Wednesday 10 August 2016


(Silvia and her husband are still discussing, thinking about what to do...)

ANDY : now the thing is that those kids sure can't stage a perfect murder, there will be lapses somewhere...
SILVIA : that's true.
ANDY : for example, Andrew's semen may be on that girl's body, if they have to do a good autopsy they'll find out.
SILVIA : hmm..that's true...I know Abike wouldn't have money for such a lawyer that will know what to do. It is only the Achibong's lawyer that can do that.
ANDY : and he can propose it to them. We really have to do something fast.
SILVIA : even finger prints...
ANDY : you know what, we need to take all the necessary precautions.
SILVIA : I'm sure the Archibongs will want to get a lawyer.
ANDY : that's true...(Thinks for a while)..... Wait a minute... their own lawyer may be the one to end up finding those things out....
SILVIA : you think so?
ANDY : of course, he'll want to have enough evidence to nail the killer.
SILVA : that's true.....(Thinking) what do you think we can do?
ANDY : (pacing)....whatever manipulation we want to do can not be done from the girl's family, they will want justice. It can only be done through some other process....(Thinking).....we have to think of what to do?
SILVIA : and fast. My son can't go to jail....
ANDY : he won't...he can't. He's just....(Then something comes to his thoughts)....wait! Andrew is just sixteen right?
SILVIA : yes.
ANDY : and the other boy?
SILVIA : you mean Ken?
ANDY : no, the cook's son.
SILVIA : oh, he should be about the same age with Andrew...
ANDY : I should find out what will happen if the boy is found guilty, we may be able to do something from there....(Pacing)
SILVIA : okay. Who will you call?
ANDY : before that, let's show the girl's family our full cooperation.
SILVIA : yes we should go and see them.
ANDY : they'll be grieving now. Let's go.
SILVIA : let's just have breakfast and then go....
ANDY : okay.


(The news of Carol's death was on the social media before long. All the guests that came for Andrew's party had taken pictures with their phone and all the ex-students of Atlantic College got the news.

Susan got the news on her BBM and got in touch with Bukola the following morning...)

BUKOLA : (talking to Susan on the phone)...but how did it happen?
CALLER : I don't know exactly...
BUKOLA : (cuts in) come? Were you not there?
CALLER : no I wasn't. I didn't go.
BUKOLA : thought you and Carol were suppose to go together?
CALLER : yes, but she called and said she'll be going earlier. Her Dad's driver was going to drop her.
BUKOLA : hmm....being a saturday most of the drivers would not be at work.
CALLER : yes, so I couldn't go. All our driver's too were off.
BUKOLA : but is she really dead?
CALLER : I've tried calling her line but its switched off.
BUKOLA : oh my God....
CALLER : and Jide is the culprit.
BUKOLA : but that's not possible...Jide couldn't have done such a thing.
CALLER : they said they found him lying beside Carol's body unconscious with the knife that was used to stab her.
BUKOLA : oh my where's Jide now?
CALLER : I don't know. Although they said before the guests were discharged Carol's Dad had called for the police.
BUKOLA : oh my God....I hope Jide was taken by the police...
CALLER : can't really say...and Joe said something...
BUKOLA : what?
CALLER : he said Carol was last seen with Andrew, that they noticed he was angry because Carol kept dancing with all the guys at the party.
BUKOLA : so do you think Andrew had something to do with it?
CALLER : from the way Joe talked, I really think so.
BUKOLA : I have to tell my Mum...
CALLER : okay. We'll talk later.
BUKOLA : yeah...bye...(She hangs up and goes to her Mother to tell her everything)


(Meanwhile after talking with his parents, Andrew got back to his room and puts a call through to Ken....)

ANDREW : hello Ken...
RECEIVER : hey Drew...high time you called? How far? Are your folks back?
ANDREW : yes, they came back this morning.
RECEIVER : and what did they say?
ANDREW : they knew I did it.
RECEIVER : what? How did they know?
ANDREW : you know Mum nau....she just got me somehow.
RECEIVER : so what did they say?
ANDREW : asked who else knew and I told them you...
RECEIVER : you did what? What the hell is wrong with you...
ANDREW : (cuts in)...hey I told them you helped me with the cover up.
RECEIVER : and what did they say?
ANDREW : they were grateful you did.
RECEIVER : (surprised)...really?
ANDREW : yeah.
RECEIVER : so apart from them, does anyone suspect anything?
ANDREW : nope. Everything is fine.
RECEIVER : so no one suspected you right?
ANDREW : except Mum and Dad, no one else. And you know Mum and Dad won't even report their only son to the police...
RECEIVER : yeah...
ANDREW : they covered it up mehn, just like you did...
RECEIVER : so we did a good job, right?
ANDREW : you can bet.
RECEIVER : I heard they took the church rat as the culprit....(Laughs)
ANDREW : haha...I thought you knew? Were you not there?
RECEIVER : I left while they were busy looking for Carol.
ANDREW : hmm...bad boy.
RECEIVER : if I'm around I may end up messing up somehow so I left.
ANDREW : hmm...too bad...
RECEIVER : so we finally had our vengeance on him.
ANDREW : you can say that again. We didn't get him in the UK, we finally got him here...
RECEIVER : without planning it o. The one we planned didn't work out...
ANDREW : the one we didn't plan ended up being the best plan.
RECEIVER : wait, I hope there are no hidden camera in your house o...(Laughs)
ANDREW : (laughs)....when are you coming over?
RECEIVER : may be tomorrow....the news of Carol's death is everywhere on our school page. Some people even posted the pictures they took.
ANDREW : I'll check it out once I drop this call....Ken?
ANDREW : I still kind of feel bad for killing her you know...
RECEIVER : hmm....I know. Sorry....
ANDREW : (snapping out of it)...alright we'll see tomorrow.
RECEIVER : alright then. Later.
ANDREW : yeah bye....(He hangs up)


(The cell where Jide was kept is one you can call a pig sty. The whole place is smelly and dirty. At first, he stood holding the burglary, after a sometime when his legs started aching, he sits on the floor still crying.

He remembers all that had happened the previous night. How Ken had called him to come and help Andrew. Now it all became clear: the blood he had seen on Andrew's hands, it must have been Carol's. He knew he has been implicated. He remembered how he had felt awkward about coming to the Silva's house the previous morning. Now he wished he could turn back the hands of time.

Jide cried his eyes out while in the prison cell. He could not sleep as he kept wishing this calamity was all a dream and that he would wake up and laugh it all off and be more careful next time.

But as time went by, he realizes what has befallen him. He kept to himself, thinking about what will happen next. He wished for a miracle, one that can be compared to a rain during a drought in the desert. He wished for a turn around.

Early the next morning, Abike brought him some food but he has no appetite as himself and his mother cry their eyes out. She begs him to eat something....)

ABIKE : please my son, eat some food. I don't like seeing you here, yes, but you still have to eat.
JIDE : I'm not hungry Mummy. How can I eat? I want to leave this place. I don't belong here because I've done nothing wrong....(Crying)
ABIKE : my son...(Crying)...I know. They said we should go and get a lawyer. If not that today is sunday, I would have gone to look for a lawyer. I will go and look for one first thing tomorrow morning.
JIDE : how is Daddy?
ABIKE : he's fine.
JIDE : did you tell him I did nothing wrong.
ABIKE : your father knows you're innocent....
JIDE : mummy, why is this happening to me? What have I done wrong? Why?....(Crying)
ABIKE : Jide, my God will deliver you....(Crying)....its okay my son, please eat your food.
JIDE : I'm not hungry...I just want to go home. Look at all my body, mosquitoes battered me all through the night. They collected my trouser and my shirt, it was only my boxer that's left on me. Mummy, the whole place is smelly and dirty, there's no bed, no mat. Urine is everywhere, smelling...(Crying)..mummy, I just want to go home.
ABIKE : (crying)....Jide, my son, you will go home...
JIDE : (cleaning his eyes for a while)....mummy
ABIKE : yes my son?
JIDE : after they brought me here, they didn't take Ken or Andrew?
ABIKE : (shaking her head)
JIDE : they didn't ask of them? I mean they didn't even ask them about what I said?
ABIKE : I'm sure they will still do that, because you didn't do anything.
JIDE : (he starts crying again)....mummy, those boys want to implicate me. They were the ones that raped and killed that girl, they just made it look like it was me.
ABIKE : my God will fight for you my son, I know that.
JIDE : mummy...
ABIKE : hmm?
JIDE : will I ever get out of this?
ABIKE : you will. By the grace of God you will.
(Both mother and son continue crying until the policemen sent Abike away.)


(Andy and Silvia went to the Achibong's house. The family is mourning their only daughter. Some of Sandra's friends had come over to comfort her. When she saw Silvia she stood up and went towards her....)

SANDRA : look what you have done to my daughter! If you had not left the house she wouldn't have died. Now I have no daughter anymore. My Carol has gone!....(Crying)
SILVIA : I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to, please accept my condolences, please.
ANDY : Madam, please, we're very sorry. Please.
SANDRA : my Carol is gone! If I had known I wouldn't have allowed her go to that party. I wouldn't have allowed her see, she's no more.
JACOBS : (looking up at Silvia)...that was very careless of you! You organized a party for adolescents only for you to leave them to mess around, now look what you've caused. My daughter had to be the scapegoat...
ANDY : please I'm sorry...accept my condolences.
SILVIA : accept my condolences Mr Achibong.
(After sitting and comforting them for a while, Silvia and her husband left.)


(The following day, being a monday, very early in the morning, Abike went out to look for a lawyer. She went to the magistrate court nearest to them, met with some of the stall owners around there and she was directed to Sunkanmi Alder, a young man in his early thirties. Sukanmi, popularly called SK by his friends is a lawyer who is not lucky enough to be employed by any chamber around, he sticks around the magistrate court, doing the work of a charge and bail lawyer when it comes. Sometimes he would help out as a property lawyer but this doesn't pay his bills. He wanted more in life. Himself and his friend Tade were able to rent one of the shop built beside the court, making it their own small chamber. People who have court cases, who cannot afford expensive lawyers come to them and they would take up their cases, charging the little their clients can afford.

SK had just opened their supposed office when Abike walked up to him...)

ABIKE : sir, someone said I should come and meet you.
SK : how can I help you madam?...(looking at the rough looking woman standing beside him)....
ABIKE : I need a lawyer sir. My son is in prison and he is innocent.
SK : (chuckles)....of course, even a criminal will claim innocence...
ABIKE : (not understanding totally what he meant) I don't know if you can help us.
SK : I'm a lawyer. Let's sit down there so you can tell me what really happened.
(They both sat down and Abike explains everything to him...)
ABIKE : please my son has to leave that prison, the place is not good at all.
SK : too bad your son can't leave. The case is a serious one. Rape and murder...
ABIKE : (cuts in)...but he wasn't the one that did it....
SK : well he's the only suspect, so he can't be bailed....wait, how old is he?
ABIKE : he's sixteen years old.
SK : oh..that's "juve"
ABIKE : ehn?
SK : you can't now you want me to help you....
ABIKE : yes sir.
SK : hmm...the incident happened on saturday, right?
ABIKE : yes.
SK : hmm....(Thinking)...all the proof we have will be in that room....what of the murder weapon?
ABIKE : ehn? What?
SK : the murder weapon...
ABIKE : mother weapon?
SK : (seeing she doesn't understand) what was used to kill the girl.
ABIKE : oh...its a knife o.
SK : you know who took it?
ABIKE : haa, I don't know o, may be its the police or Oga Musa.
SK : hmm...alright. I will take up the case. I'll follow you to the station to talk to your son and will know what else to do from there...
ABIKE : thank you sir. God bless you
SK : yes God will bless me but I'm not doing it for free...
ABIKE : ehn I know sir.
SK : let's go to the station...
ABIKE : ehn what is your name sir?
SK : I'm Sunkanmi Alder.
ABIKE : okay sir.


(Sunkanmi and Abike decides to go and see Jide at the police station. When they got there, Jide was a little calm as his mother introduces him to the lawyer who in turn questions him.

Jide explains everything to Sunkanmi and he takes down the notes...)

SK : so after explaining everything to the security personnel they didn't call the Andrew to ask him?
JIDE : no.
SK : what of the other boy, what's his name again?
JIDE : Ken.
SK : yes Ken, where was he when you woke up, did you see him?
JIDE : I didn't see anyone of them. Although, the security men discharged everyone that came for the party, so maybe he went home too.
SK : so from the way I perceived all this, it seems you were framed.
JIDE : I think so too sir. Because I wasn't even at the party.
SK : but why would they frame you? What for? You all are still kids and I can't see why there should be enmity between you....
JIDE : they've always being against me in school. And then, I've seen Andrew once before forcing one of the worker's girls into that same room. He was trying to kiss the girl but she refused him so she ran away when I intervened.
SK : hmm....(Taking notes)... You said you went to the same school?
JIDE : yes. I was given a scholarship by our proprietress.
SK : I see... What's their full names?
JIDE : Andrew Silva and Ken Omajuyi
SK : Andrew Silva..(Writing the names down)....and Ken.....(The name rings a bell) said Ken Omajuyi?
JIDE : yes sir.
SK : hope its it can't be... Give me the address...
JIDE : number 28-32 Hollanda crescent Lekki phase 1.
SK : Lekki...(Still writing on his note pad)...okay. What of the girl what's her name?
JIDE : Carol.
SK : Caro What?
JIDE : its Carol, not Caro. Carol Achibong.
SK : what of her parents?....oh never mind, I'll get all that from the police....I'll work on it and get back to you.
JIDE : thank you sir.
SK : you're lucky its a juvenile case, if not, you'll be looking at a very delicate case....(Putting his note pad inside his bag) to Abike)...Madam let's go, you know you've not paid my consultation fee. I'll let you know your fees.
ABIKE : okay sir...(Bades her son goodbye and follows the lawyer.)


(Meanwhile, Jacobs had come to the police station earlier to make his own report. He came with his lawyer, Charles Unigbe. After making their report the lawyer followed him home to ask Sandra some questions.

Some of the teachers in Atlantic College including the proprietress had heard about the incident. Some of them were around when the lawyer came...)

CHARLES : ma, I'm really sorry about your daughter.
SANDRA : thank you.
CHARLES : I need some information about the case. I know you're not in the right frame of mind for interrogations but...
SANDRA : (cuts in)don't worry, I'll answer you.
CHARLES : okay...(Looking at the guests)....can we go some where so I can ask you some questions?
SANDRA : why not ask me here. Please ask me here.
CHARLES : okay...(He adjusts on his seat)...the boy in question, does he have any kind of relations with your daughter even before now?
SANDRA : look, that boy is a no good. Ever since I saw him in my daughter's school, I knew there's nothing good about him. He's a social climber who just got the opportunity to be in a rich man's school. And what do you expect? When a nobody schools among people who are influential, he's prone to be jealous of them.
CHARLES : did you notice any kind of quarrel or argument between them when they were in school?
SANDRA : look, what I know is, he will hate my daughter because I was the first parent to say they should remove him from that school...(she turns to some of the teachers and the proprietress that are seated there)....I told you people to send that boy away, you didn't! Now look, look what he has done to me!
CHARLES : oh you were the one that proposed it?
SANDRA : yes it was me. And I'm sure that's the reason why he did this to my daughter.
CHARLES : hmmm....(Noting down all the points)....I see...(Turns to the husband)...sir, we need the evidence that she was raped.
JACOBS : what other evidence? When I saw her she was half naked. The dress she wore, was pulled half way and she had no undies on....definitely she was raped....
CHARLES : sir, em....if the dress is available, were there traces of semen on it...
JACOBS : (cuts in)....I'll bring the dress....(He goes inside and brings out Carol's dress spreading it out to him. Some of the guests tries to withhold the smell of blood on the dress)
SANDRA : (seeing the dress)....but that's not the dress she wore when she was going. That's not what she wore...
JACOBS : (ignores his wife)...this is the dress.
CHARLES : sir, Madam just said....
JACOBS : (cuts in)...this was the dress that was found on her....I even forgot her shoes. Her shoes will still be there.
CHARLES : sir, I'll still have to go to the place. We can go together and get her shoes back from there. (Turns to Sandra)...madam, the dress, is it hers?
SANDRA : (looking at the dress very well)...yes, its her dress...but...(confused about the dress)....
JACOBS : how do we check if there's semen on it?
CHARLES : sir....please pardon what I want to say....but is it possible for a test to be carried out on her, just to prove that it was a forced entry.
JACOBS : I wouldn't want my daughter's body to be mutilated. Her body won't go through another round of mal-treatment after what I saw at the morgue....
CHARLES : sir, its necessary for the case. If the other boy should get a good lawyer and we don't have enough proof that she was "raped" he may say the sex was of a mutual agreement if we don't have enough proof, thereby removing the rape accusation, leaving us with murder only. Moreover, her body won't be mutilated, they'll just check her vagina for any proof of forced entry.
JACOBS : hmm...(Thinking about it)...okay. We can do it.
CHARLES : alright sir.
SANDRA : lawyer...
CHARLES : yes ma'am?
SANDRA : please that boy must not go unpunished. He must suffer for what he did to my daughter.
CHARLES : I will try everything possible ma'am.

To be continued...

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