Sunday 31 July 2016



(Carol was surprised at Andrews words...)

CAROL : next level? What level?
ANDREW : doing the real thing.
CAROL : are you talking about having sex?
ANDREW : of course nau.
CAROL : I don't want to. What if I get pregnant?
ANDREW : oh no you can't! I'll use some protection.
CAROL : no, I don't want to...(she pulls away from him)
ANDREW : but why?
CAROL : I just don't want to. I'm not ready for it yet.
ANDREW : how can you say that? Why are you not ready for it? Are you a kid? Girls who are younger than you have started having sex already. And they don't get pregnant.
CAROL : well, may be I just don't want to have sex yet.
ANDREW : (he moves closer to her)...Carol, do you love me?
CAROL : yes.
ANDREW : then why won't you have sex with me?..or better still if you love me, why won't you make love to me?
CAROL : I....I...
ANDREW : (cuts in)...that's the fact, if you love someone, you'll make love with him...that's why they call it making love.
CAROL : I'm sorry Andrew, its just that Mum said I should not have sex till I'm an adult, at least till I'm eighteen.
ANDREW : eighteen! Who will wait till then?
CAROL : that's just in two years...
ANDREW : a whole two years! Hell you want me to have another girl-friend?
CAROL : no!
ANDREW : then let's have sex.
CAROL : (thinking about it)...really Andrew, I don't want to risk it.
ANDREW : why?
CAROL : Mum may know.
ANDREW : no she won't! How will she know.
CAROL : she may.
ANDREW : she won't know if you don't tell her.
CAROL : Mum is very experienced o, she may know.
ANDREW : she won't Carol, trust me. It doesn't show on the face...(Moves closer to her again and starts kissing her again. She did not stop him. After sometime, he tries to remove her blouse and she allows him. Later on he goes down, trying to remove her short skirt)...
CAROL : no Andrew, I can't!...(she grabs her blouse and starts wearing it)
ANDREW : Carol...don't do this, stop, please nau...
CAROL : (standing up from the bed), I can't do it....(She leaves his room and goes outside. By the time she got out, she saw some of the guests arriving. Meanwhile Andrew was very angry after she left, he went to meet Ken in his game room...)

KEN : (he pauses the game he's playing surprised at Andrew's presence) soon?...(Looks at his face)...don't tell me...
ANDREW : (cuts in)..damn it mehn! She refused me again!
KEN : ouch! Why nau?
ANDREW : we were on it....the moment I started removing her dress she left.
KEN : why are they all leaving just when you're ready for it...
ANDREW : these girls are beginning to really get on my nerves! I'm going for a drink!...(He storms out of the room)
KEN : I'll come too! (He follows him)

(The moment they got to the sitting room, Carol comes in with some of the guests and Andrew directs them to the terrace. He looks at the time and sees its 4pm already.

As he was directing them the DJ and the MC shows up and he shows him to where he'll be setting up and they start immediately.

The caterers have already being setting up their things with Abike helping them.

Soon after, guests starts coming around with their drivers dropping them off. Some of the chauffeur leaving to come back later while some other drivers park outside, waiting for their Boss' child to finish.

The caterers starts serving the guests some sweets, while the MC starts the program.

After sometime, Carol goes back to Andrew....)

CAROL : Andrew?
ANDREW : what?
CAROL : are you angry?
ANDREW : why won't I be?
CAROL : I'm sorry.
ANDREW : yeah right!
CAROL : I want to change my clothes.
ANDREW : (quickly, it occurs to him that he may get another chance with her, so he lightens up...)..let's go....(Going into his room)
CAROL : (following him)...are you not going to change?
ANDREW : I will. After you've finished.
CAROL : okay...(She starts bringing out the dress from her bag)
ANDREW : I could help you remove your dress...
CAROL : thanks....(She turns her back) me unzip.
ANDREW : (unzipping her slowly)..your body is so fresh...(He touches her back)
CAROL : (pulling away from him)...stop Andrew, your guests are outside...(She takes her dress and goes into the bathroom)
ANDREW : so?...(Getting angry)...shit!..(he sits on the bed)...

(Few minutes later Carol comes out with a very short red tube gown and a gold colour shoe. With the gown revealing all her curves ; the back is netted from the top to the waist. The sides are opened, revealing some part of her flat belle to some of her back sides. Andrew could hardly believe his eyes...)
CAROL : how do I look?...(Turning around)
ANDREW : oh my God you're so hot!...(Standing up from the bed)....
CAROL : now dress up and let's go to the party...(Putting her other clothes in the bag)
ANDREW : okay. Make sure you don't dance with anybody else except me tonight!
CAROL : (laughs) okay...I'll wait for you outside...(Leaving)...
ANDREW : you can stay, I don't mind...
CAROL : no, I'll wait outside...(She leaves)


(The party started and Andrew was introduced to them. It was all fun as night falls without anyone noticing it.

Jide came around 7:30pm. Coming in through the back gate. He went to the kitchen helping his mother anyhow he could. At a time he peeped at the party, he could only wonder why people as young as this could do all they did without any caution from Adults. He kept away anyways.

Almost all the guys wanted to dance with Carol because she was looking really attractive and sexy. All this got Andrew angry so he kept drinking alcohol angrily.

Ken notices this and walks up to him....)

KEN : I can see Carol is the center of attraction today. She's a good dancer.
ANDREW : you have no idea how that infuriates me.
KEN : especially when she refused to have sex with you, right?...(Looks at him)
ANDREW : you can say that again....(Drinking some alcohol mixed with juice)
KEN : she should stop dancing with them then.
ANDREW : hmm...

(One of Andrew's elder cousin who had gotten him some dope approached Carol and they started dancing together. After sometime, another guy comes to dance with her again. After a while, Andrew walks into the house, he goes into the house and gets a pen-knife without anyone noticing it, he later comes out and walks up to where they are dancing and pulls Carol away. He kept pulling her towards the nwely constructed building behind the house.

Ken saw him and smiles, looking at them leaving for the boy quarters...)

CAROL : what is it Andrew, where are you taking me....(Wondering why the hurry as she tries matching up with him with her heels)
ANDREW : just follow me. I want to show you something...(Pulling her)
CAROL : (staggering behind him)...okay, but you're pulling me too hard...slow down...
ANDREW : I want you to come quickly....(Still pulling her)...I got you something really nice.
CAROL : where's the thing?
ANDREW : just'll see.
CAROL : okay...(Trying to keep up even with her heels. They get inside one of the rooms and Andrew locks the door. She noticed..)...why did you look the door?
ANDREW : because we don't want any kind of disturbance!...
CAROL : Andrew...(Trying to know what it is she just perceived from his breath)...are you drunk?
ANDREW : no...(He brings out the pen knife) pull your dress, we're having sex now!...(He starts pulling his shirt)
CAROL : (she was totally scared, not expecting to see him with a knife)...oh my God, Andrew, what are you doing with that!...let me go...(She walks towards the door, trying to push him away in order to pass through, but he pushes her back so hard that she slips with her heels. As she falls to the ground, she hits her waist on the bed frame behind her.)...arrrgh...(She writhes in pain as she removes the shoe from her legs, she had sprained her left leg) back! My waist!...(Writhing on the ground) leg...
ANDREW : good for you, next time you obey me...(He goes towards her and unzips his trouser kneeing on top of her on the ground)
CAROL : (crying)...leave me alone Andrew! Let me go!
ANDREW : not anymore!...(He pulls down her tube from the top revealing her breasts) we're dancing with everyone seductively yet you didn't allow us have sex...
CAROL : (trying to push him away but the pain on her waist didn't allow her)....please Andrew, let me go....please...(Crying)
ANDREW : no! Not this time...(He threatens her with the knife and pulls up her dress)
CAROL : Andrew this is not right....I'll tell my parents what you're doing...(Crying)'re trying to rape me...(She holding his hand, pulling down her dress)....
ANDREW : I will stab you if you touch me again! Mind you, we're dating so this isn't rape. We're having sex...(He cuts off her panties with the knife in his hands, as Carol tries covering herself up with her hands, holding Andrew's hand and tryinbgb to hold Andrew's hand at the same time)....if you try holding me back again, I'll stab you with this knife so just cooperate...
CAROL : Andrew please stop...
(Andrew drops the knife and starts forcing himself inside her as she kept shouting. He was enjoying himself.

Meanwhile, Ken waited for a while and when he didn't see Andrew, he went looking for him.

Meanwhile, as Andrew forces himself into her, Carol got hold of one of her shoes and hits it hard several times on Andrew's shoulder...)

ANDREW : ouch! Ouch!....(In anger, he looks around and takes the knife he had brought. He picks it up an stabs her several times with it. After a while, when he was done and satisfied, he stands up zip up his pants and tries waking her up. His hand was filled with her blood and his shoulder bleeding....) You see now, look what you caused now? If only you had given in slowly, I wouldn't have done this to you...(Looking at her )...Carol! Carol...get up!...(he noticed she wasn't moving anymore. He became confused. He started shaking)...Jesus!...Carol! (Still trying to wake her up)....oh my God what have I done....(looking at her lifeless body on the ground)....Carol.....please stand up....

(Meanwhile, Ken wonders why Andrew is not back after some time and he decided to trace him to the place he suspected they would be. He got there and tries to listen for any kind of noise but could only hear Andrew shouting Carol's name. He knocks at the door... )

KEN : hey, Andrew, is everything alright?
(Andrew hears him and unlocks the door crying...)
ANDREW : Ken...
KEN : what happened?..(Seeing the blood on his hand, he Looks inside)
ANDREW : it think I killed her...(Crying)
KEN : what!...(He goes inside and sees Carol lying on the floor, naked, in cold blood)...oh my God! What have you done....(Looks at Andrew)
ANDREW : what are we going to do?

To be continued...

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