Wednesday 13 July 2016

The Power of Violent Faith and Violent Prayer (Deliverance of the Feet, Pt. 2)-Dr. D.K. Olukoya

The Power of Violent Faith and Violent Prayer (Deliverance of the Feet, Pt. 2)
In Matt. 17:20:
And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to younder place; and it shall remove: and nothing shall be impossible unto you
                                                                                    KJV, American Edition
The power of faith can make something completely impossible possible. Like I have been saying at Wednesday services: no conflict, no peace; no violence, no victory; no fight, no progress; no action, no contentment; no aggression, no possession; no war, no enlargement; no battle, no breakthroughs. The battle line is drawn whether you believe it or not.
People only throw stones at mango trees with fruits. So, if the enemy is attacking you, it's a good sign because it means there's something still precious in your life which they are contesting for. It is now your turn to employ the weapon God has given you to enlarge your coast and possess your possession.

Violent faith is desperate faith; it is persistent faith; it sees that there is nothing beyond its ability; it cannot be threatened or intimidated by people; it will make every effort to cross every barrier standing in its way; it understands that God is awesome and mighty; it is a mountain confronter; a mountain remover. I pray for you that the mountains that have been boasting against your destiny shall scatter in the name of Jesus. Violent faith is holy expentancy; it is deaf to doubt; it is deaf to discouragment; it is blind to impossibility; it knows nothing, but success in God.

I want you to move into this realm of violent faith
Violent faith wins the war even before the battle begins. The bible is a David and Goliath book: if you decide to be a Goliath, you die. If you decide to be a David, you win. The bible tells you that no matter the strength of your enemy, you don't have to be as big as the enemy. All you need is the stone and faith of David. The battle had not started when David told Goliath, today, I will kill you, cut off your head, and feed it to the birds of the air. You come against me in the name of your god, but I come against you in the name of the Lord of hosts whom you have defiled. David had already won the battle before the fight had even begun.
Violent faith is non-negotiable faith. It reaches above all circumstances created by the enemy. The logic of violent faith is not from earth, but from heaven. That is why the bible says if any of you shall say unto the mountain, be thou removed and be cast into the sea and would not doubt in his heart... it shall be so. Violent faith looks to God instead of negative circumstances. It smiles when the stormy sea is almost sinking the boat. It mocks the mockers. It subdues the roar of the lion. This is the realm of faith that will bring you uncommon testimonies.
In Matt. 11:12:
And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force
                                                                      KJV, American Edition
Violent prayer coupled with violent faith gives you uncommon breakthroughs. Violent prayer is persistent prayer. It is unshakeable, insistent. It is adamant prayer; stubborn prayer; enough-is-enough prayer; unapologetic prayer, that is, prayers you pray without regret; bold prayer, that is, fearless with courage to demand a response; unwavering prayer; steadfast prayer. It has just one goal: ELIMINATION OF THE ENEMY.

Violent prayer is aggressive prayer, that is, hard-hitting and bold. It is demanding prayer, that is, pressing for immediate response; it is expectant prayer filled with aggressive anticipation of victory; it is militant prayer, that is, combative and fighting prayer; compelling prayer; urgent prayer; persevering prayer; prayer to give God no alternative but to answer; it is machine gun prayer; prayer that gives Jehovah no peace; undeviating prayer; obstinate prayer; seize-less prayer and heaven bombarding prayer.
When you combine violent faith and violent prayer, there would be healing. When these two things are combined, there would be restoration. Storms will be silenced. There would be deliverance from trouble. There will be a scattering of the enemy...

Many legs have been programmed to fail. Many think they have feet, but they don't. Physically they have feet, but spiritually the feet are gone. Physically, they walk about, but spiritually they are not walking anywhere.

 This is an excerpt from the full message. If you have enjoyed this message recap and have been blessed by it or are interested in the prayer points and stories during the message, consider adding it to your collection by ordering a copy. Use the 'Purchase' link in the 'Message Resources' section to get started. Until next time, stay blessed

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