Saturday 23 July 2016


Ministering: Pastor Kunle Coker
Topic: Character for a Godly Pattern in building a successful Marriage
Text: 1corinthians 7 1-5

Not all marriages are successful
Marriages build on the sand will collapse (arrange marriage)
When a marriage foundation is faulty, it will collapse.
Jesus is the foundation of a successful marriage (Matthew 7 vs 24)
For a successful marriage there must be a godly pattern
The problem of unsuccessful marriage is a result of SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE

What is Marriage?
Marriage is the union between a man and a woman
Marriage is a holy and diving established covenant , between a man and woman before god(Malachi 2 vs14)

Stages of Marriages
·         Traditional marriage
·         Court marriage
·         Church wedding

What is Character?
Character is a person pattern of behavior, thought and feelings that is based on moral and integrity
Character is who you are.
Character is an inbuilt trait that something to do with foundation
Note: is what determine how we respond to issue, situation

Types of Character
Bad character
Good Character (Proverbs 14 vs 1)

Bad Character that will bring failure to Marriage
·        Nagging
·        Anger
·        Unfaithfulness
·        Wrong Association (1corinthians 15vs33)
·        Jealousy(lack of trust)
·        Attitude
·        Laziness
·        Sex before Marriage
·        Being ungodly
·        Cheating
·        Lack of communication
·        Prayerlessness

Good character that bring success to Marriage
Good character start from salvation (Colossians 1 vs 10
·        Honesty
·        Integrity
·        Loyalty
·        Love
·        Faithfulness
·        Openness
·        Unity
·        Appreciation
·        Endurance/patience
·        Forgiveness and forgetfulness
·        Holiness
·        Faith in God (Hebrew 11 vs 1)
·        Fellowship with God
In conclusion
Good Character is a foundation for a successful Marriage.

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