Sunday 30 October 2016


Episode 3

This episode is dedicated mainly to the ladies, a lot to learn and a lot to learn as a guy in decisions making also.

Edward stood arms akimbo at the window side, tears on his face. Sweat also laced his face in beads and he shook his head rhythmically. My Dad on the other hand was seated on a cushion, his head buried in his cupped hands. His legs danced to no song in particular. I was on the bare bed as I had removed the bedspread in a bid to hide my shame. My mum was beside me, tears on her face. She kept on slapping and punching her laps as she shook her head in deep regret. My sisters, Emerald and Ruby were pacing to and fro the room, their hands on their head as they bit their tongues in anger. Edward cleared his throat and everyone looked at him. His eyes were closed tightly and his lips were pursed. He ‘unpursed" them and spoke. "So, what else?” he asked and everyone looked clueless.

My heart was beating furiously as if it was going to fall off its cage.My dad stood up and adjusted his 'buba'. “Well, my son, I have personally handled the head of the gang and he would be charged to court soon” he said and Edward faced him.“I am not asking about that sir” Edward said as he avoided my earnest eyes. "So, what are you
asking about my son?” my mother asked and Edward stood straight, looked at me briefly and away. “What are you going to do to your daughter?” he asked and my heart broke finally. I started panting silently as my throat felt so dry
immediately. What is going to happen to me? Now, I have become their daughter shae? No more his princess? “Which daughter?” my mum asked, standing defiantly, walking towards him. My sisters stopped in their tracks and faced my mum sharply. "Mum, please take some chill pills ma. Let him land first” Ruby said in a way that I looked up in pain.
What kind of a thing have I put
my family into? Has it now become a fight? God have mercy! "No problem Edward. We shall go ahead with the ceremony tomorrow” my dad said and Edward chuckled, his eyebrows arched. He wiped his face, sniffed and then rubbed his hands together. Hmmm... “Ma and sir, with all due respect,

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