Sunday 24 July 2016


Chapter 5

Friday came and all the students were happy to be on such a trip. They had not had a group trip for the past two years and had been looking forward to one.
The school had given strict instructions that students should be in the school by 3pm latest or forget about coming for the competition. They had also been given instructions on what they are to bring along.
By 2p.m, students started arriving the school. Parents dropped some while, drivers dropped the others and returned to their bosses.
The students walked in happily, hugging and embracing each other. They were told that a bus had being made available to take them to the airport.
Before 3pm, approximately a quarter to three, all the students were already in the bus looking at the time, wishing it could be three already so that they can start going to the airport.

Bukola, Bibi, Susan and Carol sat down together, eagerly waiting for the trip to kick off. “I wish Jide could join us on this trip.” Bukola tells her friends.
“Hmm, too bad.”  Susan replies her.
“For God’s sake what is it with you and this Jide boy?” says Carol.
“Haha, is he not our friend? Its normal for us to wish he was here.”
“Oh no, please. He is your friend…” Carols assures Susan while pointing at her and Bukola, “…not mine, okay” she said and looks at her wristwatch.
“Please don’t mind her Suz.” Bukola tells Susan. “I know we would do better in the competition with Jide.”
“That’s true.” Bibi said.
“I just can’t want to be in London with my boyfriend.” Carol changes the topic after sighing, feeling extremely excited.
“Hmm, your boyfriend.” Susan adds mockingly.
“One of the school’s Bully you mean.” Bukola tells her, looking away towards the window.
“Whatever.” Says Carol. Trying to ignore Bukola’s words. “I like him that way.”
“And I’m sure you can’t wait to make out at corners when you get to the hotel, right?” Bibi asks rhetorically.
“So? Is it my fault that your boyfriend is not in our school?” Carol taunts her. “Please don’t be jealous.”
“Who is jealous of you?” Bibi chuckles and sits up. “Please, I can never be jealous of someone who is dating Andrew because he’s not my type. Get it?” Bibi tells Carol, looking at her seriously.
“Imagine, Andrew of all people? Oh please…” Bukola says and looks at her wristwatch. “Wow, its seven minutes past three and we are not moving yet.” She looks out the window and saw some of the teachers still standing.
“That’s true.” Carol says, looking at her watch. “What is the problem? I hope they are not going to cancel?”
“Look at the way Mr. Chris is behaving, he looks like they are waiting for someone.” Bukola tells them while pointing at two of the teachers who seem to be expecting someone to come in through the gate.
The students who heard what she said look out at the teachers. “I think you’re right.” Bibi tells her. “They seem to be waiting for someone.” She said, still looking at the school gate.
“Susan who could they be waiting for?”
“I’m sure another teacher is following us, apart from Mr. Chris and Mr. Fola.” Lolade, another student assures them.
“I think Lolade is right.” Said Bibi.
“They should not waste our time. Look, it’s almost 3:30pm. When do we get to the airport and start checking in?” Carol says angrily.

Meanwhile, Andrew and Ken are also feeling the same way the girls are; anxious to get to their destination.
“They had better not cancelled this trip because I’ll be so mad!” Andrew tells his friends.
“I swear to God, I was looking forward to this trip so I can use it to get close to Bukola.” Ken tells his friend, hoping not to lose the opportunity to hatch his plans.
“I believe they are waiting for someone.” Observant Lucas tells them.
“But who the hell is it? I mean look at the time.” Andrew says looking at his wristwatch again.
“It should be someone important. May be the person who has our visa and tickets.” Ken tells them while nodding.
“May be its the proprietress? I’m sure it’s the proprietress.” Amed says still looking at the gate.

While all the students were busy thinking of why they are being delayed, Jide walks into the school. Bukola was the first to see him walking in. “wait a minute.” She stands up from her seat and shouts, “Yes!” I knew Jide will come with us. When others heard her they were marveled. Susan could not hide her amazement as she stands up, “could that be possible?” she said looking at where Jide is headed.
Meanwhile Andrew and Ken who had looked away from the gate returned their gaze, “What is that church rat doing here?” Ken says winking at Jide through the window.
Andrew looks at the direction Ken is talking about, “why is he dressed up in the school uniform?”
“Oh come on, normal school continues remember?” says Ken mockingly.
Andrew turns to Ken, giving him the reply he deserves “How can he be coming for normal school at 3:30pm dummy?”
“That’s true.” Ken says realizing he had being quite foolish. “But why do you think he’s here?”
“How am I supposed to know?” Andrew answers him with a disgusting look.

Meanwhile Jide runs towards Mr. Chris and Mr. Fola who have been anxiously waiting for him. “What the hell took you so long? Were you not told to get here as early as three? Mr. Chris asks Jide who is busy gasping for breath.
I’m…sorry…sir.” Jide bends down trying to take rest and take in more air. “The bus I took broke down at ikoyi….so I had to run down here because the conductor ran away without giving us our money.”
“What?! You mean you ran all the way from Ikoyi down to lekki phase 2?” Fola asks him.
“Yes…” Jide manages to say, still gasping for breath.
“Anyway, we are late go and join the others in the bus.” Mr. Chris tells him while going into the bus himself.
“Thank you sir.” Jide quickly runs into the bus to join the rest of the students who were surprised to see him. Some hated the fact that he is there while the others welcomed him.

Andrew and Ken could not believe their eyes when they saw him. “You mean this bastard is coming with us?” Ken asks looking at Jide with contempt.
“I wish I could strangle him I swear. He’s such a bad news.” says Andrew, wishing he could hit Jide from the back.
“Look Drew, I think it’s time we deal with this boy once and for all. He keeps spoiling our plans.” Says Ken.
“Don’t worry, we’ll think of something when we get there. I still can’t believe this…” Andrew mutters, still looking at Jide.

The journey to the airport begins and things went well during the trip even though some of the students kept maltreating Jide, but with people like Bukola, Tega, Anayo, Tony and Susan, he did not feel secluded.

They got to the airport, checked in and got on the plane.

The plane arrived at the Heathrow Airport in London and they were received by those assigned to them. A bus was made ready to take the students straight to their suite.

Immediately they got to the hotel, they were given their backpacks which contained all the will need or the competition. The backpack was the same for every student, both in colour and size, though have a space for a name tag each. The name tags will be given to them later on at the hotel. Inside the backpack were pens, pencils, eraser, an electronic note pad, a calculator, time table for the competition and some other things the students will need for the competition.
On getting to their hotel rooms, the students were paired with whoever they feel comfortable with, in as much as they are the same sex. After they settled in, they were called for lunch, after which they were to assemble in the hall for their first orientation. The Diretor of the program introduced himself and those working with him. He lists out the schools present and those who could not make it due to one problem or the other. He also gave them a description of how the competition will go. On reading the confusion on the student's faces, he told them they will understand as time goes on.
Strict instructions were given to them about their rooms. Students were to give their keycards to their guardian whenever they are leaving their rooms for competitions, lunch, dinner or sightseeing. Breakfasts were to be served in their rooms, while lunch and dinner will be served in the dinning hall in order to encourage mingling.


Its past lunch hour at the Ministry of Petroleum and Gas, in Abuja, Nigeria. The luxurious office of the Minister is located at the last floor of the building. The office is sweetly decorated with furniture made in the latest design. The minister had made sure to change everything in the office every year to his taste; from his desk to the chairs, the couch, the center table, the flowers, the portraits, the statue, everything in the office is changed every January since Andy Silva resumed office.

He is seated on his couch, on the phone with his Banker, “are you sure we won’t have a problem with that?
“I don't think we'll have a problem, because you're not the only one that will be leaving office.” Says the man at the other end of the line.
“Says who?” Andy sits up adjusting his agbada (a native attire), “look, this is democracy, not the autocratic government of the Army anymore, where you can do anything and go scott-free. I don't want to take chances. You know how the EFCC can be once someone leaves the public office. Someone somewhere may alert them and they will sure conduct an investigation. And remember, now there is freedom of information, I don't know who may be checking my back so please, let's play safe.”
“Can't we transfer it to any of your family members?”
“What are you saying? Of course their accounts may be checked too.”
“What of extended family?”
“No! I can't trust anyone of them.”
“Hmm...” the receiver thinks for a while “...okay sir.”
“So what do you think we can do now?”
“Well, sir, the whole money is about a hundred and twenty billion, which was making it difficult for me to handle.”
“I’m sure that’s what I’m paying you for. So think of a way out?”
“Em...” he pauses for a while, “I can help you transfer it to a dormant account pending the time you leave office fully. Afterwards we can bring it back once there are no more eyes on you.”
“Now you're talking!” The minister feels relaxed with what he just heard, but on a second thought again, “But I hope the person will not escape with my money?”
“Oh no, there's a way we do it. Actually, I would have kept it in my account for you, but you know, as a banker I can't do that.”
“It’s okay, just do what you think is right. My money must not go anywhere.”
“Don't worry sir, its safe.”
“Good. But let me know what exactly you'll do when you're ready.”
“Alright sir.”
“Good.” Andy hangs up and relaxes. “I have to play safe.” Thinking of what they are about to do. After he hung up, his wife calls him up and he picks it. “Hello?”
“Andy, when are you coming home?” his wife asks at the other end angrily.
“I should be home this weekend.”
“You've been postponing for about two weeks now. You didn't even get to see your son before he left.”
“But woman, he's coming back isn't he? I'll see him when he comes. Please I'm at work, issues like these should be kept till I get home.”
“Okay. I'm still wondering how and when you'll be available to train those kids."
“What do you mean, am I not giving you enough money? I send them to one of the best schools, I give them all they need what else do you want me to do?”
“Is that all a child needs?” His caller cuts in “What of the care and the nurturing of a father?”
“Oh please, woman, Stop nagging. That's the job of a woman. It’s your job to keep the house and take care of the children.”
“But your son needs you....”
“Silvia, we have just two kids and you are asking for my help, if we'd given birth to five you'd be asking for the help the whole battalion of Army to train them.” Andy says jokingly.
“Andy, this is not a laughing matter. You're fond of making a joke out of everything.”
“Look, I have to work. We'll talk when I get home. Bye” He hangs up before his wife could say any other thing. “Women, they come with loads of problem and would create one even if there’s none.”


Back at the Suel Hotel and Suites, the students are having a good time. They all have lunch together at the big Dining hall created for them in the hotel.

Before long, all the students from the various schools far and wide started mingling together. Though they are not mixed in their rooms, but they mix up while having their meals or sightseeing.

Jide was so happy to have made it to the competition. He kept studying very hard, especially when they were informed that the winner will be given a full scholarship at the Cambridge University.

For the competition, at first, each school was to bring two representatives for each subjects. In order not to burden Jide with too many subjects, he represented his school in five subjects. Mathematics, English, Chemistry, Physics and Biology. He was paired with another student who is also good in the subject.

For English he was paired with Bukola, for Biology he was paired with Tega, for Mathematics he was paired with Chinedu, for Chemistry he was paired with Emeka, and for Biology he was paired with Subomi. Other subjects have their pairs.

The competition started and gradually, students dropped from each level of the competition. Since the answers were given jointly, Atlantic College dropped in other subjects except for Economics and the subjects in which Jide took in for.

After about a week, Jide was studying in the library with Bukola, they were told that a notice had being pasted. They went to check it and head back to the library...)

JIDE : (after reading the notice he turns to Bukola)...that means the next competition will now be done like an exam.
BUKOLA : yes. Only those who come out fine will continue.
JIDE : that's going to be tough.
BUKOLA : you can say that again...(Looks at Jide) Jide you really need to study hard, I mean, I'm doing just English but you have four other subjects.
JIDE : yes you're right...(Looks at the time table that has been set for them)
BUKOLA : I believe you can do it. You have to do it Jide. You need to win the competition.
JIDE : God help me.
BUKOLA : (sighs)...English....
JIDE : (looking at Bukola's face)...why are you so sad?
BUKOLA : it's bad news. You've been the one helping me during the competition. Now that we're going to continue alone, I don't think I can do much.
JIDE : don't say that. You'll still do very well I believe.
BUKOLA : yeah right! Now that its all man for himself...
JIDE : let's just keep studying harder.
BUKOLA : do we have a choice?....and now that we'll be staying all alone in our rooms, I'll miss Bibi a lot.
JIDE : I guess that's because they want us to study harder.
BUKOLA : so then what happens if someone fails?
JIDE : the director had said once a student is no more in the competition, he or she will be paired back in the room.
BUKOLA : hmm....I all the explanation the Director gave to us are now coming clearer. I can remember everyone was confused them.
JIDE : that's true.
BUKOLA : so now we'll be in separate rooms till we drop from the competition, right?
JIDE : yes.
BUKOLA : so how do I know my room now?
JIDE : our Guide will come and get you nau.
BUKOLA : okay, I should probably start packing then
JIDE : not probably. You should.
BUKOLA : hmm....(pauses for a while)... I'm going to miss Bibi...
JIDE : I'll miss Anayo too.


(Ken and Andrew are still very furious that Jide came to the competition with them. Being in the same room, they didn't relent on how to pull him down...)

KEN : Andrew, we really need to do something about this Jide. I just saw him with Bukola when we went to check the notice. This competition is making him spend more time with her.
ANDREW : but he also spends time with the other students he's paired with.
KEN : not as much as he spends time Bukola. He only spends time with those ones a day before their subject. But with Bukola... I feel like strangling him.
ANDREW : you're jealous. Thank God my Carol hates him with a passion. She doesn't like the sight of him.
KEN : but....we can't allow him win that competition.
ANDREW : that's true. If we're not careful, that guy will win this competition, and I definitely can't stand that.
KEN : now that the competition will be done alone, he may end up winning.
ANDREW : let's think of something...
KEN : I definitely will...when we were coming for this competition, I had thought we'll be able to do some exploring. Stealing out at nights, spending time with the girls....I even thought we'll be able to explore some night clubs....
ANDREW : me too. I know some really nice clubs my cousin took me to. That was the first place I saw a stripper! Mehn it was fun!
KEN : shit! Just imagine all the fun we missed...mtchewww....they just tightened up all the security in this hotel. Someone can't go out except when sightseeing.
ANDREW : (smiles)...I am still coming back here this year. After our third term exams to shop.
KEN : hmm.... (Looks at the time)...let's go for lunch.
ANDREW : that's true...(Looking at the time)...let's call Lucas and Amed. Thank God today is saturday, free day.
KEN : they said we'll be sight seeing tomorrow...yuck!....(Walking towards the door. They went for lunch.)


(The dining hall is a very big one, having a table of two, four and six. Ken and his friends usually sat on the same table where they can look at their girls eating...)
ANDREW : how come Susan and Bukola already have white friends?
LUCAS : especially Bukola...look at that white guy. Yesterday, I saw him with Bukola and Jide.
AMED : he's the same guy that has been glued to Jide ever since the competition started...whenever we're eating, its always him, Jide and Anayo that eats on the table.
KEN : what's their problem? What do they all see in that Jide.
LUCAS : if you ask me, I think the guy is actually interested in Bukola. The white guy I mean...
KEN : (turns to Lucas)..what do you mean by that?
LUCAS : yes nau. Okay why is he with Bukola now?
AMED : but I also saw him with Carol the other day.
ANDREW : (shocked)...what! (He looks at Amed)
AMED : yes. I saw her collecting a novel from him. You know she likes reading novels a lot.
ANDREW : she collected a novel from him?
AMED : yes nau. In fact since the second day of the competition.
ANDREW : that early?
AMED : she saw it and asked him to borrow her.
ANDREW : and he did?
AMED : Yes. She saw and collected it in the hall during the Economics competition.
ANDREW : (angry) this guy wants to be playing with all our girls?...(He looks at Ken and then back at Harvey from the distance)

(Meanwhile, Harvey Whyte is talking to Bukola while they have lunch...)

BUKOLA : he's over there...(Pointing at Jide where he's seated)
HARVEY : oh thanks...(Goes to Jide)...hi (pulling out a chair)
JIDE : (looks at him)...hi Harvey,
HARVEY : where's "Ha-na-yo"
JIDE : he's studying with his partner.
HARVEY : alright...(sitting beside him)...are you ready for monday?
JIDE : almost.
HARVEY : going on with the competition without a partner...
JIDE : what can we do?...(eating his food)
HARVEY : (munching some snacks)...I know you won't have a problem with it....(Looks at Jide who said nothing)'re brilliant....(Jide said nothing) tell me more about Nigeria, will you?
JIDE : hmm...(Eating)...why not become a tourist....(Remembers he's good with geography)...because i noticed you're so good at geography?
HARVEY : (smiles)...hmm, you got good brains you know...look...(Brings out his laptop, the latest invention of apple)...I've got a good map here. The newest encarta world map. I'll show it to you.
JIDE : hmm...(Looking at the laptop), this laptop is touch screen?
HARVEY : (surprised, he looks at Jide)...of course! Isn't yours a touch screen?
JIDE : (laughs) a laptop? I don't even have a laptop talk-less of a touch screen laptop.
HARVEY : (shocked) is that a joke or something?
JIDE : its not a joke. My parents can't afford one.
HARVEY : but you can get a regular for about £150-£200 or even less.
JIDE : (laughs) even if I have that, I won't use it for a laptop. My Dad is sick at home, he needs drugs. Laptops are just luxuries I can do without.
HARVEY : (he couldn't comprehend what Jide was saying, but kept putting on the laptop all the same)....hmm
JIDE : teach me how to use this anyway.
HARVEY : of course...(Turns the face of the laptop totally to Jide)

(Meanwhile, Ken and his friends kept looking at the duo...)
KEN : look at the way he's looking at the laptop, like someone looking at a person performing magic.
ANDREW : that white boy, I don't know what he sees in him. This is about the fifth time they'll be eating together.
LUCAS : have you seen that guy's laptop before?
ANDREW : what's wrong with his laptop?
LUCAS : its one of the latest invention of apple. Its a touch screen.
ANDREW : (hisses)
KEN : so? haven't you seen it before?
LUCAS : Dad should get me one soon.
KEN : (just then a thought comes to his head)....hmmm....Yes!
ANDREW : (looks at Ken)...what?
KEN : I've just gotten and idea...
AMED : what's that?
KEN : (smiling)..I'll tell you guys when we get to our room....(Standing up) let's go
ANDREW : (stands up and looks at Lucas and Amed)..are you guys coming?
LUCAS : of course...(Standing up, he looks at Amed) go and collect our key-card and meet us in their room.
AMED : (looks at Andrew) what of your own key-card?
ANDREW : its with me.
AMED : (surprised) you didn't drop it with.....
ANDREW : (cuts in)...nope...(Taking his phone and tablet)
AMED : what if they know. We were told to always give it to our Guide.
ANDREW : forget it joor. I'm not one of those competing so I have nothing to loose....(Leaving the table)
AMED : hmm....(Goes to their Guide for the key)

(The four of them later converge in Ken and Andrew's room)

ANDREW : so what idea is it?..(Sitting on the bed)
KEN : I know what we can do to nail that church rat.
LUCAS : Jide right?
ANDREW : (looks at Lucas)...of course dummy!
KEN : but I need a good strategy...(Thinking)
ANDREW : why don't you tell us first and then we can derive the right strategy to use...
KEN : this is the idea...(Sits up)...let's accuse him of theft.
AMED : (shocked)...theft!
LUCAS : theft? But how?
KEN : remember that very soon, he will be staying alone in a room. So we need to plan something.
AMED : but why?
KEN : (turns to Amed)...because that guy can't win the competition, fool. Can't you think?
ANDREW : I love that idea! We have to stop him because the way he's going, he may win that competition.
KEN : and we won't let him.
LUCAS : so what do we do?
KEN : I'll think of something soon.
ANDREW : good. Do it fast.

To be continued...

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