Wednesday 10 August 2016


(Abike is till looking for Jide, she had walked around the compound checking if Jide is one of those looking for Carol. After a while, she saw all of them walking towards the boys quarters. She wondered why and decided to go and see what's going on.

Meanwhile, Jide woke up feeling a pain at the back of his neck. He opened his eyes and saw people standing around looking at him. Then he saw the girl full of blood and a man holding her. Before he could try recalling what may be going on, Jacobs puts Carol down gently and comes towards Jide, grabs him by his shirt and gives him a hard blow on his face...)

JACOBS : you bastard!...(With tears in his eyes) son of a bitch, I'll kill you for this!...(Gives Jide another blow) dare you!
JIDE : arrgh! What did I do?....(crying trying to understand what's going on)...
JACOBS : you're still asking me?...(He grabs Jide again and gives him another blow)
JIDE : ... arrrgh....I don't know what you're talking about sir...(looking at all those around staring at him)... I didn't do anything....

(Then Abike walks into the scene and sees her son being beaten up...)

ABIKE : (going to hold her son)....why are you beating him like that what has he done?...(Looking at all those standing, she sees Carol's body)....oh my God! Is this not the girl we're looking for? she dead? What happened to her?
(The head of Security tries holding Jacobs from beating up Jide more...)
SEC 1 : sir, take it easy.
JACOBS : take what easy? This bastard raped and killed my daughter and you're telling me to take it easy?
JIDE : (he was shocked at what he is being accused of)...haa! I did not o!
JACOBS : (looks at his driver)...someone should get the police down here.
ABIKE : haa!...(shocked at what Jacobs just said) son can never do that...(Crying)
JIDE : (turns to the Security head) I didn't do anything, I just came to help Andrew when Ken called me and that was all I remember.
SEC : (was surprised, he remembers someone had said they saw Andrew with Carol and Ken had said its not so, he smelt a fowl play. He quickly thinks of what to do)....em...(Turns to the party guests)...please, everyone, with the situation of things, everyone, please go back to your house. (He gives a signal to the other Security personnel to discharge all the guests, apart from Abike and Jide, only, Jacobs and Sunday stood behind, waiting for the police.
JIDE : please, I didn't do anything...(Crying)
ABIKE : please he didn't do anything. I only told him to come and throw the dirty away....(Crying) my son can not rape a woman.....please sir.
JACOBS : (looking at Jide) must be out of your mind! You'll sure pay for what you've done....(Turns to Sunday, please go to the gate and wait for the police, direct them here)
SUNDAY : yes sir (he leaves for the gate)
ABIKE : (kneels down)...haa, please sir, have mercy, my son is not a killer....please don't take him to police please...(Crying profusely while holding Jide)
JACOBS : (he goes back to Carol's body and holds her in his hands crying, trying to cover some other parts of her body very well even though the dress she wore is elastic in nature)...its okay dear, I'll make sure the bastard that did this to you doesn't go unpunished.
(Meanwhile Abike keeps questioning Jide...)
ABIKE : Jide, what really happened?
JIDE : Mummy, after I threw the garbage away, Ken, Andrew's friend called me that Andrew got himself wounded and that I should come and help so that we can take him to the hospital...(Crying) I came here, then they were outside there at the entrance. When I got there, I saw Andrew with blood in his hands so I felt he was bleeding, as I tried to check where he got himself wounded I felt a sharp pain at the back of my head and that was all I remembered.
(Abike turns to Jacobs who keeps ignoring the calls on his phone)
ABIKE : (pleading with Jacobs while crying) oga, have you heard my son, he didn't do anything...please...

(Jacobs did not reply. Meanwhile almost all the party guests are gone.

The security head walks to a corner of the compound and puts a call through to Silvia...)

SEC 1 : hello ma...
RECEIVER : hello, Musa have you found the girl?
MUSA : ma, there's a big problem ma.
RECEIVER : what is it again?
MUSA : the girl is dead...
RECEIVER : (shocked)...what! What do you mean she's dead? How come?
MUSA : ma, its a delicate issue ma.
RECEIVER : what of my son, hope he's okay? Hope nothing happened to my son?
MUSA : no ma. But it seems he may be involved somehow...
RECEIVER : Jesus! What do you mean? How?
MUSA : ma, although we found someone beside the girl's dead body but, those that saw the girl last, saw her with Andrew before she died. Infact she was raped...
RECEIVER : what!....wait....I don't understand what you're saying. Are you saying....what are you saying exactly?
MUSA : ma. We found the cook's son unconscious beside the girl's body....
RECEIVER : then why are you saying my son may be involved?
MUSA : because....because...
RECEIVER : wait! Are you saying my son is a murderer?
MUSA : ma...what I'm saying is that, people may be suspecting a fowl play or...
RECEIVER : (cuts in)...what do you mean by fowl play? What fowl play? Where's my son?
MUSA : he's in his room sleeping ma.
RECEIVER : oh oh, so why are you trying to implicate my son Musa?
MUSA : no o, its not that ma...
RECEIVER : (cuts in)...I will sure tell the Minister about this...
MUSA : no o, please ma! Please ma, don't miss understand me, I was just telling you what's going on today so that you will know how to protect Andrew from the police ma.
RECEIVER : you better do.
MUSA : yes ma. I just wanted to tell you the situation of things here. I will take care of everything.
RECEIVER : have you told the girl's parents?
MUSA : the girl's father is here already. He has already called the police.
RECEIVER : okay, make sure nothing happens to my son.
MUSA : yes ma. I will make sure everything go on fine.
RECEIVER : good. My husband and I will be there as soon as we can.
MUSA : okay ma....(He hangs up)....chai! See how poor man dey suffer, and this Jide na very good boy, compared to that useless, pompous Andrew...I'm sure he was the one that messed that girl up...(Thinking)....what do I do now? There's no way I can help this boy....if I do, I will loose my job.....(He looks at Abike from a distance)...and this poor woman, who has been so nice to us, always giving us food with big-big meat....(Looks at Jacobs)....and this man, he will make sure he deals with Jide o...(Then he hears the sound of the police car, entering into the compound)...ha, the police is here o....there's nothing I can do....

(He goes back to the room, where Jide and his mother are still crying profusely, begging Jacobs who refuses to hear them.

The policemen walks into the room seeing what happened....)

P1 : can someone explain to us what happened here?
JACOBS : you should ask that bastard there....(Pointing at Jide)...he raped and killed my daughter...
P1 : is she confirmed dead?
MUSA : she's dead.
P1 : (turns to Musa who just got in)...who are you sir?
MUSA : I'm Musa Almah the head of security here and this is the house of Andy Silva, the Minister for petroleum and gas.
P1 : (surprised)....oh...(Now turns to Musa)....please you have to follow us to the station to make a report.
MUSA : okay...I'll come tomorrow, I can't leave this place now.
P1 : (turns to Jide)....hey you! So you're a criminal, you raped and killed an innocent girl, ehn?
JIDE : no sir....(Crying) wasn't me. I don't know anything about it....I was not with them, I didn't even know she was here.
ABIKE : please he's innocent..(Crying, while holding Jide tight)
P1 : and who is the woman?..(Looking at Abike)
ABIKE : (crying)....I'm his mother...(Pointing at Jide)....please sir, my son is innocent. He wasn't the one that did it.
JIDE : it wasn't me....(Holding his mother)
(As they were talking, the policemen took hold of Jide and drag him out of the room, towards their van...)
ABIKE : (crying and following them)...please don't take my son, he's innocent...please...(trying to pull Jide by his hand)
JIDE : mummy please don't let them take me, I didn't do anything. I didn't do anything...(Crying, trying to hold his mother as the policemen drag him into the van)
JACOBS : (turns to the policeman that led the team there)...please, can I take my daughter to the morgue or is there anything you have to do?
P1 : yes you can...(Looking at Abike has she was hindering them from doing their work)....Madam! please go and get a lawyer
ABIKE : (crying as they push Jide into the van)...don't take my son away! Don't take him away!
(The policemen took the murder weapon in a polythene bag and takes Jide to the police station, while Jacobs took Carol's body to the morgue.

Jacobs was devastated. He had asked his driver to use his phone to take the pictures of the whole place with his daughter's body.

He could hardly leave her body in the morgue as the morticians treat Carol's body like a dead goat. He cried seeing them slamming her body here and there as they prepare the body for the cold storage room. Telling them to take it easy, they still ignore him.

After her body was kept in the cold storage room, he left for his house as Sunday drives him home in the car Jacobs brought.)


(Breaking the news to Sandra, Carol's mother, was not an easy task, she did not believe what she heard as she cried holding tight her husbands shirt. Calming her was not easy. She made Jacobs promise her he will make sure the person that raped and killed her daughter does not go unpunished.)


(At the police station, the policemen drag Jide in as he cries for help...)

P2 : shut up! Look at you crying. You know how to use that thing under you to rape a girl abi? Now you're crying mummy! Mummy! You don't know anything. By the time we finish with you, you will know.
P3 : is that what they taught you in your school? To rape and kill?
JIDE : (still crying)...Uncle please, I didn't do anything...
P4 : shut up! Who is your uncle? You liar. You didn't do anything...what would you have said before?
P2 : when you know that you want to practice with that thing, why you no go "ashawo" house?
P4 : e no get money. Na free one he want.
P3 : oya remove your clothes! Murderer...
JIDE : (crying)...I didn't do it, please believe me sir....
P3 : (cuts in)...I go slap you o! I say remove your cloth!
(Jide removes his shirt and the policemen ask him for his details..)
P3 : imagine! E never even reach eighteen years sef....
P4 : na Juve him go go.
P3 : that one na after court don sentence am. ...(Turns to Jide)....But for now, na here you go stay....Abeg Sura go lock am up.
SURA : oya...(Pushing Jide towards the cell area)...go!....(Turns back)....Azeez where make I put am?
AZEEZ : just put am inside cell 4....if we put am with those criminals, they go just use am do fan abi carpet.
SURA : (laughs and turns to Jide)...oya "vamuz"!
(They lock Jide up inside one of the almost empty cells. He couldn't stop crying. He wonders what ordeal just befell him.

Inside the cell where he was kept, some temporary detainees are there. Seeing he was crying profusely, they asked him nothing.)


(Abike gets home and wakes up her husband who is already fast asleep, telling him what had happened. He tries to comfort her...)

JAMES : don't....worry....I
ABIKE : but they have taken him to the police station...(Crying) son can't be there, we have to do something...
JAMES : we...will...have to....get a.... lawyer.
ABIKE : but we don't have money for lawyer.
JAMES : we will....get money....somehow....just go....and look....for a.... lawyer.
ABIKE : and tomorrow is sunday, they will not come to work...(Still crying) my son will stay at the police station tomorrow...
(James keeps telling her everything will be alright. That night, Abike could not sleep she kept thinking of her son and the evil that has befallen him. She could not stop wishing God would save him somehow...)

(Early the following morning, Silvia and Andy arrives home from the airport. While Andy receives an official call, Silvia goes straight to Andrew's room...)

SILVIA : (barging into the room without knocking at the door)....hey young man, stand up!
ANDREW : (rising up to look at who is disturbing his sleep)...oh Mum, its you?
SILVIA : I heard everything you did yesterday....
ANDREW : me...(Walking out of his bed)....I didn't do anything.
SILVIA : shut up! You know I've always told you that all this your behaviour won't take you anywhere good. I keep telling you....
ANDREW : I...mum....I didn't do anything.
SILVIA : shut up! Just shut up! Thank your stars you got away with this one. You're lucky no one saw you...if not, I would have made sure they take you to the station myself...
ANDREW : (becoming sober)...K...Ken did.
SILVIA : (shocked)...Ken did what?
ANDREW : he....he... knows everything.
SILVIA : what! Ken Omajuyi? The Chief Judges' son?
ANDREW : y...yes. He was the one that helped me plan how to do it?
SILVIA : (calming down)....what? He really helped you?
ANDREW : yes.
SILVIA : come, let's go to your father...(As they were coming out of Andrew's room, they saw Andy walking towards them....)
ANDY : you, come to my room now!
(They both go to Andy's room to talk....)
ANDY : what the hell happened here last night? And hey I want the truth.
ANDREW : (looks at his mother) was a mistake. She stabbed me with her shoes so it was out of anger I did it.
ANDY : I said tell me what happened exactly.
ANDREW : we were at the party so we went to the back room to....(Looks away) were there alone so, I just pushed her mistakenly and she fell down, so when she now fell down she was now angry, she now used her shoe to stab me, she even wanted to use it on my head but when I weaved it, it landed on my shoulder here...see...(Showing them his shoulder) out of anger, .....I.....I didn't know when....when I.....
ANDY : when you did what?
ANDREW : took..... the knife....(Kept quiet)
ANDY : and stabbed her right?....(Seeing that Andy couldn't say anything)....answer me!....(Stands up, pacing in the spacious room)....did anybody see you?
ANDY : what! Which Ken?
SILVIA : his friend Justice Omajuyi's son.
ANDY : oh my God...(Looks at Andrew)...and what....
SILVIA : (cuts in)...he was the one that helped him do the cover up.
ANDY : (shocked)
(Andrew explains...)
SILVIA : so they didn't call you when the policemen came?
ANDREW : no.
ANDY : so Ken knows everything?
ANDREW : yes.
ANDY : go to your room I want to talk to your mother.
ANDREW : yes sir....(He leaves for his room)
ANDY : (turns to Silvia) said the girl was raped?
SILVIA : that was what Musa said.
ANDY : so that means your son lied about it all, right?
SILVA : he lied. I've always told you, you need to be around to instill discipline on that boy but you never listened. Andrew has been trying to mess around with Dazu's daughter for sometime now.
ANDY : so are you saying he must have raped the girl?
SILVIA : what do you think he was doing with a knife?
ANDY : damn it! How do I handle this situation now?...(he leans on the table)...
SILVIA : as it is, Abike's son was indicted for it. Well, I feel guilty but I can't allow my son go to jail either.
ANDY : my only son? Definitely not. I'll give it all it takes.
SILVIA : oh well....the girl's father is furious because from what Musa said, it was obvious she was raped and killed. So someone has to pay for that crime...someone has to....

To be continued....

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