Sunday 10 July 2016



Episode 19

(Meanwhile, after church that day Bode and his family had lunch and as they were watching the TV he excuses his wife for a chat....)

BODE : you and I know we need to talk about what happened the other day, don't we?
KANYIN : what is there to talk about?....(Showing an uncaring attitude)
BODE : I spoke to that man, and believe me he's seriously ill....
KANYIN : good for him...
BODE : is that my wife talking? Is that a christian talking?
KANYIN : what do you expect me to say?
BODE : Kanyinsola, I know you....but don't you think its time you forgave that man?
KANYIN : I've forgiven him. He just doesn't deserve to know Jade, simple!
BODE : that simply means you have not forgiven him...
KANYIN : I said I have, haha....!
BODE : if you really have, you'd let him know his your heart dear, have you truly forgiven him?.....(Seeing she didn't say anything)....and remember, Jade also has the right to know about this. She's no more a kid. She deserves to know that her father is searching for her....
KANYIN : I'm sure Jade won't want to see him either....
BODE : notwithstanding, you need to let her know.
KANYIN : that stupid he can now come and ask for her abi....idiot....!
BODE : I can see you've really forgiven him.....remember our Lord's prayer.... "....and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us".....meaning that when you forgive those who offend you, only then have you open the door of God's forgiveness towards yourself.... But if you don't forgive, my dear you're holding God back from forgiving you your own sins....
(Kanyin was perplexed with Bode's words, she sat back thinking about what he just said)
BODE : I know its not easy to forgive him, especially if you remember all you went through, how he denied having anything to do with you....but my dear let it go...he's suffering already, who knows maybe for what he did to you....think about it....(He leaves her to ponder over it.....)


Jade was still wondering why Yinka called her when Yomi walks up to her without her knowledge....

YOMI : (whispering into her ears)....a penny for your thought...
JADE : hey....(Looking at him) did you find me?
YOMI : I tried your phone but its busy so I asked around and was directed here...
JADE : okay....hope it wasn't hard for you to get this place?
YOMI : at all, what's more, I live not too far away from here...
JADE : are you serious?
YOMI : its about 20 minutes drive from my house to this place...
JADE : wow....I wanted to ask where you were staying but I didn't want to sound as if I didn't want you to come, so I kept quiet. Though, I was expecting you to tell me if you knew the place or not...
YOMI : (smiles) look good...
JADE : thanks...oh sorry I didn't even offer you a seat....please have a seat...(Pointing at a chair)
YOMI : thanks...(Sitting down)....but I was thinking we could go somewhere to talk...
JADE : (wondering what they would be discussing with him)...oh...
YOMI : yeah....(Looking at her face)...I hope I'm not forcing myself on you?
JADE : its okay...
YOMI : its just that I just want to know you more... And may be we can be friends....
JADE : okay....
YOMI : oh.... my just finished from church so you should be famished...can I get you lunch...
JADE : oh no, don't bother, I'm okay...
YOMI : are you sure?
JADE : you're so funny, you're searching for a job yet you want to buy me lunch don't you think you should be careful with your spending at his time?
YOMI : (laughs)...hey, its not that bad. I still got my gratuity from my last job....
JADE : and you want to spend it all?
YOMI : hmm.....(Thinking about what she just said...)
JADE : but wait a minute, since you were given that, why didn't you start a business or something instead of looking for a job?
YOMI : you're right...but I'm an architect, what business can I possibly do. Though since I've gotten myself back now, I could work from home if I get clients. I can even start up my own company but I'd just prefer to get a job....or better still we could start up a business together since we're both in the same situation...(As he was talking his phone rings)....please excuse me...(He relaxes to pick the call)...hello?
CALLER : hello....please is this Mr Coker?
YOMI : yes who am I speaking with please?
CALLER : this is Mr Stanley, can you remember me?
YOMI : (trying to recall)...I'm sorry I can't seem to remember...
CALLER : can you remember 'The Streignard'.....
YOMI : ...(Thinks for a while)...oh yes! Now I remember....good afternoon sir...
CALLER : good afternoon...I've been to your office..your former office rather. But I was told you no longer work there...
YOMI : yes sir. I'm no more there...
CALLER : you were the one that designed the Streignard, remember?
YOMI : yes sir.
CALLER : good, can you remember the first design you made, which I rejected, telling you that its too majestic for the area in which it will be situated....
YOMI : yes and you asked for a simpler design...
CALLER : exactly...I was at your company to demand for that particular design but was told they don't have it.
YOMI : oh...that's true. Since you didn't want it, I didn't put it in our archive.
CALLER : okay then can we meet and discuss. I want you to do that same design for me...or if you can do something even better...I want to build it in Abuja so you should know what I'm talking about. I want it to be very majestic...
YOMI : em......okay sir let me call you back so I can check my schedule.
CALLER : how soon can you do that?
YOMI : later this evening....we may even see tomorrow...
CALLER : I'd really appreciate that. In fact I'm ready to pay more than I paid your company...
YOMI : alright sir.
CALLER : I'll be expecting your call...
YOMI : okay sir....bye...(Drops the call and looks at Jade)...hmm...can you see why I should really take you for lunch?
JADE : what happened?
YOMI : well....(He explains everything to her)....but I have a problem with it...
JADE : why? Its your lucky day...
YOMI : yes....but at the same time I don't want to snatch my former employee's clients, it won't be fair on them....
JADE : have a good heart...but at the same time, no one there will be able to give him what he wants except you and its not like you went and talked him into giving you the job, he came looking for you. So you should take it...
YOMI : (smiles and whispers to himself) make me feel good...
JADE : huh?
YOMI : no just thinking out...
JADE : so I'll advice you take it...
YOMI : then another thing is, if he wants me to supervise the job....I'd rather tell him to give it to my company to do that....
JADE : hmm...that's thoughtful of you...
YOMI : it will even be too stressful for me...
JADE : that's true...
YOMI : thanks for the advice anyway...
JADE : you're welcome.
YOMI : now back to the lunch....please Miss, kindly have lunch with me, at least I got a little job now...
JADE : (smiling)...okay....

(He takes her to a nice restaurant for lunch and they ordered their meal. As they ate...)
YOMI : so, tell me about yourself...I already know you're a strong lady, high-spirited and very beautiful...
JADE : (laughs)...flattery...
YOMI : is in the eye of the beholder and you can't behold yourself except through a mirror.....and...I'm sure you don't have a mirror in your house, if not you'd have seen what I'm seeing.....
JADE : hmm....thanks anyway...
YOMI : so tell me....
JADE : (takes a deep breath)...what do I tell you now....I came from a family of six, my parents are in Ibadan. I finished from Osun state University four years ago and served in Lagos. That's why I stay with my cousin's here.
YOMI : so your Mum and your Dad are still in Ibadan?
JADE : yes...I have worked at Attcoms for about two years before they had their problems and retrenched and owe staffs...
YOMI :  eyah...hope they're not owing you...
JADE : oh yes they're, about a year's salary...
YOMI : that's gross!
JADE : yeah...
YOMI : well, I was serious about the business thing...I have about 5 million naira...if you have any business idea, we could go into it together, share the profit 50-50 since you'll be bringing the idea and I'll be bringing the capital....what do you think?
JADE : (laughing)'re a funny lot...
YOMI : why?
JADE : hellooo! You just met me...
YOMI : Are you saying I can't meet someone today and have a business deal with him or her?
JADE : well....
YOMI : c'mon let's do it...I have my gratuity let's make use of it...
JADE : wait how much were you given, if I may ask?
YOMI : I was on a salary of 600k, I'm not extravagant I have my savings, 'cause I worked for about 7years... I served there and was retained.
JADE : hey when did you finish from the University to have worked for seven years already?
YOMI : (smiles)...I got admission at sixteen.
JADE : where did you study?
YOMI : Unilag, architecture, Bsc and my Masters afterwards...obviously, you must do both together in Lag. I was posted to lagos for my service at Lionel's Construction...
JADE : wow! Lionel...that's a big company....why then did you stop working there?
YOMI : I didn't stop working there. I was asked to resign...
JADE : (surprised)...but why?
YOMI : that's another story for another day, its a long and embarrassing one though...
JADE : hmm....embarrassing?
YOMI : yeah very embarrassing...that's why I'll tell you later. But let's leave all that, I'm serious about the business thing, what can we do?
JADE : you seem to be very serious...
YOMI : I am. Both of us are, in quote, jobless, so let's do business...
JADE : okay...if you say so, I'll think of something...but can I ask you a question?
YOMI : shoot...
JADE : (smiles)....why would you want to do business with me?
YOMI : because.....I don't know......because you look like someone that's got something good 'upstairs' and from our first encounter, you're a goal-setter. People like you see no obstacles, they forge ahead no matter what...I just believe if we start something together it won't fail.
JADE :'re according so much attributes and characteristics to me than I can think of...
YOMI : so what do you say? out his right hand to her)
JADE : (laughing)..hey...we've not even thought of a business yet....
YOMI : c'mon....I have faith....don't you?
JADE : (after a while she stretches out her hand and shakes his hand)...okay....
YOMI : so, what will be our target? Is 5 million okay?
JADE : I'll think of something within that range...
YOMI : or more....okay?
JADE : okay....
YOMI : less I forget, you were lost in thought when I came, hope all is well?
JADE : was a call I least Ex...
YOMI : oh...(Feeling very happy inside of him that she's not involved)....he wants you back?
JADE : (laughs), he just wanted to say 'hi'.
YOMI : (in his thought: may he only keep saying 'hi' in Jesus name) miss him?
JADE : partner, you're prying into my private life?
YOMI : oh....sorry partner...
JADE : (smiling)...good...
YOMI : so for how long does my partner need to think about our business?
JADE : I'll let you know when I've thought of one...
YOMI : but I can still call to know how my partner is doing right?
JADE : hmm...let me think.....may be....
YOMI : thank God....

(After chatting for so long, he drops Jade at home...)

JADE : thanks for lunch....(Getting down)
YOMI : you're I'll call you...
JADE : alright....bye.....(She goes inside)
YOMI : bye!

To be continued....

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