Sunday 24 July 2016


Chapter 9


(The four of them exchange glances, surprised at Mr Chris' countenance towards them, a countenance they only come across when they have done something wrong...)

CHRIS : you, (looking at Ken) leader...well done, I saw your handiwork...
KEN : sir? What have I done?...(Looking at his friends)
CHRIS : you're asking me?
ANDREW : we didn't do anything sir.
CHRIS : oh..I see...look, have you all forgotten that there are video cameras installed in the dining?...(They all look at each other surprised)....oh I don't think you noticed....(Noticing the surprise on their faces)...all the stunts you pulled during lunch today...taking Harvey's laptop and putting it in Jide's room, the camera captured everything...(Their mouths were wide open)....
FOLA : why are you all dumbfounded? So you thought you'll go scott-free?
KEN : we...we didn't do anything sir.
CHRIS : you're still saying you didn't do anything? Should we show you the video? Where you two...(Pointing at Ken and Andrew)...covered Jide from seeing what those two...(Pointing at Lucas and Amed)..were doing behind?
(The four of them look at each other)
FOLA : why are you not talking? All the evidences are there, incriminating you.
CHRIS : if you don't own up now, that's when my anger will increase and I will bring the four of you in. I have the power to save or not to save you, but if you annoy me, I can just change my mind and tell the Director to make a report to the police.
FOLA : do you know that you can be jailed for what you did? And don't think your parents can save you, they can't, because this is not Nigeria. You heard the story of the governor that was jailed here didn't you? If a whole governor can be jailed here how much more you? Your parents won't be able to save you from going to jail here. You two...(Facing Amed and Lucas) allowed Ken and Andrew to use you, look, you know it was the two of you that really did the job...
LUCAS : (scared to the wits he cuts in) sir, it was Ken and Andrew's idea that we should do it, not mine...(about crying)
AMED : yes its true. We only helped them out.
KEN : its a lie! We all developed the idea together, I wasn't the only one that planned it.
LUCAS : yes but you and Andrew were the mastermind.
ANDREW : no, it was Ken that said we can't allow Jide to win, not me. He was even the one that said he has an idea.
CHRIS : then you all did it together?
KEN : no, it was Lucas and Amed that took the laptop from the white ra...I mean Harvey's bag and took it to Jide's room.
AMED : (he turns to Ken)...but you were the one that asked us to do it. You and Andrew...
CHRIS : shut up! If he asks you to put your finger inside fire will you do it? (Amed becomes dumb)
LUCAS : please sir don't let us go to jail...(Crying)
AMED : we're sorry sir....(Crying too)
CHRIS : (seeing that Andrew and Ken are not remorseful) guys think we're in Nigeria where you can do anything and go scott-free, all because your parents are powerful? This is another man's country where your parents are not recognized! If you commit any crime you'll be indicted! I don't think you all know what crime you've committed? Its called theft! And then you did it while implicating another person! Look, you can be sued both by those organizing this competition and by Jide. And do you know how many years imprisonment that will cost you? You'll not be able to go back to your country, talk-less of your parents. You all will rot in jail! Its like you all want to smell the walls of a prison, right?...(Looks at Ken), your father has sent so many people to jail, abi? By the time they send you there, you'll know what it feels like. You...(Turning to Andrew)...minister's son, you think your father's ministerial position extends to place, right?....nobody knows your father here! Nobody! Your father is just like any other man here. He can't even use a siren here!...(Now turns to Amed and Lucas)...and you two, you're following this two, right? Remember that your parents are not in any position back in Nigeria. You'll will just rot in jail, or you all think you're too young to go to jail?...(Laughs)...go to jail and see your mates there! You fools!
LUCAS : please sir, I will not do it again.
AMED : me too...(Crying)
FOLA : (looking at Ken and Andrew)...just imagine, these two are not remorseful...
CHRIS : remember, they were not the ones that committed the act directly. Those two allowed themselves to be used...
FOLA : it doesn't matter, there are evidences against them too...
CHRIS : (looks at Fola surprisingly)...there is?
FOLA : yes, there are cameras everywhere, even in their rooms, so, all their discussion would have been recorded...(he winks at Chris, speaking out loud so they can hear him)... All we just need to do is to go to the security department and they will trace it out....(Looks at Lucas) when did you people make the plan?
LUCAS : On sunday, after we came back from the tour.
FOLA : good...(Turns to Chris)..we'll just tell them the time and they'll fish it out, that way the truth can come out....
KEN : we're sorry sir....(He blurted out)
CHRIS : (surprised that could get to him)...oh so you can be sorry.
KEN : I'm sorry sir. I won't do it again.
FOLA : now tell me how you people managed to do it.
LUCAS : Ken and Andrew told Carol to put Harvey's novel on his seat so that he will go back and take it, that way we can get to take his laptop. So Amed and I switched Harvey's bag with mine and took it to the men's room. We put the laptop in my bag and brought Harvey's bag back. We switched it back and then went to drop the laptop in Jide's room.
FOLA : while you went to the room, what were they...(Pointing at Ken and Andrew) doing?
AMED : they just waited for us in the dining.
FOLA : you rascals!
LUCAS & AMED : we're sorry sir.
CHRIS : you had better be....(Looks at all of them) that's a warning to you all. If you like, mess up again, you know it won't be a secret. Now go back to your rooms before I change my mind now!
LUCAS : (cleaning his eyes)...thank you sir!
AMED : thank you very much sir!

(They all go back to their rooms quietly.

After they left...)

CHRIS : (laughing)...this guy, you're good! Just look at the way you scared them....(Laughing)
FOLA : that's the only way to get them to talk. Why do you think I studied psychology?...(Laughing too)
CHRIS : now I understand why you're good in that course!
FOLA : but you also scared them, telling them their mates are in jail, if only they know that they'll only be retained in the juvenile department....(Laughs) they're not even up to eighteen yet...
CHRIS : that was necessary because it looked like they weren't ready to just own up.
FOLA : they are so stubborn. Most especially that Andrew of a boy.
CHRIS : he's so pompous. All because his father is a Minister.
FOLA : thanks to your tricks anyway...
CHRIS : my tricks? Come on, it was thanks to you the whole thing ended up so good, 'cause I almost messed up myself.
FOLA : come to think of it, its funny those people just agreed with what you said. They didn't even try getting to the bottom of the issue.
CHRIS : that's true...its quite funny, you know....but well, let's thank God everything is sorted out...
FOLA : yeah....(Looks at the time)...I'm off to my room. Its being a long day.....(Walking towards the door)
CHRIS : wait a minute, i hope there aren't any caremas in the room?
FOLA : (busts out laughing)...don't tell me you fell for that also? Its just to make them talk. How can they put cameras in the room, do they want to be seeing our nakedness?
CHRIS : they had better not o....See you later...
FOLA : alright...(Leaves for his room)


(Andrew and Ken get back to their room slamming the door behind them...)

ANDREW : damn it! I can't believe that all our plans didn't work. It was all in vain. ......Shit! And we had such a good plan.....they had even found the laptop in his room...(Looks at Ken who says nothing).....why aint you talking?
KEN :  I don't want any problem....(Looking around)...didn't you hear when they said there are cameras everywhere?
ANDREW : and so? Is that why you're not talking?
KEN : my Dad will kill me if he hears anything about me from here.
ANDREW : oh come on....stop acting like a girl all of a sudden. Nothing will happen. They're just trying to scare us, that's all....look, I can't seem to see any camera here....(Checking the room too)
KEN : hmm...I've heard you.....(Still looking around, trying to locate any camera)


(Meanwhile, back in Nigeria, Abike is already working at Silvia's house. She would not only pound yam for Silvia during the weekends but she also comes around to make some traditional dishes for her.
She had just finished cooking and was cleaning up in the kitchen, when Silvia approaches her...)

SILVIA : Abike?
ABIKE : yes ma...(Turning to look at her)
SILVIA : please I want you to be working for me permanently.
ABIKE : not just sundays alone?
SILVIA : yes. My husband is not moving back here like I thought he will yet.
ABIKE : but madam, I thought he came home last week?
SILVIA : yes and he enjoyed that vegetable soup you made with locust beans, I really enjoyed it too. That's why I want you to come and work permanently here.
ABIKE : madam, let me think about it. You know my husband is very sick...
SILVIA : there's no problem about that, you'll resume early and go back home on time.
ABIKE : I'll get back to you after thinking about it.
SILVIA : please think about it on time.
ABIKE : yes ma.


(The Joint Internation Schools Competition continued. Jide continued with the five subjects and was one of the last three standing. Eddy Wane of Southern High, Dublin, took five subjects,  Candy Edinburg of Chestville Girls College, London took five subjects too. All taking Mathematics, English, Chemistry, Physics and Biology.

Before the grand finale, the organizers noticed that something that has never happened before was about to occur; a black student from an African school was going to win the competition.

The Director was discussing the issue on the phone with one of their sponsors...)

DIR : sir, this boy is going way out of hand. He may end up winning this competition.
RECEIVER : but you can't allow that to happen. Its never happened in the history of the JISC!
DIR : yes sir. That's why I'm calling to inform you. What can we do?
RECEIVER : why do we pay you? A lot of people have had a bet on this competition and you can't allow a disappointment! You've got to think of something. Look for questions outside the syllabus if you have to, but make sure he doesn't win.
DIR : but sir, there's a limit we can go.
RECEIVER : I don't care! He's Nigerian isn't it?
DIR : yes he is.
RECEIVER : so he can't win! Teach one of our boys....that boy from Dublin...
DIR : oh yes, he's good but not as good as the Nigerian. There's a long gap between them.
RECEIVER :  I don't care! Teach him some of the questions before the final lap if you have to, I don't care, but that boy must not win.
DIR : but sir, won't everyone suspect a fowl play?
RECEIVER : I don't care. The Nigerian can come second but not first! After all we're giving him some cash and a scholarship....
DIR : alright sir...(He hangs up and takes a deep breath)....I guess that's what we have to do.

(Afterwards, the Director secretly gets Eddy to his office and shows him all the questions that will be asked during the grand finale and the answers too.)


The final lap came and all the students were ready. So many international media representatives were present to capture the occasion. The students were expectant.

After all said and done, Jide came out second place with a very slim point from the winner in English. Apart from a cheque of £50,000 given to the school, he was also given a scholarship at the Manchester University immediately after his secondary school education.

All the schools went back to their respective countries and the students to their homes.


The report of the competition was received on air in Nigeria.

The Proprietress of Atlantic College was proud of Jide that she personally came to the airport to welcome her students.

When they got back, a reception was organized for them being the first time the school will be among the finalists. She showed him off to all who came for the reception and made her speech...)

PRO : Good afternoon. I'm here to tell you a little about what we're doing here today. Over three weeks ago, our students went for the Joint International school competition. A competition where only three schools are picked from all British Colonised countries. At first, a competition was held here in Nigeria last year, to determine which schools will be going and I was very happy that we came first in that competition...(She pauses)...we've been going for this competition in the UK for about ten years now, hoping we'll win a trophy someday. Every time we went, we'd drop before the last six schools were picked. Infact, I had given up hope, that is why I've not being following them to the competition for the past 4 years. Today, I'm the happiest woman because in a competition where we were the only black/African school in the last ten, we were able to come out second with just one point difference in English. All other African schools had dropped. But thanks to Jide here, we continued and came out second place. (She looks at Jide)...son, I'm happy I took you into my school, if someone had told me then that you'll bring this kind of fame to this school, I would not have believed it. But today, I say I'm proud of the fact that I gave you that opportunity...(She pauses looking at the audience briefly) and contrary to what some people had wanted, I allowed you to stay despite all the opposition that came our way. Thank you son, we're proud of you. (She looks at the audience).... As a token of my appreciation, I'll be sponsoring your ticket when you're going to the University....

(They all clap their hands.

Jide's parents are also very proud of him. His mother was present at the occasion, with tears of joy in her eyes.

All the parents that were present congratulated Jide and his Mum as they were entertained.

Silvia could not believe her eyes when she saw Abike, being the mother of the boy they came to celebrate.)

To be continued...

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