Tuesday 12 July 2016


Episode 28

(Some few days later, Yomi was at Lanre's house to discuss some issues with him. After talking for a while they digressed into what happened with Mark and Jade...)
LANRE : haha...what is it with that guy and your girls...
YOMI : I wonder o...though I think its the other way round now...(Smiling)
LANRE : how?
YOMI : he knew Jade long before I did.
LANRE : so wait, that means its karma, he took your girl and you took his, abi?
YOMI : no o, Jade never dated him o.
LANRE : oh...
YOMI : she didn't, though, he's been after her for so long. Since she was a teenager.
LANRE : hmm....so now you've paid him back in his own coin...
YOMI : but he doesn't know.
LANRE : (surprised)..are you serious?
YOMI : he doesn't.
LANRE : (laughs)...I wish I could see his face when he finds out...(Laughs)
YOMI : that apart jare. Guess what?
LANRE : what's that?
YOMI : next saturday is Jade's birthday.
LANRE : really...(Looks at the calendar and sees the date)...haha....(Walks towards the calendar to make sure he's not seeing wrongly)....that's your birthday too!...
YOMI : she doesn't know yet o.
LANRE : wonderful! So you guys share the same date?
YOMI : so I gathered but I don't want her to know about it. I want to organize something for her.
LANRE : wow...a double birthday...
YOMI : you can say that again...
LANRE : so what do you have in mind?
YOMI : we'll do it here because I want to propose to her on that day..
LANRE : huh...I don't think that's a good idea...
YOMI : why...
LANRE : you guys just started dating for crying out loud, Yomi.
YOMI : so? Its not like we're getting married the next day...
LANRE : I don't want you to end up like you did when you proposed to Bimbo o...
YOMI : Jade is not like that. She's my soul mate...
LANRE: (thinks for a while)...hmm...okay. If you say so.
YOMI : I know so.
LANRE : okay, so what do you want to do on that day?
YOMI : a surprise party. I'll tell her cousin to call their close friends to come over here...
LANRE : okay...
YOMI : she'll help to work on the necessary things to do.
LANRE : okay. Let me know how you want me to come in...
YOMI : come with me to the jewelry store to get a ring.
LANRE : are you sure of this?
YOMI : yes I'm sure.
LANRE : okay.
YOMI : yep...(Then his phone rings)...who is this?...(He picks it)...hello?
CALLER : hi Yomi?
YOMI : who is this?
CALLER : don't tell me you've forgotten my voice so soon....its me Bimbo
YOMI : Bimbo?
CALLER : yes...Yomi...I called because I want to officially apologize to you for everything I did...please forgive me.
YOMI : look Bimbo, I've forgiven you, okay?
CALLER : really! You have?
YOMI : yes I have. So stop apologizing over and over...
CALLER : okay, thanks I really appreciate that a lot...
YOMI : yeah, bye....(He hangs up)
LANRE : was it the same Bimbo that we both know?
YOMI : yes. She wants my forgiveness for all the humiliation.
LANRE : and you forgave her just like that?
YOMI : well, I'd rather forgive her so she stops calling and asking forgiveness, than endure her constant pleading...
LANRE : hmm...I hope you know what you're doing?
YOMI : trust me, I do.
LANRE : okay...
(Meanwhile, Bimbo was with her friends when she called Yomi...)
ANET : so what did he say?
BIMBO : he said he's forgiven me...
ANET : already?
BIMBO : though he hung up after that...
ANET : that's normal, do you want him to just start smiling with you immediately?
CHIOMA : but are you sure he's really forgiven you?
BIMBO : well...I know Yomi, I'm sure he's forgiven me.
CHIOMA : Tara told me all that has been going on with you...
BIMBO : yeah but it will be settled soon I'm sure...guess what!
ANET : what is that?
BIMBO : saturday is Yomi's birthday...
ANET : really?
CHIOMA : this next saturday?
BIMBO : yes. So I'm planning on visiting him and giving him a surprise...
CHIOMA : that will be nice o...
BIMBO : hmm mm.
(Mark is at Hyke's place discussing...)
HYKE : so how far? Has she picked your call?
MARK : she hasn't...I've been calling her since the second day we took the flowers there but she didn't pick it up.
HYKE : give me her number, let me call her so you'll talk to her from here...(He picks his phone and dials Jade's number)
MARK : okay...
HYKE : (on the phone)...hello?
RECEIVER : hello, please who am I speaking with?
HYKE : Jade, this is Hyke...
RECEIVER : oh Hyke....hi?
HYKE : how are you doing?
RECEIVER : I'm good...
HYKE : someone wants to talk to you...(He gives the phone to Mark
MARK : hi..Jade
RECEIVER : hi Mark, what's up with you?
MARK : I'm good, you?...(Smiles at her response)
RECEIVER : very well thank you.
MARK : Jade...I've been asking for your forgiveness, please forgive me, please Jade.
RECEIVER : there's nothing to forgive Mark.
MARK : of course there is. I know I've told you I love you, yet...
JADE : (cuts in)...Mark, you don't have to explain yourself. You and I know my stand on having a relationship, remember I told you that I only see you as a brother and nothing else. That was the same thing I wanted to come and tell you on that day. May be you should just settle your differences with that girl and stay with her...
MARK : God forbid! Jade I don't love her, its you I love...
RECEIVER : Mark, you don't love her yet you sleep with her?
MARK : seriously she lured me into it, I didn't plan to do it, you know how all theses Jezebel girls can be nau, please try to understand me. Moreover that girl is materialistic, she will leave me if I have any money problems.
RECEIVER : the only constant thing is change Mark, she may change for the better, give her a chance.
MARK : Jade, I didn't call you to plead for her, but I called you because I need you to forgive me.
RECEIVER : but I've told you there's nothing to forgive, we're still friends as usual. Nothing has changed.
MARK : are you serious about that?
RECEIVER : yes I am.
MARK : but why haven't you been picking my calls?
RECEIVER : because I know you want to apologize which is not necessary.
MARK : so we're still good?
RECEIVER : yes we are.
MARK : I'm happy to hear that...(Smiling)...so can we hook up on...say saturday?
RECEIVER : I'll let you know if that will be possible because I'm working on some business stuffs.
MARK : really? Tell me about it...
RECEIVER : not right now 'cause I'm busy now.
MARK : alright then, we'll talk later.
RECEIVER : yep! Bye!...(Hangs up)
MARK : I...(Looks at Hyke)....she hung up before I could even say I love....
HYKE : don't worry...(Collecting his phone back) ....she'll come around.
MARK : I hope so o, I really hope so because I can't get her off my mind...
(Few days later, Yinka is at the office with Mike talking...)
YINKA : tomorrow is Jade's birthday...
MIKE : really? How do you know?
YINKA : I set a reminder for it...
MIKE : hmm...how old is she going to be?
YINKA : 28...
MIKE : wow.....she's not a kid o...
YINKA : yes.
MIKE : so have you forgotten about her yet?
YINKA : (smiles)...no, I believe we can still come back. She's not getting any younger so starting another relationship now won't be easy for her....abi na so e easy make person find good man? Especially one who will not have sex with her like I did? Hell no. I'm sure she's still there.
MIKE : hmm...you're so sure of yourself...
YINKA : yes I am....
MIKE : omo! I love your confidence o...
YINKA : (laughing)...she's a good girl, its just the circumstances that got us separated...
MIKE : I didn't know that's your middle name?
YINKA : (confused)...how do you mean?
MIKE : you said it was 'circumstances'...I know you were the one that caused the separation....so? Mr circumstances, its good to know that you can also bring both of you back whenever you want, abi?
YINKA : na you know o...but I believe she's still available sha...
MIKE : (laughing)....so are you going to call her to say happy birthday?
YINKA : of course...
MIKE : hmm....
(The following day, early in the morning, Jade was in her room. As she finished her morning devotion, she receives a call from her mother ....)
CALLER : happy birthday dear... You shall see your grand children. You will prosper all the days of your life.
JADE : amen!
CALLER : you shall know no sorrow all the days of your life...
JADE : amen! 
(Her mother prayed and prayed for her and afterwards...)
CALLER : Jade...
JADE : yes Mum..
CALLER : God is going to give you a special gift for your birthday please don't reject it o....
JADE : special gift?
CALLER : yes...a surprise gift.
JADE : hmm....okay Mummy prophetess...(Laughing)
CALLER : I'm serious o
JADE : okay o Mummy, I'll watch out for it o.
CALLER : alright dear, have a wonderful day my dear.
JADE : thanks Mum! I love you...
CALLER : love you too...(Hangs up)
JADE : special gift...
(She was thinking about it when her phone rings again. She looks at who the caller is)....hello?
CALLER : hello?
JADE : yes?
CALLER : happy birthday....I wish you many more years in good health...
JADE : thanks.
CALLER : so how have you been?
JADE : very well thanks.
CALLER : any plans for your birthday?
JADE : nope.
CALLER : why? Still no job?
JADE : yep.
CALLER : okay. I wish you all the best today.
JADE : okay...thanks...(Hangs up)
(Then Funmi enters into the room singing for her...)
FUNMI : happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear cousin, happy birthday to you....(Hugs her)...happy birthday dearie!
JADE : thanks!....(Hugging her back)
FUNMI : has Yomi called you?
JADE : no, he doesn't know...
FUNMI : haha...you didn't tell him?
JADE : no.
FUNMI : but why?
JADE : because he may want to do something or buy me an expensive gift and remember he has no job. Though I'll tell him when we see today. I'm going to his place later on.
FUNMI : when are you going? 
JADE : I intend going early sha because he told me he was having headache yesterday, so I have to go and check up on him...
FUNMI : okay...so who and who have called you today?
JADE : you can't imagine, Yinka called me o...
FUNMI : Yinka!
JADE : I'm telling you...
FUNMI : hmm....okay o. I'm going to my room, since we're not doing anything special...(Leaving)
JADE : (laughing) okay.
(Funmi enters into her room and dials her phone....)
FUNMI : hello Yomi?
RECEIVER : yeah Funmi?
FUNMI : good morning?
RECEIVER : good morning, how was your night?
FUNMI : fine thanks. Look, Jade intends coming to your place early this morning o.
RECEIVER : yee! did she say so?
FUNMI : yes o. She said you complained of headache yesterday, so she wants to come check up on you early this morning.
RECEIVER : huh....
FUNMI : so I don't know what you will tell her so she doesn't spoil our plans. The caterer won't be there till around 1pm and every other thing we need to put in place.
RECEIVER : okay. Don't worry I'll cook something up, I also want to go and get the cake at allen.
FUNMI : have you booked it already?
RECEIVER : yes nau, since monday.
FUNMI : okay. I will be there before 12 so please go and get the cake and come back before 12pm, so that we can come and decorate the place. I've sent the address to all our friends already tellinig them its a surprise party.
RECEIVER : perfect! so they won't tell her abi?
FUNMI : no they won't.
RECEIVER : okay. Don't worry, I'll leave for allen right away...
FUNMI : okay...don't forgtet to call her now o.
RECEIVER : don't worry I will, thanks.
FUNMI : alright bye!...(Hangs and looks around to make sure Jade didn't hear her)
(Meanwhile Jade receives a call from Yomi....)
JADE : (seeing the caller)...why is he calling me, hope he doesn't know yet....(She picks the call)...baby....good morning
CALLER : good morning Love, how was your night?
JADE : very well thanks...yours?
CALLER : not bad.
JADE : I was just about calling you now....how are you feeling?
CALLER : I'm better now..in fact I have to go and see my Mum immediately, she called me.
JADE : hope there's no problem?
CALLER : she said I should come over briefly, so I will call you when I'm coming back.
JADE : okay...drop your key so that I can come over and cook something for you before you get back....
CALLER : oh....my key...(Thinking of what to say)...em...yeah....the security man is sick o, so he went home, and my neighbors went for another neighbor's wedding. I don't think there's anyone around to leave the key with. Don't  worry dear, I'll come over to your place when coming back, then we'll come here together.
JADE : okay, that's not bad...take care of yourself dear.
CALLER : alright Love, I love you...
JADE : I love you too....(Hangs up)
(After she hung up Funmi comes into her room)
FUNMI : Jade, I have to go to the office, I forgot to drop my keys and my Boss just called me now that they need to take something from my office...
JADE : eyah...okay...
(Meanwhile Bimbo and Tara are at home getting dressed up...)
TARA : I believe he will love the fact that you didn't forget his birthday..
BIMBO : its the best I can do to get him back....(Dressing up)
TARA : we should go to the store to get him a nice gift too.
BIMBO : definitely...
TARA : but do you think he's at home?
BIMBO : even if he's not, we'll wait for him to come back...
TARA : okay...(Still dressing up)
BIMBO : you go and get the cake, make sure its a love shape.
TARA : okay...
BIMBO : then I will go and get the gift...
TARA : what do you want to get for him?
BIMBO : I don't know yet. When I get there, I'll check out all they have.
TARA : alright...so how do we hook up?
BIMBO : I don't know how long it will take to get the cake, but once you get it let me know.
TARA : alright...(making up)
BIMBO : I want to do something spectacular because I don't trust that girl. She may want to do something too and I want my own stuff to be better.
TARA : you think they're still together?
BIMBO : I don't know, but I don't want to take any chances.
TARA : I'm just so happy he has forgiven you.
BIMBO : Yomi has a very good heart he's a very nice guy, that was why I dated him...(Applying her make up)....he's any woman's dream man.
TARA : since you knew that you should have kept him aside when having your thing with that Mark instead of breaking up then.
BIMBO : hmm..its just that his proposal came as a shock...
TARA : hmm....you didn't handle it well....
BIMBO : that's in the past now, let's face the future jare....
TARA : hmm...(Finishing her make up)...I'm off....
(Meanwhile Yomi's collects the cake and enters into his car. He calls Lanre....)
YOMI : Lanre how far? Where are you?
RECEIVER : I'm on my way to your place already.
YOMI : please go and get the ring for me. You still remember the one I picked right?
RECEIVER : yes, but why don't you want to go?
YOMI : I'm just collecting the cake and Funmi should either be on her way to my place or even there already. They need to decorate the whole place before people start arriving nau...
RECEIVER :  that's true...
YOMI : just go there, I've paid for it already. I'll call the guy now and tell him I'm sending you, since we went there together, he should still recognize you.
RECEIVER : okay. No problem.
YOMI : thanks man!
RECEIVER : hope you got your own cake too o....
YOMI : my sister is bring mine, this one is specially for Jade.
RECEIVER : hmm...lover boy..
YOMI : that's me...
RECEIVER : alright later...
YOMI : yep!....(Hangs up)
(He drives straight home and by the time he got home Funmi was already waiting for him outside...)
YOMI : (coming out of his car)...I'm so sorry...please the cake wasn't ready on time and I totally forgot to drop my key for you.
FUNMI : its okay. We still have time...this is the guy that wants to decorate the whole place...I've told him its just a birthday party.
YOMI : okay...(Bringing the cake out of the car)
FUNMI : let me see it....(Opens the cover)...wow..this is beautiful.
YOMI : hope she'll like it?
FUNMI : of course!...bring it, let me hold it for you. We'll put it inside the fridge...(Collecting it from him)
YOMI : thanks....let's go...(They go inside to get the place ready for Jade. While doing that...)...Funmi...
FUNMI : yes?
YOMI : we're going to have more people coming....
FUNMI: really?
YOMI: yes, because its m birthday too...
FUNMI: oh my God....and you didn't tell me....happy birthday...
YOMI: thanks...I didn't want it to disturb our plans....
FUNMI: so we're having a double birthday?
YOMI: kind of...
FUNMI: wow...that will be so romantic....
YOMI: okay, let me go and get her....my sister and cousins will be here too, so I'll tell her you're here so she doesn't start asking questions...
FUNMI: okay....

To be continued...

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