Sunday 31 July 2016



(Its early Saturday Morning, the slum where James and his family reside is busy as usual, neighbours are busy doing one house chore or the other.

Abike woke up very early to take care of her husband and dress up for work. She wakes Jide up as usual....)

ABIKE : Jide you will have to come over to the big house and help me later on.
JIDE : today Mum?
ABIKE : yes today. I told you madam's son is having a party. I'll have to be around because the caterers will be using the kitchen. I have the key to the store and madam already told me that I should be around. Just come and help me clean up.
JIDE : what of Daddy?
ABIKE : I've already told him you'll come there. Just make sure he eats before you come. Give him his drugs and make sure he's comfortable enough to sleep.
JIDE : (reluctantly)...yes ma.
(Abike noticed the reluctance in her son's voice..)
ABIKE : you talk like you don't want to come, is he not one of your friends?
JIDE : I don't want to be at the party.
ABIKE : the party will start by 4pm. You don't have to come for it. Just come and help me.
JIDE : yes ma...I'll finish everything at home and come over.
ABIKE : good. We should be able to help them out as much as we can, remember its because of the job they gave me that you've not been hawking anymore.
JIDE : yes ma.
ABIKE : so let's help. Madam told me she won't be around, so I should help her take care of everything.
JIDE : yes ma.
(Abike dresses up and leaves for work, yet, Jide feels so reluctant about going to the Silva's that even his sick father could see it...)
JAMES : you don't....... want to go...
JIDE : yes Daddy, I don't feel like going there today at all.
JAMES : but....why?
JIDE : I just don't know, I just don't feel like it today.
JAMES : just go.....and help...your mother today...please.
JIDE : its okay Daddy, I will go....


(The Silva's Lekki Mansion is a beautiful building, with a ship-like figure. The terrace are well made, suitable for the type of party Andrew intends to have.

He had called just a selected few from his school and some other friends from outside the school. Few cousins and Family friends will also be in attendance. All youths.

Silvia had made adequate preparations for the party she's organizing for her first and only son. She had being without a child for the first six years of their marriage until she and her husband went to the UK for artificial insemination. That was how they got the miracle of a baby.

Silvia had being so happy she was blessed with a son. She did everything to make him happy and now that he is finally through with his secondary school education, she could only be grateful to God for keeping him this long.

She had planned the party exceptionally because Andrew will be going to the US the following week. She wanted everything to be perfect celebrating her son's adulthood, until her husband called her to attend the dinner organized for all the Ministers by the president. Its now a year since their 2nd term began and they could only celebrate for retaining their offices even up till now. All Ministers and their wives must be in attendance at this dinner and so, the Minister for Petroleum and Gas, Andy Silva had called up his wife to report herself as soon as possible.

Silvia had to place some of the preparations in Abike's hands to ensure things go fine.


(Ken had arrived at Andrew's house since 12pm. Himself and Andrew had planned wearing the same suit for the party. They could hardly wait for the party to begin.

Andrew decides to try on his suit...)

ANDREW : guy, we may be wearing the same suit but I'm using a different tie and a different shirt from yours.
KEN : but why?
ANDREW : why not? I'm the celebrant not you. You should even be happy I'm wearing the same suit with you.
KEN : hmm...(Looking at the shirt he hung) that the shirt you're wearing?
ANDREW : yes.
KEN : (going to check it out)...its really nice.
ANDREW : it has to be...I ordered for it from Paris.
KEN : okay...(he thinks of changing the topic)...Carol is coming right?
ANDREW : of course she is.
KEN : and...are you guys going to do it finally today?
ANDREW : (looks at Ken seriously)...I don't think she has a choice. I've being waiting for it all my life.
KEN : and if she still says no?
ANDREW : I told you she can't say no.
KEN : okay...
ANDREW : I'm not like you who couldn't get ordinary Bukola, not even to be your girlfriend.
KEN : she was stubborn.
ANDREW : you weren't forceful're lucky she's not my type anyway.
KEN : tell me, what is it with you and that girl? The daughter of your gardener?
ANDREW : oh that girl? The other day I brought her into my room and put on one of those x-rated movies we bought at the store the other day.
KEN : (surprised)...really?
ANDREW : yes. I'd given her some money before then. Now she got to my room and when the movie was getting me on I was trying to touch her then she ran away.
KEN : how? Was the door opened?
ANDREW : yes, I was already having the feel before I called her in so I forgot to locked the door....
KEN : you messed up. You shouldn't have left the door opened.
ANDREW : yeah...moreover, I didn't know she'll run away. She's always wearing those revealing dresses so I thought she'll give in.
KEN : so you lost that opportunity...
ANDREW : yes. Again I was taking her to one of the rooms in the other BQ...
KEN : the one your Dad just constructed?
ANDREW : yes.
KEN : isn't anyone living there yet?
ANDREW : no.
KEN : hmm...(Laughs)...bad boy! You took her there because its far from the house.
ANDREW : yeah and if she shouts no one will hear her.
KEN : so what now happened?
ANDREW : that useless Jide boy then came to dump some refuse and saw us. She then ran away. I was mad that day ehn....
KEN : (laughing)...oh my God!
ANDREW : what's so funny? Its not a laughing matter o!
KEN : oh sorry...(Still laughing)
ANDREW : I was so angry that day I felt like beating him up.
KEN : (laughing)...he spoilt your show for that day...
ANDREW : well, now I'm a big boy, I'll go clubbing, see girls, have sex, do whatever I like. No one can stop me.
KEN : oh well that's what I have been enjoying, since I have elder brothers....
ANDREW : yeah too bad I don't. But I've gone with some of my older cousins before.
KEN : okay...
ANDREW : ...hmm this "parry" is gonna be da bomb!...guess what...
KEN : what?
ANDREW : I told my cousin to come with some cannabis.
KEN : (surprised)...cannabis? What for?
ANDREW : what's wrong with cousin uses it...come let me tell you something...(Moves closer to him) can use it to get any girl down.
KEN : of course I know that. But during a party? If you use it on some of these girls their parents may know. They'll be drowsy by the time they get home...
ANDREW : who says I want to use it on all the girls?....well, we can just add it to the punch. But that won't be necessary. My cousin will be bringing in some alcohol. We'll mix it with juices and other drinks as usual.
KEN : okay.
ANDREW : wait..let's do it this way....if Bukola should come, we'll just had little cannabis to her drink and you can have her all to yourself....
KEN : (thinks about it)...that's true...but what if they find out?
ANDREW : who are the "they"? How will they find out? She won't even know who slept with her...moreover she'll enjoy it too...having sex when you're high is sweet I heard...
KEN : hmm....good idea! I hope she comes....
ANDREW : you can say that again....(Looks at the time)...I need to call Carol....(Picking up his phone to dial)....hello Babe...
RECEIVER : hey Andrew...
ANDREW : when are you getting here?
RECEIVER : my Dad's driver is not here yet.
ANDREW : should I send one of our Drivers to pick you up?
RECEIVER : oh Mum won't agree.
ANDREW : but you need to come here earlier. You can't get here the same time others will...
RECEIVER : I know, but what can I do...don't worry I'll be there.
ANDREW : you know I've missed you a lot. We've not seen since we left school.
RECEIVER : I know. Moreover, I'm coming with Susan and she's not here yet.
ANDREW : hell no, three is crowd. Don't come with her. She'll disturb us...
RECEIVER : (chuckles)...hmm....Andrew!
ANDREW : yes nau. So don't wait for her and try coming early, okay?
RECEIVER : okay.
ANDREW : alright bye...(He hangs up)
KEN : hmm...I smell a rat...why did you want her to come so early?
ANDREW : do you really have to ask me that?
KEN : (laughs)...that's my man!


(Carol is at home waiting anxiously for the driver. After hearing what Andreww said, she kept thinking of how to discharge Susan. Finally, her father's driver gets to pick her up and immediately, she calls Susan up....)

CAROL : hey Suz!
RECEIVER : Carol, I'm almost ready to start coming...
CAROL : (cuts in)...oh sorry, I actually called to tell you that I'm on my way there already...
RECEIVER : but why? Its just 2pm, and the party is for 4pm.
CAROL : yes...em...(Thinking of what to say) Dad's driver needs to get back to Dad's office and take him somewhere. He just came to drop me at Andrew's place.
RECEIVER : oh...okay...that means I may not come then.
CAROL : but why...
RECEIVER : because I don't know Andrew's house.
CAROL : didn't you collect the IV?
RECEIVER : I don't know where I kept it. Since I thought I was coming with you...
CAROL : please try and come. Just take a cab. I'll send you the address then.
RECEIVER : okay I'll try...
CAROL : alright then....(She hangs up and leaves for the car.)


(Immediately Carol's driver sets out, she calls Andrew telling her she's on the way. Andrew is so elated...)

ANDREW : really!
ANDREW : me immediately you get to the gate, I'll come and walk you in myself.
RECEIVER : okay.
ANDREW : see you then.....(He hangs up)
KEN : so she's on her way now....
ANDREW : yes. And I've told her to call me when she's at the gate. You'll have to go to my game room.
KEN : (confused)..but why?
ANDREW : well, because we want to have sex and you can't be there, can you?
KEN : no, its not like I'll be there, I just want to say hi to her and ask her if Bukola is coming, that's all.
ANDREW : no. I don't want her to see you around at all. Look, I want to run a very tight game today so play by my rules.
KEN : (thinks for a while)...okay. But its not fair o.
ANDREW : yeah right! Do the same to me when you want to get in between a girl's legs desperately. I'll understand you.
KEN : so when should I go?
ANDREW : once she's at the gate.
KEN : okay...


(Some minutes later, Carol calls him that she's at the gate. He quickly dispatches Ken and walks to the gate to bring Carol in....)

ANDREW : I'm so happy you came early.....(Holding her hand)
CAROL : I'll need to change once the party starts, can I change in your room?
ANDREW : but of course, why not?..let's go. (Leading her inside the house)
CAROL : (looking around) no one is here yet?
ANDREW : absolutely no one....(opening the door)...come in...
CAROL : your Mum?
ANDREW : she's gone to Abuja.
CAROL : your sis?
ANDREW : still in school...remember she's a boarder...
CAROL : oh that's true! They're not on hols yet.
ANDREW : let's just go to my room straight. We can see the terrace from there. We'll know when the guests starts arriving.
CAROL : okay...(They get into his room...)! Nice room..your room is so big.
ANDREW : you like it?
CAROL : I love it!...(Still looking around)
ANDREW : come and sit on the bed...
CAROL : (she looks at him)...okay....(She sits on the bed.)
ANDREW : do you want to eat or drink anything?
CAROL : no, I'm okay....(Sitting more comfortably)...
ANDREW : okay....(moving closer to her) know I've missed you, right?
CAROL : I've missed you too. I miss the way we used to make out at the back of the school hall...
ANDREW : (smiles happily) did?
CAROL : yes...(Looking at him and then Andrew starts kissing her and she responds to it. After sometime, he tries to remove her clothes)...Andrew...
ANDREW : (still kissing her)...hmm?
CAROL : what are you doing?....(He ignores her and continues kissing her and she responds. Again, he tries pulling her clothes again...)...Andrew stop, what are you doing?...(She looks at him)
ANDREW : what else will I be doing...kissing you of course.
CAROL : but you're trying to pull my clothes...
ANDREW : so? You've always complained that we don't kiss in a conducive place now you're asking what I'm doing.
CAROL : do you have to remove my clothes while we kiss?
ANDREW : haha, wait, are we not going to graduate from just kissing? We should move to the next level nau.

To be continued...

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