Sunday 26 June 2016


Building each other up/Edification (1Thess. 5:11, Eph. 4:29)
1Thess.5:11 - “Therefore encourage one another and build
each other up, just as in fact you are doing (NIV)”
Eph. 4:29 - “Do not let any unwholesome talks (corrupt communication)
  come out of your mouth but only what’s helpful for building others up
according to their needs that it may benefit those that listen” (NIV).

Song:     I need you, you need me; we’re all a part of God’s body
                Stand with me; agree with me, we’re all a part of God’s body
                It is his will that every need be supplied, you’re important to me
I need you to survive.
I pray for you, you pray for me, I love you, I need you to survive
                It is His will that every need be supplied
I won’t hurt you with words from my mouth, I love you, I need you to survive
We need each other to grow and to become someone in life; never can a tree make forest on its own. God has deposited what we both need inside each other. If you find it difficult to build someone up or not of concern, then the love of God is not yet in you. God save us to save others, to impact, to be our brother’s keeper and not to ignore, snob or be an island. 
We must be sensitive to the needs and success of the people around us especially those that all of a sudden trying to get attached to us. This remind me of the testimony of a sister who was able to be of assistance to another sister who was at the verge of been totally consume by the spirit of hell and death. She said the name of that sister is Shade popularly known in the campus for her promiscuity from lecturer to colleague and still a member of the same fellowship with this my sister; she said Shade wasn’t a friend of her but all of a sudden she started getting closer, immediately after the fellowship, she will say hi, sometime escort her back to her hostel; it got to a point she wanted to find a way to dismissed her due to the voice of people telling her that “can’t you see there’s a contradiction here. 
what character do you have in common with her” but she encouraged herself and continue to accommodate shade. Until one day after which my sister has built Shade trust of her, then she came out to her about her weakness, how she just falls easily for sex at the touch of man;  how recently she has been hearing a voice telling her that she will die. 
My sister started a prayer session with her, though she said it wasn’t easy at first but the Holy Spirit told her that Shade is His project, all she need to do is just for her to be there for her. After hearing this, she ask for the strength of God and she was able to assist her through phone calls, admonishing, praying together and she was set free from the addiction and weakness. Now she’s a genuine born-again child of God, got married and have a happy home. Till today, my sister and Shade are good friends and she never stop praising God through the life of my sister to anyone that comes her way as well. 
This might not be the scenario that may occur in your relationship with others and as well may not be the weakness of others, but what matter most is being there for someone; it might be just a word of encouragement to ease depression or showing concern to make them not to feel inferior, that someone actually care about them, many are passing through one challenges or the other and they might not come out unless you show that you actually care. 
You need to be of concern of one another, applaud each other effort, acknowledge each other successes, and encourage them in pursuits. When we all help one another, everybody wins. We are living in a self-serving. Self-centered, and self-obsessed modern day rush-rush society filled with negativity and constant tearing down of others. 
If you want to really differentiate yourself in this world, be people-oriented and start to focus on building others up especially amidst the people of God. We all need someone who will can actually trust and confide in, someone to pray with us, someone that has the light of Jehovah in him/her and ready to make effort to illuminate it on others, someone that’s ready to bring people to the trueness of God just like that virtuous elderly woman in the movie title ‘War Room’. 
Being created as relational beings, it’s our greatest privilege to enjoy companionship with the people who truly matter in our lives and to create one with those that aren’t yet; Even if they didn’t get attached to you or talk to you, say hi to someone with a smile, let the love of God through our Lord Jesus Christ be of evidence to all. Make sure you handle a project of that brother or sister; how can we then be a source of encouragement to our friends, family, neighbors, colleagues, love ones and church member today? You can start by being of the following character:
o   Esteem others higher: Have high regards, great respect and favourable thoughts of the people in your circle of trust and influence.
o   Be wise in your speech: communicate more effectively by thinking before you speak. If there’s a word that’s more appropriate in a conversation, use it. Start with praise. Never confront others, instead point out on how both of you can make things better. Speak at the same level as your audience; giving them due respect. There’s no need to come in with an authoritarian voice to get your message heard.
o   Be encouraging: encouragement is an expression and assurance of one’s hope and future in words, presence and sincerity.
o   Be quick to forgive: when others make a mistake, be quick to forgive and forget, releasing them from guilt and shame that take root in one’s heart when not dealt with over time.
o   Be understanding: wisdom and understanding go hand in hand. Understanding starts by being an active listener (not planning reply as one is speaking), ask intelligently questions to gain further insights and being accepting of what the speaker is sharing. Then answer without condemning or don’t answer at all and decide to just give a listening ear.
o   Zero gossip: keep others secrets. Never speak stuff that causes unnecessary hurt to others by speaking unclaimed rumors behind their back.
o   Share knowledge: find an article or book that’s useful; share it with your friends. Some people tend to discover their sense of responsibility through the knowledge that subdue their ignorance and by it become someone in life.
o   Stay humble: humility and maturity are synonymous. A dignified person accomplishes much, but brag little. They are secure in their standing without needing to make noise, often treating everyone with tremendous respect, regardless of position.
o   Be positive: positive thinking goes beyond having the drive and motivation for personal success. Positive thinking is explicit, definite and outspoken. It’s contagious. Build up people around you with positivity, allowing them to be open for better things to come.
o   Love: love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it’s not proud, it’s not rude, it’s not self-seeking, and it’s not easily angered. It keeps no record of wrongs…. (1Cor. 13); Building up a person with the above mentioned character is only made effective when done together with love. Care for people around you how you would want to be cared for. Build up one another how you would like to be inspired. As a result, you will move up to a whole new level of breakthroughs in life.
We are born to be great, love, to impact and build up each other; not to hate, envy or got jealous of one another, we are distinct and unique in our own different way with different purpose. You that think you are strong enough to build someone but still struggle in life because you never allow the right people in or you never built out the hidden talent inside a person through good relationship that may later work for you unexpectedly. 
That sister or brother that’s in the same church, school, office with you is planning suicide, he/she is falling and failing with no one to build her faith or says words of encouragement to him/her. Don’t be rigid and self-centered, cloth yourself with garment of Christ in meekness and humility, be friendly and build someone. I hope this article has been of help, be good and enjoy your life in Christ. Shalom!!!!!
By: Modupe Mochiah

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