Wednesday 13 July 2016

Slumbering in the Tent of Your Father, Pt. 2- D.K. OLUKOYA

Slumbering in the Tent of Your Father, Pt. 2

In Part 1 of this series, I remember telling you that if you will experience a revival in your life, there must be a change in your spiritual life. I also remember telling you that if men will notice you on earth, you have to change what you are presently doing now. We then began to look at some hard facts about changing:
  • You either change or you harden
  • No change is made without inconvenience
  • Only the foolish and the dead never change their opinion
  • If we don't change, we don't grow
  • Progress is impossible without change
  • The only human institution which rejects change is the cemetery
  • Some people change when they see the light, others change when they feel the heat
  • If you do not cry out for a change, you will remain in chains
  • Horizontal people remain where they are while vertical people keep moving
  • When you do not cry out for a change, you register in the school of stagnancy
  • When you have finished changing, you are finished for life
  • Hatred for change is the architect of decay
  • Water is indestructible because it changes
In 2 Cor. 3:18,
But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord
KJV, American Edition
There is power to move a man from glory to glory. We are not supposed to be going from glory to grass, rather from glory to glory and honour to honour.
In conclusion, to improve requires change. Any one who wants to move the world must first of all move himself and those changes we fear most may contain our salvation. A lot of people come crying for counseling and deliverance. They find it easier to cry crocodile tiles than to change, but when there is a true change, it can bring a dramatic differnce between your today and tomorrow. Most of the changes that people try to make fail not because they tried doing it in a haste, but because sometimes they tried doing it when it is too late. Perhaps, right now, you need to be kinder at home or padlock your mouth a bit more or become less selfish or be better listeners or you got married without knowing how to cook and need to learn how to cook or you need to be considerate of how you treat others or you need to change some habits.

 This is an excerpt from the full message. If you have enjoyed this message recap and have been blessed by it or are interested in the prayer points and stories during the message, consider adding it to your collection by ordering a copy. Use the 'Purchase' link in the 'Message Resources' section to get started. Until next time, stay blessed

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