Sunday 24 July 2016



The following day when all the students were going out for sightseeing, Ken and his friends saw Carol talking to Harvey on their way into their various buses. They also saw that Bukola sat with Jide and not with her other friends, this infuriates Ken more.

Throughout the trip, Ken could only think of what to do. When they got back, they had lunch and afterwards, they (Ken, Andrew, Lucas and Amed converged in Ken's room)

KEN : I've gotten an idea on what we can do...though I still have some lapses, may be you guys can have an idea on how we can go about it.
ANDREW : tell me, and make sure you include that white boy too because I hate the fact that Carol is glued to him.
AMED : (turns to Andrew)...I saw you talking to her at the museum, what did she say?
ANDREW : she said he was asking for his novel and she told him she'll give it to him next week.
AMED : in fact from tomorrow, I'll be sitting with her during the competition....(The others laugh at him)...yes nau.
KEN : you are still lucky. Once we're out of here you have Carol back. But me, that Jide is going back with us.
ANDREW : that's true...
KEN : (thinks for a while) let's plan on what to do. The plan is incomplete so you guys have to help. Here it is...
(Together they made a plan on what to do and realized they need Carol in their plan. They called her to tell her what to do and she agreed. They set their plan in motion)


(The next day Carol and Susan decide to visit Bukola in her room. They saw her studying....)

CAROL : wow...its so nice to be in such a big room alone...
BUKOLA : its boring. I've always being sleeping in my room alone at home. Now that I have the chance to sleep in a room with a friend I was so happy...
SUSAN : and now you're back to being in your room alone...
BUKOLA : can't just wait to drop from the competition and be back with Bibi....
SUSAN : (surprised)....drop? Why would you want to drop?
BUKOLA : oh come on, you think I can go further when Jide is there?
SUSAN : hmm....that's true.
CAROL : I know Jide won't drop for you.
BUKOLA : (looks at Carol disgustingly)....why would he do that? Moreover, if he should drop for me, what made you think I'll be the final winner for English?
SUSAN : (thinks about what she just said).....that's true. Anyway, Bibi has moved to Kendra's room.
BUKOLA : I miss her....
CAROL : so what of Jide what room was he given?
BUKOLA : he said he's in Room C64.
CAROL : ...C64.
BUKOLA : (surprised she's asking about Jide's whereabouts for the first time)....why did you ask?
CAROL : oh I was just wondering.
BUKOLA : I'm sure I'll drop out from the competition, he'll be the one to continue.
CAROL : then you don't have to read anymore. Let's go, they're organizing a party on the ground floor.
BUKOLA : a party?
CAROL : yes. They said the organizers are so happy with the way the competition is going so they decided to throw a party for us all.
BUKOLA : that's nice, but I'll still like to study. At least let them know I tried my best.
CAROL : hmm....(Looks at Susan)....let's go since she's not going.
SUSAN : okay....(Standing up)
BUKOLA : you guys should have fun.
CAROL : (standing up)...oh you too, have fun reading...(Walking towards the door)....or better still creep to Jide's said he's in room C64 right? (Waits for her to confirm, but she said nothing)....Just go there, you know....
BUKOLA : hey what are you insinuating?
CAROL : (turns around to face Bukola)...nothing o.
SUSAN : don't mind her she's just pulling your legs....Bye
CAROL : Bye! See ya!
(They both leave)


(Two days later during the English competition, Andrew and Ken sat down together with Carol.

Carol makes a signal to Harvey to come over and sit with her in order to give him back the novel she borrowed. Harvey walks over to the vacant seat and sits there...)

CAROL : the novel was really interesting.
HARVEY : you through with it?
CAROL : yes I am...(bringing out the novel from her backpack)
HARVEY : alright.
CAROL : ...I couldn't get my eyes off it...(she flips through the pages)...but I'll love to read some of his this one...(Pointing at some of the titles advertised on the back page)....have you read it?
HARVEY : I've read all of them.
CAROL : wow! That's so cool...where can I get them? I want to read everything.
HARVEY : you can order for it from some stores here. Just check online.
CAROL : really?
HARVEY : yeah.
CAROL : and they'll bring it here?
HARVEY : of course...right at your door step.
CAROL : that will be so nice.
HARVEY : yeah....
CAROL : tell me a little about this one...(Pointing at a title)....looks like it will be very interesting....
HARVEY : okay, hold on (he brings out his laptop and sets it up to record the on going program. Immediately he brought the laptop out, Ken and Andrew looked at each other and smile even though Andrew was furious because Carol was chatting away with him, but he held his peace. Harvey and Carol talked till the end of the first subject and the winner was announced...)
CAROL : hmm...I knew it...
HARVEY : Ji-deh right?
CAROL : yeah...I knew he'll be one of the finalists.
HARVEY : (putting off his laptop)...yeah...he's good...
CAROL : we should congratulate him.
HARVEY : I will...(Standing up as some of his school mates called him up)
CAROL : alright. See you later.
HARVEY : yeah...(Goes to meet his friends, forgetting to collect the novel from her)
CAROL : (smiles and whispers to herself)...good job...(She waits a while till Harvey had left totally, then she turns to Ken and Andrew who had been acting like they were not interested) guys what's next?
ANDREW : put the novel on his seat and let's leave.
CAROL : haha, what if someone sees and steals it?
ANDREW : then I'll give you money to buy another one for him. After all, I heard him telling you that you can order for another one.
CAROL : (smiles)..okay. (She stands up and puts the novel on Harvey's seat)...okay let's go.
ANDREW : good, just make sure you watch out for our signal okay?
CAROL : okay.
KEN : or better still go there immediately they're coming together.
CAROL : alright.

(The three of them left for the dining. While entering into the dining Carol goes to her friends while Ken and Andrew join Lucas and Amed who are already waiting for them...)

LUCAS : guys, how's it going?
ANDREW : very well.
AMED : hope nothing will go wrong.
KEN : nothing will.
LUCAS : (smiles) you know why I'm excited about this?...because its like we're in an American movie.
AMED : exactly! They make a plan and it just works interesting.
KEN : (smiles) where's that church-rat?....(Looking around for Jide)
ANDREW : we have to make sure everything is set before they call us back from the break....(Looking around for Jide)...
AMED : I've seen him...(Trying to point)..there he is.
ANDREW : (hits Amed's hand)....stop pointing dummy. You want them to suspect we're planning something?
AMED : sorry....(Looking around to see if anyone had seen him pointing)
ANDREW : (looks at Jide as everyone was congratulating him)....hey what's Anayo doing here? Is he not suppose to be studying for his subject?
KEN : that will mess things up for us.
LUCAS : I don't think he'll stay around. He's paired with Lola for Economics and I'm sure both of them will soon go and study now...
AMED: but the competition is not in pairs anymore...
LUCAS: yes but they still study together. I guess they're into each other...(he says jockingly)...
KEN : oh my God, such a good pair! (They all stat laughing. Then they see Lola walking towards Anayo)...look, Lola is already coming to call him.
AMED : but they really have to study together, don't they?
KEN : let's just see what will happen. Our plan can still be shifted if we notice something will go wrong.
ANDREW : oh look, Anayo and Lola are going to the library already...
KEN : good! Now the church-rat will sit down and eat his food.
LUCAS : we really need to be fast, there's no time o.
ANDREW : where's that white-rat for God's sake?...(Looking around for Harvey) he not going to meet him?
AMED : he'll come around soon. He has been spending all his break with Jide for sometime now, I'm sure he will still come today....(Looking for Harvey)...there, that's him...he's walking towards him already....
KEN : good....
ANDREW : and Carol....Where's she?....(He sights her)....good, she's also paying attention.....

(Harvey walks over to Jide's table...)

HARVEY : Ji-de...congrats man...(Extending a handshake)...
JIDE : thanks.
HARVEY : how was it?
JIDE : not too bad. God took charge.
HARVEY : hmm....yeah right God...
JIDE : of course its God.
HARVEY : (looks at Jide's food)...hey you're always eating rice...don't you get tired?
JIDE : oh...that's what I can eat here. I can't eat those other dishes. I'll just puke.
HARVEY : hmm...
JIDE : so you've not finished teaching me how to use the laptop...
HARVEY : oh that's true...
(As he was about opening his bag to bring out the laptop, Carol walks up to them...)
CAROL : hi Jide...(Smiling)
JIDE : (surprised that Carol said hi)...hi
CAROL : hey Harvey, you've not given me the website at which I'll place my orders.
HARVEY : oh my, that's true....(Then he remembers the novel)...wait a minute, the novel, its still with you, right?
CAROL : oh no, I gave it to you.
HARVEY : you did...(Checks inside his backpack)...but its not here.
CAROL : oh then you must have dropped it on your seat. I saw you putting it there.
HARVEY : oh my...I should go and look for it because I won't be there for the next subject, I'll be in the library studying for geography.
CAROL : oh better go back to the hall now before someone finds and takes it away.... See you later....(Leaves for her table)
HARVEY : (turns to Jide)...please watch my bag for me. I'll be back...(He puts the backpack on his seat and leaves for the hall to take his novel)
JIDE : okay...(continues with his food.

Meanwhile, Carol gives Andrew a wink and after seeing that Harvey had left for the hall Ken and his friends, who had been watching from their table, quickly walk up to Jide.

Ken and Andrew are not with their backpacks but Lucas and Amed had their backpack, both carrying it with their hands and not on their shoulders. When they got there, they all surrounded Harvey's seat, shielding it from the eyes of the other students in the dining...)

KEN : (standing in between Jide and Harvey's backpack) hey, how are you enjoying your room? I heard you guys are now staying in a room each?
ANDREW : enjoy it while it lasts, you'll soon be back at your shack...(They both laugh)
KEN : oh well, I can see that you won the competition against Bukola today.
ANDREW : (ensuring he's blocking Jide from seeing the back pack) can't even loose this one for her. Is she not your friend?
LUCAS : (laughs from behind)...guys Amed and I are going to the loo. We'll be back.

(While Ken and Andrew were talking to Jide, Lucas had switched Harvey's backpack with his. Then himself and Amed goes into the Men's room. When they got there, they removed Harvey's laptop and put it inside Amed's backpack.

Meanwhile Ken and Andrew kept harassing Jide....)

KEN : I've always known that you are very selfish.
JIDE : but I couldn't have done anything because I didn't...
KEN : (cuts in)...enough of the pretense, I know deep down inside you, you want to win the competition. Your parents have no money to send you to the university, I know, but you should have at least lost this one, after all, you still have four more subjects.
JIDE : look, even Bukola said I should not help her out.
KEN : ain't you selfish?
ANDREW : he's very self...(Talking, at the same time looking at the men's room for Lucas and Amed to come out)....selfish. That's why....(He sees them coming out and walking towards them)
KEN : that's why I don't just like you. You're too selfish.
(Lucas and Amed left the men's room, get back to Jide's table to switch the bags back, returning Harvey's bag)
LUCAS : guys let's just leave this guy. Amed and I are going to pick something in our room. We'll be back....(He leaves with Amed and they go straight to their guide.)
ANDREW : that's true Ken let's just leave him and go.
KEN : we should leave?....(Looking at Andrew's eyes for the confirmation that what they planned is working out)
ANDREW : yes...(Winks at Ken)
KEN : okay church-rat bye....(They walk away)

(Meanwhile, Lucas goes to their guide pretending to be writhing in pain. He asks for their room key...)
GUIDE : why? Today's subjects are not over. Economics quarter final is in a few minutes....(Looking at his wristwatch)
LUCAS : yes sir...(Writhing in pain)....I know, its just that I have stomach upset, I need to lie down.
GUIDE : oh really?....(Pitying the poor boy)..are you sure you don't need to go to the clinic?
AMED : (holding Lucas)...yes sir. He's my room mate, I'll just take him there, he'll be okay after sometime.
GUIDE : alright. Take your key-card from the bag.
AMED : yes sir. Thank you sir....(Checks inside the bag containing the keys, he looks for the key-card with the number C64 on it)...I've found it.
GUIDE : alright. Get well soon.
LUCAS : thank you sir.
(Both Lucas and Amed leave for Jide's room. They entered and drop the laptop inside Jide's room and leave immediately.

Some minutes after Ken and Andrew had gone back to their seat, Harvey shows up with the novel in his hand...)

HARVEY : (sitting down)...thanks for watching my bag.
JIDE : its nothing...have you found what you went to look for?
HARVEY : yes I did. Here it is...(Showing him the novel)
JIDE : okay...
HARVEY : so...(Putting the novel in his backpack)....we were going to continue with our lecture right?
JIDE : yes...
HARVEY : (about bringing out his laptop)...good, you're done eati....Hey!.....(Searching more vigorously)....where's my laptop?
JIDE : (confused)...haha, is it not in your bag?
HARVEY : (bringing out everything inside his bag) was here before I left.....(Looks at Jide)....did you bring it out?
JIDE : no, I didn't touch your bag since you left. May be you should check well.
HARVEY : what do you mean?....(Searching the bag more) was right here just before I went to pick up the novel.
JIDE : but I didn't touch your bag!...(Feeling more agitated)...I didn't touch your bag o.
HARVEY : my laptop is missing! I know I saw it before I left here damn it!.....(He looks for his school guide and calls his attention to come over.

Meanwhile Lucas and Amed came back to their guide to drop the key....)

GUIDE : what happened? You alright already?
LUCAS : yes sir. I felt a bowel movement on our way to the room and used the toilet. Now I'm okay.
GUIDE : sure?
LUCAS : yes sir.
AMED : I'll put the key-card back inside the bag...(He quickly looks for the bag of key-cards and drops it)
GUIDE : alright.

(They leave for their seat. Ken was happy to see them...)

KEN : hope you did a good job?
LUCAS : trust us... I felt like I was acting an American movie.
ANDREW : room C64, right?
AMED : exactly!
KEN : good job guys. Now lets see how he'll get out of this...
ANDREW : (looking at Jide) me, he won't...Look, the white rat has started looking for his laptop.
LUCAS : this movie is going to be very interesting I tell you.
KEN : I'm going to sit, relax and watch it...

(Meanwhile, Harvey's school guide walks over to where Harvey and Jide are seated....)

HARVEY's GUIDE : what's the problem dude?
HARVEY : I left my bag in his care and went for my novel, now I'm back, my laptop is missing.
HARVEY's GUIDE : (turns to Jide)...what do you have to say?
JIDE : sir, I didn't see or touch any of his things. I don't know what happened.
HARVEY's GUIDE : (turns to Harvey) are you sure the laptop was in the bag?
HARVEY : yes I'm sure. I was about bringing it out when I noticed I forgot my novel in the hall, so I went for my novel.
HARVEY's GUIDE : (turns to Jide)...did you see the laptop with him?
JIDE : no I didn't.
HARVEY : but I'm sure it was there, in my bag...
HARVEY's GUIDE : so what happened to it?....(Turns to Jide) did you take his laptop?
JIDE : no I didn't. I was here throughout.
HARVEY's GUIDE : I have to report this....(Turns to Jide).....where's your guide?
JIDE : (looks around for his guide)....he's over there...(Pointing at his school Guide)
HARVEY's GUIDE : (facing Jide's guide)...hey Mark! Come over here please!
(Mark walks over to the place)
MARK : (walking over)...Hey Sly, what's up?
SLY : there seem to be a problem....(He explains to Mark what happened and Mark questions Harvey and Mark again)
MARK : have you checked both backpacks very well?
SLY : nope. Let's do.
(The two guides check Jide's backpack and Harvey's backpack but found nothing)
MARK : (turns to Jide)...this is theft. A serious offense during a competition like this...
JIDE : but I didn't take his laptop.
MARK : who did then? He left his bag in your care.
JIDE : (close to tears)...yes, but I didn't touch it.
MARK : (whispers to Sly)...we have to report this to the Director. The boy, he's know how they can be, right?
SLY : that's're right...(Looks at Jide and Harvey, we'll report the case to the management and a search will be conducted immediately....
MARK : (looks at his wristwatch)... The next subject is in three minutes, let's go.
SLY : you two are coming with us...(Turns to Jide)hey you...
JIDE : sir?
SLY : you taking the next subject?
JIDE : no sir.
SLY : good let's go.

To be continued...

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