Sunday 24 July 2016



(Silva was seated at the function with Mrs Sandra Archibong, one of the parents. She had hardly attended any of the PTA meetings since her husband became the minister so she knows nothing about Jide or his mother, even though she now works with her. She  was absolutely surprised to see Abike been showcased as Jide's mother. She expresses her surprise....)

SILVIA : (shocked at the sight before her)...impossible...(sitting up to take a better look)...
SANDRA : what's the problem?
SILVIA : its my worker. I'm surprised to see she's the mother of the boy.
SANDRA : where have you been? Didn't you hear about that boy's issue?
SILVIA : (turns to face her)...his issue how?
SANDRA : we the parents have been telling the Proprietress to take the boy to another school.
SILVIA : (confused)...I still don't understand?
SANDRA : he hawks sachet water on the streets. How can a boy from a reputable school like this do such? It a disgrace to us.
SILVA : my concern is how she manages to pay the school fees...
SANDRA : but of course the boy is on scholarship.....
SILVIA : oh he is...I didn't know.
SANDRA : From what I see, I don't think you know anything about this can such people afford a school like this....
SILVIA : I wonder the proprietress said something about "against all odds" or something like I understand.
SANDRA : hmm...
SILVIA : well, the boy brought luck to the school, I guess that's why the proprietress didn't let him go.
SANDRA : hmm...
SILVIA : let me go and congratulate her...
SANDRA : okay...

(Silvia walks up to Abike...)

SILVIA : Abike, you mean your son schools here and you didn't tell me?
ABIKE : I thought you know ma o.
SILVIA : how am I supposed to know?
ABIKE : oh sorry ma.
SILVIA : when I was asking one of the parents that sat beside me, she said the Proprietress gave your son a scholarship.
ABIKE : yes ma.
SILVIA : because I was wondering how you could afford the school fees.
ABIKE : (chuckles)..its God ma o.
SILVIA : anyway, congratulations o.
ABIKE : thank you ma.
SILVIA : I'll see you on Sunday and since you have decided to come and work with me fully, just start on monday.
ABIKE : okay ma. Thank you ma.

(Meanwhile, Andrew, Ken and some of the students that came back are sitting at one of the tables prepared for the students. At their corner, thay couldn't stop being jealous of Jide....)

KEN : (looking at people congratulating Jide and his Mum)...just imagine! All this celebration for the church rat...
ANDREW : (surprised he's talking about Jide now)...I thought you've being so quiet about the church rat ever since the laptop issue?
KEN : that's because their stupid camera may record whatever we say again nau. Someone had to be careful.
ANDREW : thank God we're free to talk now that we're back here, no cameras, nothing....(Looking at Jide too)
KEN : I hate the way they're celebrating him.
ANDREW : hmm...I've hated him more since the laptop issue. Hated the fact that we couldn't nail him.
KEN : hmm...failed plan....(Then he sees Silvia and Abike talking)...hey look, your Mum is talking to his mother.
ANDREW : (looks at the direction)...haha...(Observing)....and she's talking like they've known each other from way back, she's not just congratulating her...
KEN : what does your Mum want from such a woman?
ANDREW : I'll go ask her....(He leaves for his mother's seat)

(Silvia goes back to her seat and her son walks up to her....)

ANDREW : Mum, what were you discussing with that woman? You look like you know her from somewhere.
SILVIA : She's the new person I told you about. The one that has being coming to pound yam for us.
ANDREW : (surprised)...since when?
SILVIA : she resumed after you left for the UK.
ANDREW : so she's still pounding yam for us?
SILVIA : I've even employed her fully. She'll be working for us permanently now.
ANDREW : hmmm.... Okay...(He goes back to Ken walking back to his seat joyfully as Ken notices his mood...)

KEN : hey, what did she say?
ANDREW : guess what!
KEN : what?
ANDREW : the church-rat's mother is one of our servants.
KEN : are you serious?
ANDREW : I'm dead serious!
KEN : so we have him in our palms?
ANDREW : right in our palms!.....but wait I didn't ask her if they will be staying at the servants quarters...(Laughs)
KEN : hmm....Andrew!
ANDREW : yes, that's what I call the place, servant's quarters, or are thay not servants?
KEN : but since she's working for you guys, she should be staying there nau.
ANDREW : if that's where they'll be staying then its my lucky day!
KEN : at least there won't be any camera to watch us...(They both laugh)

(The celebration continued)

......................#Proudly#Busola Akinniyi's#.................................................................................................................

                          .....OVER A YEAR LATER....

(Andy  is seated at his prestigous office, Mr. Badru his banker had come to see him at his office...)

ANDY : you did a good job. It was thanks to you I was retained.
BADRU : its a pleasure sir.
ANDY : they checked by account. Thank God for what you did.
BADRU : you can always count on me sir.
ANDY : now that I'm being retained, I still have more money coming in, you know how those things can be right?
BADRU : yes sir. There's no problem sir. Just alert me whenever you need me to remove the money to a safe place.
ANDY : no problem.
BADRU : and don't forget my percentage sir.
ANDY : of course, its always intact. At least, you got the last one didn't you?
BADRU : yes I did. And it got me a very nice building in Lekki.
ANDY : hmm... Property investment...
BADRU : you can say that again sir. Its the best ever.
ANDY : that's good...I should invite you to our club house someday, so I can introduce you to my other friends.
BADRU : I'll be looking forward to that sir....

......................#Proudly#Busola Akinniyi's#.................................................................................................................

(Atlantic College organized the Valedictory service for the SS3 students who have just finished their exams. The party was held at the muson centre in a colourful way. The students are beautidully dressed and ready to have a wonderful time at the event. After the valedictory service, an after-party was arranged.

All the students are happy to finally say goodbye to the walls of the secondary school.

Ken, Andrew and some other friends are together...)

ANDREW : guys, have I invited you for my party?...(Talking to Gideon and Joe)
JOE : I heard, but you've not officially invited us like my Dad would say...
GIDEON : moreover, Leye is also throwing a party too.
KEN : (surprised)...on the same day?
JOE : yes.
GIDEON : because he's going to the states the following day.
ANDREW : I'm going to the US too.
GIDEON : oh well...
ANDREW : anyway, you guys are still invited...(Handing out the IVs to them)...its at my house so its strictly by invites.
JOE : what of Amed and Lucas, are they coming?
GIDEON : yes that's true, are they?
ANDREW : I don't know and I don't care.
KEN : they've being acting so childish of recent.
JOE : I see...
GIDEON : we'll try to show up.
ANDREW : better do. I'm throwing an adult party not Leye's babyish type.
JOE : oh really?
ANDREW : yeah...Mum's going to Dad's in Abuja.
KEN : you mean your Mum planned the birthday knowing she won't be home?
ANDREW : no she didn't know. Dad told her about the dinner, after the plan was already on ground and we couldn't postpone because most of my friends would have traveled by the following week.
KEN : oh...
ANDREW : so guys, we're gonna have real fun that day! Fun with the girls!
JOE : then I'll be there.
GIDEON : I will too.

(Meanwhile, Jide, Anayo and Tega are together...)

TEGA : did you hear about Andrew's party?
ANAYO : yeah I did.
TEGA : are you coming?
ANAYO : no. We're not so close.
TEGA : I'm not coming too. And you Jide?
JIDE : me? What will I be doing there? If I'm there, its just to help my mother out because she'll have to be at work there.
TEGA : oh that's true....
(Then Bukola walks up to them, pulling Jide aside....)
BUKOLA : hey Jide..... did I tell you I'll be going to the UK for my university education?
JIDE : (surprised) really!
BUKOLA : yes.
JIDE : wow, so that means I'll have a friend there when I come...lucky me.
BUKOLA : but we'll keep in touch before then.
JIDE : okay. But I don't have a phone.
BUKOLA : should I give you my old phone?
JIDE : oh never mind. I may not be able to buy credit on it.
BUKOLA : you don't have to buy credit on it. All you have to do is to receive calls on it.
JIDE : really...?
BUKOLA : yes....(She brings out the phone)...take.
JIDE : (surprised)...haha, you brought it along already?
BUKOLA : yes....I would have brought it for you at Andrew's house but I don't know if I'll be able to come yet. Are you coming?
JIDE : I don't know...don't think so
BUKOLA : I thought he said your Mum is now working at their house?
JIDE : yes she is.
BUKOLA : then how come you don't know if you're coming?
JIDE : just don't know yet.
BUKOLA : okay just collect the phone...(She tucks it inside his pocket)
JIDE : thank you very much.
BUKOLA : you're welcome. I'll see if I can come for the party, because my Mum has her reservations about Andrew and Ken, so she doesn't like it when I mingle with them.
JIDE : hmm...I don't trust them too.
BUKOLA : most especially Andrew.
JIDE : yes....(Looks around)...the other day, I saw him with one of their staffs' daughters, he was trying to kiss the girl by force. And was trying to force her into one of the newly constructed building at the back of the house.
BUKOLA : (surprised)...really!
JIDE : yes. The girl was just lucky I was around, she started shouting.  He let her go when he saw me coming.
BUKOLA : even Lucas and Amed I've stopped walking with them.
JIDE : yes, I noticed that since last year.
BUKOLA : precisely when we got back from UK.
JIDE : who knows why...
BUKOLA : you go to their house often, right?
JIDE : yes. Just to help my Mum when they have guests to cook for. I help her to pound. But most times I stay at home and take care of my Dad.
BUKOLA : okay.
JIDE : I really don't like going there. You know he's a spoilt brat. He's always picking on me.
BUKOLA : He's a jerk!....don't worry, once you leave Nigeria, it will all be over.
JIDE : yes o. I can't wait to.
BUKOLA : so how's your Dad?
JIDE : he's coping.
BUKOLA : ooh...I hope he gets well soon.
JIDE : thanks...
BUKOLA : so get a sim card on the phone and call me. My number is on our year book, don't forget o.
JIDE : okay.
BUKOLA : so later then.
JIDE : yeah bye...(he goes back to Tega and Anayo)

(Bukola goes back to her friends...)
CAROL : (trying to pick on Bukola as she got back) and this boy...
BUKOLA : what?
CAROL : nothing o. I guess you went to tell him you're going to the UK abi?
SUSAN : of course, she has to tell him nau. After all he's going there too.
CAROL : hmm...and you keep saying you guys are not dating...
BUKOLA : come what's your problem?
BIBI : wait, what if they are? How does it affect you?
CAROL : haha, how can they be dating? Bukola should do better than someone like him.
BUKOLA : is he not human? In fact he's a better guy than most of the guys in this school or do you want to compare him to your Andrew?
CAROL : what! Don't even go there! Andrew is a minister's son, how can you compare Jide, Jide! With him...please!
BUKOLA : yeah right!
CAROL : well, that's your problem?...(Turns to Susan and Bibi) so Babes are you coming for the party? Andrew's...I know Bukola won't be coming.
BUKOLA : I may not even be around then. Mum said I'll be going to Abuja before next weekend.
BIBI : really?
BUKOLA : yes.
BIBI : and I was thinking of coming to your house before leaving for the US.
SUSAN : (surprised at Bibi's words)'re traveling so soon? What of your result?
BIBI : yes. I'll come back and get it. I'll be writing SAT here.
SUSAN : okay....I'lll miss you...
BUKOLA : I'll miss you more...
BIBI : I'll miss you too...
CAROL : I'll miss you all back to the guys need to see the dress I'll be wearing...
SUSAN : hmm...I'll be coming for the party anyway...
CAROL : good!....I'm wearing one of those gowns my Mum said I can only wear when I'm eighteen...(Laughs)
(Her friends look at each other...)
BUKOLA : so are you eighteen?
CAROL : you guys should watch and see....I'll change when I get to Andrew's house of course!
BUKOLA : hmm...Carol!
CAROL : (turns to Bukola)...what!
SUSAN : bad girl!

To be continued...

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