Sunday 30 October 2016


Episode 4

“The same way you allowed my blood to be shed this night daddy. You exposed me to evil because of your alcoholic pride. See, what has happened to me.” I said, looking back to face him scornfully.
“I am doing this for your good” he said again but I turned back sharply again and hit the shelf with a great bang. The pain rang in my brain. But my mouth wasn’t numb yet!
“You are doing it for yourself sir! For your pride! For your good! What would your colleagues say? What about the mass media? So, let’s cover it up. Isn’t it?” I hit the shelf again.
I hurt my hand but the look on Edward’s face showed there was more to it. Then, I looked at it and saw blood gushing out of it. I smiled devilishly.
“Is it this bleeding alone you see Edward? Is this the only one you see?” I cried as I pulled at his clothes. He didn’t struggle with me. He didn’t cry. He didn’t look at my face.
“My hymen bled today. My heart is bleeding now. Those don’t matter to you? Edward, it’s this wound that matters?” I cried again, hitting him with my wounded hand and staining his clothes in the process.
“I am sorry” he said regrettably and I wanted the whole world to come to a standstill.
Sorry? For what? What can sorry do in this situation?

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