Saturday 23 July 2016


Topic: LOVE
Text: Solomon 8 vs 7

Ministering: Pastor Lawson

What Love is not?
Love is not Infatuation.
·         When your feeling get lose, it become infatuation
·         Infatuation is baseless
·         Love is a decision that requires fact about that person
it is not merely feeling.
·         Feeling can never be permanent.
·         Like is different from love.
·         Feeling go and come but love is consistencies.
Lust is not love.
·         Lust is selfish
·         Lust is illegitimate meet. Our legitimate.
Love is selfless
·         Our first love should be God
·         Love yourself but not more than God.
Learn to appreciate ourself.
·         Celebrate yourself
Love for others
·         Give out
5 phrases of love
1.       Attraction which is infatuation:-  is a sense of acceptance of how someone looks and what that person is doing.
2.       Phileo:- Emotion base on feeling and affection for others.
3.       Ero’s :- passion, is a sexual love endemic by single based on romance and feelings.
4.       Compasition:- storte, based on family ties and blood relation.
5.       Agape love :- it is the real part of love, it is divine, sacrificial, kind which was Jesus expressed on the cross (1 john 3 vs 18).
·         It is the foundation of which relationship is built.
·         It is important to every success of marriage
·         It is an unconditional from the heart meet with kindness.

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