Sunday 26 June 2016


Episode 6

(Yomi and Bimbo had agreed to meet up at Yomi's house. He woke up early in the morning and cleaned up. Even though their appointment was for 12pm, he had been ready since 10am. He ordered for delicious delicacies just for Bimbo's visit.
While waiting for her, he calls Lanre....)
YOMI : Hey man...
RECEIVER : What's up?
YOMI : I forgot to get flowers.
RECEIVER : Hmm....are you sure its worth it?
YOMI : Of course. I'm sure she'll tell me she's sorry and that we should continue where we stopped.
RECEIVER : Hmm mm...
YOMI : Yes o. I know Bimbo loves me, she's just confused or something.
RECEIVER : Hmmm....
YOMI : I've gotten everything ready for her.
RECEIVER : Hmmm.......good.
YOMI : Can you get me flowers?
RECEIVER : Me! What's my own?
YOMI : haha please nau, I want to propose to her again.
RECEIVER : What? Without waiting for what she'll say?
YOMI : Ehn, I'll wait for her to talk first.
RECEIVER : Then wait till then.
YOMI : Why should I? I'm sure she'll apologize and after that, the best thing to do is to propose immediately. That's the beauty of it. 
RECEIVER : Yomi.....(On a second thought)...anyway, me, I'm too busy to go and get you any kind of flower. I'm going to my Babe's place now. So you'd better go and get the flowers yourself...
YOMI : haba nau...I don't want her to come and not meet me at home, please nau...
RECEIVER : Well sorry, but I'll pass. I can't keep Benita waiting, I have to go now...
YOMI : (Feeling disappointed)...okay...(He drops the call)...oh, I messed up. How could I have forgotten those flowers knowing Bimbo love flowers a lot....damn it....(Pacing)...I'm sure she wants to tell me she's sorry and probably say we should allow everything to come back to normal....(Thinks again)....yes, and say she now wants to be more committed... I'm sure she now wants a commitment....I'm sure of that...
(Jade had left Lagos early saturday morning for Abuja. Her flight landed around 10 a.m and Yinka was at the airport waiting for her to pick her up...)
YINKA : (hugging her)...Wow its so good to see you in Abuja.
JADE : Same here....(Hugging him) thanks for picking me up.
YINKA : Hey, I'm just about to begin a good life time in this city...."Let's go to the car....(Leading the way)
JADE : Okay.....(Following him)
YINKA : So where am I suppose to take you?
JADE : I'll show you the address when we get to the car...
YINKA : Alright.
(They get to the car and Yinka takes her to the accommodation provided for her)
(Meanwhile, Bimbo was at home dressing when Tara enters....)
ANNET : (Sitting on the bed) Babe, what are  you going to tell Yomi?
BIMBO : I'll just tell him to give me a break, that I need time to think.
ANNET : Is that what you really need, better still, want?
BIMBO : What do you mean 'want'? Its what I need.
ANNET : Come on Babe, you don't know what you need just yet. You only know what you want.
BIMBO : (Turns to Annette)...what are you saying?
ANNET : Look, if there's anything you need, you and I know its to get married to a responsible guy like Yomi. The devil you know is better than the angel you don't know, so...
BIMBO : (Cuts in) you don't get the point do you? I said I'm not ready for marriage.
ANNET : Who says you should get married tomorrow? The guy just wants a commitment from you, that's all.
BIMBO : And I said I don't know how I feel about Yomi just yet, I need time to think.
ANNET : Hmm...okay o. May God help you. All I know is, its better you pick a guy that loves you more than you love him...
TARA : (walking in) and that's why I'll say she should try Mark too, or how will she know the one that loves her more if she doesn't spend time with each of them.
ANNET : (surprised)...I thought you were sleeping? After all your night out...
TARA : I've been up for a while and I heard your discussion.
ANNET : Hmm...
TARA : (Moves close to Bimbo) look, Babe, you better use your head. Give Mark a chance and then pick the better of them.
BIMBO : Actually....(Her phone rings and she picks it up to see who the caller is)...its Mark...
TARA : haha...pick it nau...
BIMBO : (Picks the call) hello?
CALLER : Hey Babe!
BIMBO : Hi Mark, what's up?
CALLER : Hyke and I are going to Ascon resort for the celebration of my promotion, will you come?
BIMBO : Ascon resort! Are you serious? 
BIMBO : Wow! When?
BIMBO : And you're coming back when?
CALLER : Tomorrow night.
BIMBO : But its about 12 hours drive from Lagos...
CALLER : Oh come on....we're going by air and remember its owned by Hyke's family, an helicopter will take us there from the airport, we should be there in less than three hours.
BIMBO : Wow...So you're going now?
BIMBO : Em.....let me call you back.
CALLER : Babe, I just don't want to go to that kind of place without you by my side. Till when should I wait for your call?
BIMBO : Give me like....(Looks at her wrist watch)...ten minutes.
CALLER : Alright...
BIMBO : Yeah...(drops the call)
TARA : What did he say about Ascon resort?
BIMBO : Babe!...(Excited) they are going to Ascon resort for the weekend!
ANNET : Who and who?
BIMBO : Mark and that his friend em....what his name again....Hyke
TARA : Oh my God!
ANNET : How do they intend to do that?
BIMBO : Going by air and a helicopter will pick them to the place...God this is so tempting...
ANNET : Hmm....and you have to go to Yomi's place...
BIMBO : (Pacing)...oh I've being hearing about how beautiful that place is. Its a place visited only by the high and mighty in the society.
ANNET : Yeah, I heard that.
TARA : But how did they get a suite there?
BIMBO : He said the place is owned by Hyke's parents.
TARA : Oh my God, this guys are loaded!
BIMBO : What should I do girls?
TARA : Of course you go!
BIMBO : But Yomi is also waiting for me at home  too.
TARA : Call him, tell him something came up at the office. Babe you can't miss this opportunity.
ANNET : Hmm...this is tempting o...Ascon resort...
BIMBO : I tell you...
TARA : You better call him nau before its too late, you've told Mark you'll call him back in ten minutes, didn't you?
BIMBO : Let me call Yomi....(Picks up her phone and dials Yomi's number)....hello Yomi...
RECEIVER : Baby, where are you now?
BIMBO : Em... sorry Yomi something just came up at the office now. Mark is been transferred and I have to show up at the headquarters right away.
RECEIVER : Okay, I'll wait for you.
BIMBO : Em....don't wait for me because I don't know when I'll be through. Let's hook up next week okay?
RECEIVER : (Disappointed) it can't be change or something?
BIMBO : Come on Yomi, this is official, its my job we're talking about...
RECEIVER : (Feeling so reluctant) okay...but can't we see during the week?
BIMBO : em...don't worry, I'll get in touch with you, got to go now.
RECEIVER : Okay. I love you..
BIMBO : Me too....(She drops the call)...
TARA : Now, call Mark before he leaves...
BIMBO : Yes....(Just then her phone rings) of the devil...
TARA : I swear this guy is crazy about you...
BIMBO : (picks the call)...hey Mark...
CALLER : Babe how far?
BIMBO : I was just about calling you now...
CALLER : Really?
BIMBO : yeah...
CALLER : So, what's it gonna be?
BIMBO : When will you pick me up?
CALLER : I'm on my way now.
BIMBO : I'll have to take the few things that I'll need.
CALLER : You don't need to do that. Everything you need will be gotten there.
BIMBO : Really? 
CALLER : of course.
BIMBO : Then I'll get ready.
CALLER : Alright, I'll be there in a jiffy!
BIMBO : Okay....(She cuts the call)
TARA : That's ma girl!
ANNET : Hmm....enjoy yourself o...
BIMBO : So what do I need to pick....(Looking around)
TARA : haha...won't you pick your bikini and all that?
BIMBO : Mark said I don't need to pick anything, we'll get all I need over there...
TARA : Wow! That's cool o...
BIMBO : I should just pick up all my phones and my chargers.....what else??...
(After Yinka dropped Jade he waited for her to freshen up...)
JADE : (entering into the sitting room)...I'm sorry I took so long, I had to unpack some of my stuffs.
YINKA : Its okay, I do we go out for lunch? I mean, you can't cook now, can you? You've not really settled. Moreover you don't know the market and all that yet...
JADE : Yeah...
YINKA : don't worry, I'll show you all around the city. We start tomorrow, okay?
JADE : Okay.
YINKA : So can we go get lunch?
JADE : Yeah let's go....
(They leave for the restaurant....)
(Back in lagos, Yomi is devastated, he calls Lanre...)
YOMI : Lanre, she said she can't make it again. After all the preparations I did, after everything....
RECEIVER : Oh my God! You mean she didn't come after all...
YOMI : Lanre, I'm devastated. I'd looked forward to this day. I'd thought I'll propose to her today again...
RECEIVER : What happened? Why didn't she show up?
YINKA : She said something came up at work and all that.
RECEIVER : At the last minute?
YOMI : At the last minute.
RECEIVER : Oh my...
YOMI : If only you knew how much I'd prepared for her. I ordered for dishes from Le Meridien suites, got everything she loves only for her to go to the office.
RECEIVER : Take heart man... You guys will fix another day...
YOMI : Its so painful Lanre.
RECEIVER : I understand...
YOMI : Okay, I'll leave you now.
RECEIVER : Alright.
YOMI : My regards to your Babe.
RECEIVER : Alright man, thanks!
YOMI : You're welcome....(Cuts the line)
To be continued...

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