) didn't tell me Yinka was coming too...
SOLA : he..
YINKA : (cuts in while holding Sola from talking)...actually, we happened to see each other at the airport, she told me she was coming here, so I said I'll come and say hi too...
SOLA : actually, I wanted to call you when I saw him but he said he wanted to surprise you...
JADE : come in...(Opening the door for them)....(She leads them into the sitting room and ask them to sit down)...what can I offer you?
SOLA : anything good, sis.
JADE : (turns to Yinka)..and you?
YINKA : anything good.
JADE : okay...(She leaves for the kitchen to get them drinks.)....Baby..(Entering into the kitchen) won't believe who's here with Sola...
YOMI : who?...( cutting the cucumber)
JADE : Yinka.
YOMI : (surprised, he stops cutting the cucumber and looks at her)...are you serious?
JADE : I'm telling you he's in the sitting room as I speak.
YOMI : (chuckles)....haha...what happened? Didn't his sister tell you he's coming?
JADE : at all. She said they jammed at the airport o...
YOMI : they jammed ke...
JADE : imagined that...
YOMI : that's such a lame excuse...
JADE : very lame, dear.
YOMI : (he thinks for a while and starts laughing)....oh my God....
JADE : what's funny?
YOMI : you know what?
JADE : what?
YOMI : I think the guy wants to try his luck again o...
JADE : what stupid luck is that...he had better not think he'll sleep in this house o....what do you think we can do?
YOMI : what else, act normal nau. Give them
JADE : hell no, why would I do that?
YOMI : Baby...what do you want to do? Throw him out? Just treat him the same way you'll treat his sister, if not, it will be as if you're still angry with him. And right now, I believe you're more than that...get them drinks okay...
JADE : (Going to get juice from the fridge)...hmm...
YOMI : know what...let's hear what he's come to say...
JADE : (surprised) do you mean?
YOMI : (moves close to her and holds her waist)...don't introduce me as your fiancé yet. Let's see if he will say something soon....
JADE : what kind of joke is that? What then should I introduce you as?
YOMI : just tell him I'm a friend, so he can at least feel free.
JADE: (thinks for a while).....look, me, I don't like this kind of thing o...
YOMI : let's just see nau...come on, let's just see what he will do....
JADE : (giving it a second thought).....okay o...(She takes the drinks to them) how's everything with you guys?
YINKA : very well thanks...(Taking his juice)
SOLA : sis, such a big house you have here....
JADE : (smiles) thanks....its my Dad's.
SOLA : don't tell me you stay here alone.
JADE : I have two of my siblings staying with me. But they're not here now because they have to attend a christmas party at my parent's place in Ibadan.
SOLA : you were going to be sleeping here alone if I hadn't come.
JADE : actually, I would have gone for the party if you weren't coming.
SOLA : eyah, so you stayed back because of me....(She stands up and hugs her)
JADE : (smiling), you guys should excuse me, we're cooking dinner in the kitchen...(About to leave)
YINKA : hmm...I trust you...(Turns to Sola) have you eaten Jade's food before?
SOLA : no o....(Turns to Yinka)
YINKA : ha, she's a very good cook o. She's good!
SOLA :  oh really?
YINKA : yeah...
SOLA : (turns to Jade)....You and I should do a cooking competition someday...
YINKA : ehn! Believe me baby girl, you're no march for her o.
SOLA : hmm na so...
JADE : (chuckles)...I'll be back...(She goes back into the kitchen.)
(While she was gone, Yinka moves closer to Sola, whispering to her...)
YINKA : can you see that? She still likes me. She stayed behind because of you, that shows she still respects and love us.
SOLA : she just said we're cooking....she and who?
YINKA : haha...what else do you expect? It should be her house maid or something...this house is too big for her to manage alone nau...
SOLA : when are you leaving?
YINKA : once we finish eating, I'll talk to her and leave for a hotel...and who knows, she may even ask me to stay over.
SOLA : and you'll stay?
YINKA : haha...great opportunity, of course I will stay.
SOLA : hmm
(Some minutes later she and Yomi comes out with the dishes setting the dining for dinner. Sola and Yinka sees them...)
SOLA : that guy doesn't look like a house help o.
YINKA : how would you know...
SOLA : haha...that fine can someone like that be a house help, the guy is too fine for that...
YINKA : what fineness is there in him...abeg joor...
SOLA : just look at him...he's good looking and doesn't even dress like one...
YINKA : (looks at Yomi)....he must be a friend or something...
SOLA : I hope so...(She stands up and walks up to Jade in the dining)...can I be of help?
JADE : oh come on, you're a guest...
SOLA : haba nau...I can't just stay there while you cook nau....
JADE : okay o...
(Yinka also joins them at the table..)
YINKA : I can help too...
JADE : you guys should just sit down and let's eat...and oh...this is Yomi...Yomi, that's Yinka a friend and Sola his sister...
YOMI : hello Sola...(Shaking Sola)...nice to meet you Yinka.
JADE : let's eat.
SOLA : wow...(Sitting down)...all these looks delicious...
(They all eat quietly and afterwards, Jade and Yomi starts clearing the table. They take everything to the kitchen...while Sola and Yinka goes back to the sitting room whispering to each other...)
YINKA : you see now, the guy is just a friend...
SOLA : how do you know?
YINKA : if he was more than that, she would have said it nau...may be he's one of her admirers or just a friend.
SOLA : he's so handsome...
YINKA : not as handsome as me joor...
SOLA : huh! For your mind...(Sitting down)
YINKA : well beauty is in the eye of the beholder...
SOLA : hmm..
YINKA : anyway, I'll talk to Jade once she gets here.
SOLA : okay.
(Meanwhile, back in the kitchen, Jade and Yomi are doing the dishes...)
JADE : I'm really not okay with all this your set up o...
YOMI : Jade, its good we get to know his intentions...
JADE : okay o...
YOMI : so here's the plan, when we get out there, I'll say I'm going...
JADE : (cuts in)...going where? No, you won't leave me here with him...
YOMI : no...(Holds her)...I won't. You'll ask me not to go...the essence of saying that is for him to really feel I'm just a friend so he can say what he came for.
JADE : (thinks about it)...okay...I'll tell you to wait and drop him along the way.
YOMI : okay...that's a good one there.
JADE : alright, let's go...
(After they finished, they retire to the sitting room...)
YOMI : so I'll be on my way now...
JADE : already?...haba nau...
SOLA : oh you're leaving?
YOMI : yeah...its getting late...(Taking his phones)
JADE : em...(Looks at Yinka)....Yinka, Yomi can drop you at your hotel if you don't mind, you know this is an estate and its late, you may not find a cab when leaving...
YINKA : em, okay,.... can we talk privately please?
JADE : yes...let's go to the dining...please excuse me...
YOMI : okay...(Sits down)
SOLA : you're excused...(She tries to chat Yomi up but his mind was more on Jade and Yinka's discussion)
(Jade on the other hand stands up leading the way and Yinka follows her to the dining...)
YINKA : (sitting down)...Jade, firstly, I came to apologise once more for everything I did.
JADE : I told you I've forgiven you.
YINKA : is that coming from the bottom of your heart?
JADE : yes it is.
YINKA : (gives a sigh of relief) I'm happy...I really wish things can go back to normal between us.
JADE : oh really?
YINKA : yes. You know I tried getting in touch with you all those time you weren't around. But your phone wasn't just going.
JADE : eyah....actually, the traveling and all that, happened all of a sudden. I didn't see it coming.
YINKA : actually, I was thinking you knew how rich you were but pretended at first...
JADE : oh no, how could I have done that...
YINKA : (pauses for some time and the continues) know I really missed you...
JADE : you did?
YINKA : yes, that was why I called you on your birthday.
JADE : hmm mm?
YINKA : yes. You only misunderstood what happened...
JADE : I did?
YINKA : yes...I mean, I was expecting you to fight for me. I was your man, I expected you to call me back and ask me why I did what I did.
JADE : wait, I don't understand you...I mean, you were the one that broke up...
YINKA : yes, I know. I was expecting you to come after me. I mean you love me, isn't it? So you should go after what you love...
JADE : (laughs)...wait if you can remember very well, Nike called you up at a time telling you that you and I are supposed to sit down and talk about this very well, but you told her you don't have time for that, can you remember?
YINKA : em......well......y..yes but...
JADE : (cuts in)...but what Yinka? Do you know how many times I told you to beep me when you're in Lagos so that we can see to talk?....three different times! said you're too busy for that....(Laughs)....and it wasn't as if you didn't come to Lagos o, you even do put on your BBM Personal Message statuses like...."Lagos loading"...."Le Meridien on point"...."bar beach things"...."Lekki traffic" and all that...can you remember? Just to let me know that you're in Lagos but you have no time to talk to a jobless trash....
YINKA : (cuts in)...haba....Jade don't say that...I never thought of you as a jobless trash...
JADE : oh really? It showed in your actions.
YINKA : really I didn't mean it that way...
JADE : well, all that is in the past now....
YINKA : thank God you're seeing it that way....(All of a sudden, he stands up and walks up to Sola and Yomi in the sitting room)
(Jade follows him to the sitting room, wondering why he walked away saying nothing)
YINKA : (facing Sola and Yomi)...please guys I need you to help me beg Jade, I know I've really offended her, but she should please find a place in her heart to forgive me...
SOLA : please sis, forgive and forget...
YINKA : (kneeling)...I know I really messed up. But I agree I was just being childish....
JADE : Yinka, I've said it times without number that I've forgiven you...
YINKA : is that coming from the depth of your heart?
JADE : yes....
YINKA : and you won't refer back to all I did?
JADE : (smiles)...I won't.
YINKA : promise?
JADE : hmm mm....
YINKA : okay...(Stands up)....secondly please can you help me to beg her to come back into my life, because I still love her. I've not been able to forget about her since the day we broke up. I still want to be the only man that makes her happy and this proposal is not just for a relationship but (remembers he didn't bring a ring)....okay I've not gotten a ring, but (looks at Sola and Yomi again) me to tell her that I want to spend the rest of my life with her...
JADE : really?
YINKA : yes...
SOLA : say yes....
JADE : (laughs)'re so funny Yinka...wait do you really think I will want to get married to a man that left me when I needed him the most? A man that felt I was too much of a burden for him? know what? When you were gone from my life, at that trying time when I had no job, no money, nothing. God showed me that he's always faithful, and that what I'm going through was divine. You know why? Because I realized my situation was a test of time for the man who I will be with. Yinka, that time I had no job was a test for you, even though I didn't know. You know why? Because it was at that same time I met a man who took up my burden as his. Now, the worst part is that the guy in question had no job, shebi you, you had a job yet I was a burden, abi?...but him, he had no job, yet he didn't see me as a burden. He saw me as a gift. That's something you threw away. He was the other half my life as been waiting for....I'm sorry its not you...
YINKA : (standing up) you're dating someone else already?
JADE : you expect me not to? You expect me to wait for you to come back?
SOLA : (walking towards Jade)...but remember the saying: 'the devil you know is better than the angel you don't know'
JADE : oh Sola, I know this angel because he's the best thing that's happened to me. And what's more, I love him like life itself because he loved me as a burden and a liability not as a gold mine....(Looks at Yomi)....Baby, I'm sorry but I had to do it...
YOMI : (walks towards her)....its okay dear. (He hugs her)...
(Sola and Yinka are dumbfounded)
SOLA : (still shocked) you are...
JADE : yes. Here, meet my fiancé, Yomi Coker.
YOMI : please, guys feel free. We're still friends...(Turns to Yinka).. Yinka, Jade has forgiven you, though she can't..... (smiles) with you but she's forgiven you...(Looks at Jade) isn't it Love?
JADE : yes. If he hadn't left me, I wouldn't have met you...(Holding Yomi she kisses himhim on the cheek)
YOMI : (surprised) Sola, Yinka, you guys came to Lagos to have fun, please join us. The house is big enough for all of us...
JADE : (turns to Yomi)..Baby...(Pulls him aside)...that's provided you'll stay here too...
YOMI : of course. If Yinka is staying, though. If he's leaving then I can go. I ain't gonna leave you here with him...(She smiles and they walk back to Sola and Yinka) what do you say? Will you two stay?
To be continued...

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