Tuesday 12 July 2016


Episode 29


While Funmi was busy getting things ready, she received a call from Mark...

FUNMI: hi Mark...please I can't talk to you right now I'm really busy...
CALLER: okay...please I need to know if Jade is home I need to come and see her...
FUNMI: see her?....she won't be home o...its her birthday today...
CALLER : (cuts in)...are you serious...?!
FUNMI: of course...how can i joke with something like that?
CALLER: so then where will she be if she won't be home...please let me get her something really nice for her birthday, please, tell me where she is...
FUNMI: i dont think it will be nice for you to come there....
CALLER: is it because Jade is still angry with me? Please dont say that...i need to beg or her forgiveness....as a matter of fact,... please i just have to be there.... Please Funmi...
FUNMI: Mark, its a friend's place...
CALLER: (cuts in)....it doesnt matter, please just let me come and wish her a happy birthday....moreover it will be a good time to ask for her forgiveness because she will be in a happy mood...please...
FUNMI: (thinks for a while)....okay...I will send the address then...
CALLER: i will be extremely grateful!
FUNMI: alright...(she hangs up)....hmm....should i do this? Mark really needs to see and know that Jade is not for him. Should i really send the address to him?....(thinking about it)...why not? It doesnt harm nau....i will send it to him....


Meanwhile, Mark was so excited after making that call he calls up Hyke...

MARK: guy.... Get dressed immediately!
RECEIVER: whats up?
MARK: today is Jade's birthday!
RECEIVER: are you serious?
MARK: yes...this is an oppotunity for me to show her how much i care about her...
RECEIVER: wow....so what are you gonna do?
MARK: propose of course....
RECEIVER: are you sure you wanna do that?
MARK: after what happened with Bimbo, this is the best i can do...
RECEIVER: hmmm....
MARK: this way she will know i am serious about her...
RECEIVER: okay...if you think you wanna do so...
MARK: i sure will....so come with me....i want to get a diamaond and platinum ring....
RECEIVER: okay...
MARK: and make sure you're looking good too...and do it fast, i have no time....
RECEIVER: okay ...
MARK: I'll pick you up in fifteen minutes....(he hangs up)... Yeah....hmm....(thinking ofwhat to do)....i will not only get her the ring, i will get her something else again....but what should that be....(thinking).... Aish....i cant evn think of what to get her...Jade is not like Bimbo, if it was Bimbo now, i would have known her range...now what do i get....i will ask Hyke for a suggestion....
(Then he receives the text from Funmi)…hmm....i guess that should be the house of the friend she talked about....

(Yomi's house is a three-bedroom apartment. With a kitchen, a store and a big balcony. Being an Architect, he had given his own flat a very special taste. The floor is made with a three inch white and blue marble, a beautiful sky blue scented wall paper was used instead of a wall paint, with the sofa having almost the same colour with the wall paint and the sky blue curtain. Everything in the sitting room had a touch of white and blue, from the paintings to the stands and the flower vase in which is kept some white and blue roses. Yomi's house was not just beautiful but tastefully furnished and decorated.
The sitting room was decorated with beautiful fresh flowers. Cards with the inscription, "happy birthday Jade and Yomi" was placed around the wall and curtains.
The caterer had set up her equipments in the kitchen, ready to serve the guests. The curtains were dropped, so as to ensure some darkness in the house.
Close friends of Jade and Yomi were all around. The cake was set in the middle of the sitting room, on the center table, one had the inscription "happy birthday Jade, I love you" the other read "happy birthday Yomi".
In Yomi's room was a lilac coloured short gown, with a purple rose on the left side of the chest. A beautiful Jimmy Choo high heel shoe was in a box placed beside it with a beautiful box of pearl.
Funmi was at the window, watching out for the duo. Immediately she saw them approaching, she beckons on everyone to go inside as planned.
Everywhere was quiet.
Due to some of their guests who had parked at the front of the house, Yomi parks his car few meters away from the house and they had to get down and walk home...)
JADE : (wondering why there are so many cars)....there seem to be some function going on around here....(Walking to Yomi's house)
YOMI : (knowing the cars belong to some of their friends, he thinks of what to say as he kept walking towards the house)....em....let's see...(looking around).... why did you say so?
JADE : because there seem to be more cars parked here than usual.
YOMI : I guess so....(Looking at the cars parked)
JADE : (she noticed his reaction is different from what she expected)... haha didn't you notice?
YOMI : ehn....the thing is...(thinking of what to say)....em... I think I did.
JADE : Yomi, you're acting strange.
YOMI : (afraid she may spoil the whole plan)....no....why did you say so?
JADE : because when we were leaving the house, you said you wanted me to cook for you, but while we were coming I told you to branch at the market but you didn't.
YOMI : hmm...the thing is that...(getting to the gate, he opens it for her to enter)....I just changed my mind about the cooking of a thing.
JADE : (enterin into the compound)...then I said we should buy something to eat, you said no. You're just so bent on us going home...
YOMI: (starts laughing)...don't tell me you already think I want to kidnap you?...don't worry, I definitely will kidnap you someday but trust me I will do it legally....(climbing the stairs)
JADE: (hits him jokingly)....you're not serious o...
YOMI : you know what I want Jade?
JADE : what?
YOMI : good. I want to just sit down and gist with you for the rest of today. That's what I want.(Getting to the door)
JADE : (chuckles)...you're so funny...
YOMI : hmm mm....(Pretending to be opening the door with the key...)..is it not good?(Opens the door)....come in....(Allows her enter before he follows behind her, closing the door)
JADE : hmm...(Entering into the sitting room)..it is...(Looking around)...haha why is everywhere dark? Why didn't you raise the curtains?...(as she goes towards the curtain to raise it up, everyone comes out of the rooms where they were hiding and shouted...)
EVERYBODY : tahdah!...(Still coming out)
JADE : (was scared to her wits she run toward Yomi at the door)...Jesus!...
YOMI : (holding her)...hold on Babe, where are you going?
EVERYBODY : happy birthday!!!
(Yomi, Funmi and some of the guests put on the lights from each corner as they all sang for her. Jade recognizes some of the guests)
JADE : oh my God...(holding her hands on her chest, she turns to Yomi)
YOMI : happy birthday love!...(He gives her a hug as Jade becomes dumbfounded)..I wish you many more years to come...
JADE : (smiling with tears in her eyes)...thank you...thank you...(She then turns to the guests)...oh my God, you guys are awesome...I can't believe you did this for me....(She hugs them one after the other as they come forward to tell her happy birthday)..thank you.
(Yomi stood beside her as they all greeted her. After they've all greeted her...)
YOMI : sweetheart, come, you need to get dressed for the occasion so let's go...(Announces to the guests)...please everyone...the celebrant wants to go and dress up she'll be right back...(They all nod at them)
JADE : yomi...(She looks around and suddenly sees the inscription)..oh my God, its your birthday too?
YOMI : hmm mm....
JADE : ...happy birthday...oh...I'm so short of words I don't even know what to say...thank you for all this....I...
YOMI : (places his finger across her lips)...sshh...you need to dress up now...(Holding her hand and pulling her towards the bedroom)
JADE : I didn't even get you a birthday gift...
YOMI : you will when the time is right...
JADE : (following him into the room, she sees the dress, the shoe and the box of pearl)...oh my God Yomi, isn't this just too much....(Looking at the dress)...
YOMI : nothing is too expensive for you...I'll leave you to dress up now. If there's anything you need, let me or Funmi know...(I'll be in the sitting room with the guests, though I'll tell Funmi to come over, okay...(Leaving)
JADE : alright...
(Yomi goes into the sitting room and tells Funmi to go to Jade.)
FUNMI : coz, coz...(Entering into the room)...happy birthday...
JADE : (dressing up)..Funmi...so you guys were planning something like this and you didn't tell me...
FUNMI : (smiling)...well, it was suppose to be a surprise so why should I tell you?...hope you like the dress?
JADE : yes I do...its beautiful...please zip me up...(Turning her back to Funmi)....and I didn't even know that today is his birthday too...
FUNMI : I didn't know until I got here too. He didn't even tell me...
JADE : thanks so much cousin...
FUNMI : its Yomi you should thank not me. He did all the expenses...
JADE : oh...even with the fact that he has no job?
FUNMI : believe me that guy loves you so much. In fact he's so crazy about you...
JADE : hmmm...I love him too...
FUNMI : please don't hurt him okay...promise me you won't?
JADE : I won't ever do that. He's my soul mate, I can't hurt him.
FUNMI : no matter what, right?
JADE : yes, but why are you saying this?
FUNMI : nothing, just always remember your promise to me.
JADE : okay o...
FUNMI : oya...finish dressing up and let's go back to the sitting room...
JADE : na wa for you o, you just told everybody, even Chidinma, Nikky, Charles...
FUNMI : even Roland and Tosin are still coming.... Yomi's sister came but she didn't wait. She just dropped the cake and his clothes and left.
JADE : really! Eyah..I would have loved to meet her o...
(Meanwhile, Yomi had also gone to dress up and as he finished he comes to the sitting room to be with the guests while waiting for Jade to come out...)
YOMI : (walking up to his friend, Lanre)...hey man thanks for everything...
LANRE : stop thanking me, what are friends for?....and hey, nice outfit...
YOMI : thanks....I really appreciate you man!...(Hugs him)
LANRE : and happy birthday once again...
YOMI : thanks...
LANRE : hey...(Bringing something out of his pocket)..here's the ring...
YOMI : (collecting the little box of engagement ring from him)...thanks.
LANRE : so when are you doing it?
YOMI : immediately she comes out...
LANRE : okay.
YOMI : wish me luck man.
LANRE : of course I wish you all the best...
YOMI : thanks..(Hugs him again)
LANRE : wow...(Looking around)..people are quite much o....(Seeing some people still coming in)
YOMI : yes o...
LANRE : I wasn't expecting this much...(Just then he sees Bimbo and Tara coming in)...hey... hey..look who's here?
YOMI : (turning round to look at the door)...who...(Surprised to see Bimbo) what is she doing here?
LANRE : does she know your birthday?
YOMI : hmmm....should....
(Meanwhile as Bimbo enters she was surprised to see so many people in the house...)
TARA : wow..its a party o...(Holding the cake)
BIMBO : oh my...enough cake sef...
TARA : but...
BIMBO : (cuts in)...thank God I'm well dressed...(Looking at herself)..where is he...(Looking for Yomi)
TARA : (looking around for him)....there he is, with that his friend...(Pointing)
BIMBO : okay...(She walks towards Yomi)....happy birthday dear...(Going to hug him)
TARA : happy birthday Yomi...
YOMI : thanks...(Hugging her reluctantly while checking when Jade will come out)...
BIMBO : hi...em....(Trying to remember Lanre's name)...sorry I really can't recall your name again...
LANRE : Lanre....hi.
BIMBO : nice to meet you once again...(Turns to Yomi)...here's your gift....(Giving him a present)...
YOMI : thanks.. (Collects it and dumps it on the chair)
BIMBO : and here's your cake...I'll go and put it there for you...
(As she went to place the cake down, Jade comes out of the room looking extraordinarily beautiful. Funmi had helped her to wrap her hair...)
YOMI : (sighs at Lanre that Jade is out. He goes to Jade)...Babe....you look extremely beautiful....
JADE : thank you...
YOMI : come with me...
(As he holds her hand and leads her to the middle of the sitting, though greeting some new guests left and right, Mark walks into the scene with Hyke. He was still trying to locate Funmi or Jade when he saw the person pulling Jade to the middle of the party...)
MARK : (shocked)...wait..I know that guy...
HYKE : that guy looks familiar...and who is he to Jade....I think I've seen him somewhere before....(Trying to recollect where he'd seen the face)
MARK : what the hell is he doing with Jade?....(He was about going close when Hyke pulls him back)...
HYKE : hey don't go, let's wait and see what he's going to do...I still can't remember where I knew him...
MARK : that's Bimbo's Ex nau...(Furious)
HYKE : ehn ehn...I knew I'd seen him before...so what is he doing here, with Jade....
(Meanwhile, Bimbo was busy placing the cake on a tray when Tara taps her...)
TARA : Bimbo, I think you need to see this o...(Pointing at Yomi and Jade)
BIMBO : what?....(She looks at the direction Tara was talking about, she was shocked)....what is she doing here?....what is he doing?...(Drops what's in her hand and directs her attention at Jade and Yomi)....so he didn't break up with her?....damn it!
(Back to Yomi and Jade, he pulls her to the middle...)
YOMI : attention everyone...(Everyone turns their attention to them, keeping quiet)...for those of you who still don't know me or her, this is Jadesola Thomas and I am Yomi Coker. Its our birthday, though the celebration is actually for her and I want to cease this opportunity to tell you just a little about her and what she means to me...(He turns to her, holding her hand)...I met Jade few months ago and I must confess my life as not remained the same since then. Before meeting her I was a mess. A mess that led to the loss of my job, but after I met her, it has been, from laughter to happiness. She's the miracle my life has been waiting for just to come alive. Life has gotten a whole new meaning since we met and this joy that fills my heart is one I don't ever want to stop, which is why....(Bringing out the engagement ring from his pocket and going on his knees)...I want to ask her to spend the rest of her life with me. I want to grow old with you, make my babies with you. You've been the Queen of my heart for months now but I want you to reign there forever. I've never loved anyone the way I love you, neither is anyone as important as you are to me. You make my existence complete, you make my joy complete, you make my world complete. You are the only woman I want to spend my future with. Please make me the happiest man on earth by saying "Yes"...
(Then everybody except Bimbo, Tara (at their corner), Hyke and Mark (at their corner) starts saying...."Say Yes, say yes...")
YOMI : please be my wife...(Stretching out the ring to her)
JADE : (with tears in her eyes, she looks at Funmi, smiling)...Yes Yomi, I'll be your wife...
YOMI : you will?...(Stands up holding her)
JADE : yes, I will....
(Mark did not know when he busted out...)
MARK : no you can't! ....(Going towards them, Hyke tried pulling him back but he couldn't )...you can't marry him Jade because I love you...
JADE : (surprised to see Mark)...Mark...what are you....(She remembers she wasn't the one that made the guest list)....
MARK : (kneels before Jade), I was coming to tell you how much I love you...please you can't....look....(Bringing out his ring)...I got you the most expensive ring in the store....I was going to propose to you today...
JADE : (short of words)...Mark...please, stand up...
MARK : no, let me be here. I don't want to loose you...
JADE : Mark, (trying to pull him up)...I've told you times without number that we can only be friends. I love Yomi and I've said yes to him.
MARK : but you just met him...
JADE : yes but its enough for me.
(Meanwhile, Bimbo had been crying profusely seeing the drama from where she was. She blurted out...)
BIMBO : Mark, I can't believe you're kneeling....(Walking towards them)....what is it about this girl that's even driving you two crazy? Is she using Jazz for you guys?
FUNMI : (coming to Jade's rescue)...hey, who are you and who invited you in the here?....(Turns to Yomi)...is she your guest?
YOMI : oh no! I didn't invite her.
BIMBO : what, you're denying me because of this .....(Pointing at Jade)...thing here?
FUNMI : hey...(Stands in front of her)...its better you leave this place before you're thrown out....
BIMBO : I can't believe you guys are...
FUNMI : (cuts in) please leave!
YOMI : oh..take your cake and your gift with you....(Pointing at the cake and gift)
TARA : (comes to Bimbo,patting her)...I think its better we get out of here....(Bimbo looks around feeling so embarrassed, she leaves with Tara)
MARK : (ignoring the others)....please Jade....
JADE : Mark, please...let it go.
MARK : but I love you....
HYKE : (pulling him up)......come on let's go...you can talk to her about it later.
(Mark leaves close to tears...)
FUNMI : (announcing)...sorry peeps I'm sorry for that little interruption. Let's continue...(She goes into the kitchen)
YOMI : (turns to Jade and hugs her)...I love you...
JADE : I love you too...(Holding him tight)
YOMI : (takes the ring and slips it into her finger....)...now you're Mrs Coker to be....(He hugs her again)
JADE : I love you...
(In the car, Tara drives Bimbo home...)
BIMBO : why the hell did I go there? If only I knew this would happen, I wouldn't have gone...(Tears on her eyes)...I lost Mark, now its Yomi....(Tears dropping from her eyes)
TARA : I'm so sorry you had to go through that....just imagine, Yomi ended up proposing right in front of you...
BIMBO : (crying) if only I had accepted his proposal then....
(Hyke drives Mark home...)
MARK : (furious and almost hitting the dash board)...no, I can't believe this...I can't allow her go just like that...
HYKE : who would have thought that its that same guy that will take Jade from you...
MARK : but...he can't just take her from me like that...no....
HYKE : you better let go...
MARK : tell me I am dreaming....

  • HYKE : just let go Mark.... life is funny, who would have thought its this same guy that will take Jade from you? You took Bimbo from him, he took Jade from you...
MARK : why can't he just go back to Bimbo...
HYKE : well...
To be continued...

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