Tuesday 12 July 2016

TEST OF TIME Episode 30

Episode 30

The party went well and around 7pm all the guests had left for their various homes.

After the caterer left, Funmi, Ayo, Benita and Lanre helped to clear up. When they finished clearing up, they all start down to drink chapman and the left over cake while gisting...
FUNMI : thank God tomorrow is sunday....
AYO : Yes oh, if not, one would have been thinking of work...
LANRE : I admire your confidence Funmi, that was impressive.
BENITA : only God knows what scandal that lady would have caused.
JADE : I felt really embarrassed all that happened because of me.
YOMI : hell no...(Holding Jade)...it didn't happen because of you?
LANRE : that's true. You had nothing to do with it.
BENITA : and you weren't the one that was embarrassed. It was that lady.
FUNMI : she has no shame. Instead of coming to talk she should have just walked away gently, unnoticed.
BENITA : haa..she tried o. I can't do that thing she did.
LANRE : she deserved everything she got. You guys should have been there when she disgraced Yomi, the day he wanted to propose to her.
FUNMI : you were there?
LANRE : yes I was.
BENITA : when I heard, I felt for Yomi o...
FUNMI : how exactly did it happen?
LANRE : the guy was about kneeling down when she pulled him inside the room o. He had called the attention of everybody.... At first she said 'what are you doing? She then pulled him inside as she did that, the ring fell down. It was so obvious to all the guests that he wanted to propose and she didn't want him to...
YOMI : (cuts in)...after saying all the sweet words o...(Chuckles)
AYO : chai! If a girl should do that to me ehn...that's the end o.
FUNMI : you know what I think? God wanted her to feel the same embarrassment that Yomi felt hence the coming out to challenge Yomi and Mark over Jade.
BENITA : hmmm....that's true o...(Turns to Yomi)....God avenged you.
JADE : the embarrassment she brought upon herself was too much. First it was at Mark's house, that was the first day I met her, then at Mark's house again when he denied her just after sleeping with her. Then the one that happened today...haa, its too much...
AYO : she asked for it jare.
LANRE : she embarrassed Yomi once, she got it back in three folds.
YOMI : I'm happy she did...if not I wouldn't have been with my 'heartbeat' here...(Smiling at Jade)
FUNMI : she now wanted to spoil the proposal I'd looked forward to...I quickly arrested the situation make she no come spoil show o...
AYO : hmm...you come turn bouncer
(They all laugh)
BENITA : I'm happy for you guys o...Yomi, finally...
YOMI : thanks...
BENITA : so when should we be expecting the wedding bells?
YOMI : that up to my lady here...she will call the shots...even if she says tomorrow, oya..
JADE : haha! Let's make it this night sef not tomorrow...
(They all laugh. After sometime, Lanre and Benita leaves while Ayo takes Funmi home, leaving the couple alone...)
YOMI : do you know that i had my fears about proposing to you?
JADE : you did?(Surprised)...why?
YOMI : once beaten twice shy, I shouldn't have tried proposing to any lady publicly again...not after the experience with Bimbo.
JADE : since you had that fear, why did you?
YOMI : I don't know...I just felt the impluse to do it. Plus I wanted you to know I don't have anything hidden. I am ready to make it known to the whole world that I love and want to be with you.
JADE : (smiling)....and that was so romantic...
YOMI : you liked it?
JADE : liked it?..I loved it! Its the best birthday gift you can ever give me...although, at first, I felt it was too early, but, well...I couldn't reject the only man I can ever spend my life with..
YOMI : I would have fainted if you had said no...
JADE : I couldn't have done that to you, knowing that Bimbo had done the same....
YOMI : hmm...is that all?
JADE : no...and because I love you, I can't hurt you...
YOMI : is that all?
JADE : (smiles)...and because you're the best thing that's happened to me...
YOMI : is that all?
JADE : and because, you're the most gorgeous guy I've ever seen...
YOMI : hmmm...is that all?
JADE : and because, when I'm with you, the world stands still.
YOMI : chai!...any other thing?
JADE : and because after God, you're the only man that can rule my heart...
YOMi : eee!...continue, I'm hearing...
JADE : you're the only man that can be the father of my children.
YOMI : ehn ehn?
JADE : you're the only man worthy of putting any ring on this finger...
YOMI : did you stop? Continue nah..
JADE : you're the only guy who can tell me I'm beautiful and my body will be shaking...
YOMI : (laughing)...oya continue my head is swelling...don't stop...
JADE : (hits him jokingly while laughing)...look at you, come and take me home joor...
YOMI : haha nau...you just stopped the vibes like that...
JADE : take me home joor...(Still laughing)
YOMI : ohh..I wish this doesn't have to stop....
JADE : it won't stop, its just paused. To be continued...because you have me and will continued to have me...
YOMI : chai! This girl will not kill me o(standing up)...oya let me take you home. Maybe you will have to record some of this sweet words so that I can hear them every night before I sleep...it will enhance sweet dreams....(Going towards the door)
JADE : (laughing)...you're not serious...
(Meanwhile Hyke and Mark are still together...)
HYKE : maybe you should just go and settle with Bim...
MARK : (cuts in)..don't you ever call that girl's name again! How can you tell me to go back to a girl that's only interested in a rich guy? If I end up loosing all my money or something happens to me she'll just leave me.
HYKE : hmm...
MARK : I want a girl who will stay with me through thick and thin. I want a girl that I can be sure is in love with me and not my money. Moreover I don't love her!
HYKE : so what do you want to do now?
MARK : I'll still talk to Jade. She may still change her mind...
HYKE : believe me I don't think she will. She really looks like she's in love with that guy...
MARK : I'll still try talking to her.
HYKE : what if she says no?
MARK : I won't give up till she's really married to someone else.
HYKE : and after that?
MARK : why asking me all this question? You think I'll go back to Bimbo? God forbid! I won't!
HYKE : fine...then look for another girl. Look I promise I won't stay in your way no matter who it is.
MARK : if I don't get Jade back, I would never forgive you Hyke!
HYKE : I'm sorry...
MARK : yeah right!
(The following day, Mark calls Jade early in the morning...)
JADE : (on the phone) hi Mark?
CALLER : Jade, please we need to talk...
JADE : Mark, there's nothing for us to talk about. I've told you I love Yomi and that is not going to change.
MARK : but Jade, you just met this guy...
JADE : yes, but I know him enough to be with him.
MARK : for the rest of your life?
JADE : yes.
MARK : Jade rememnber the saying that 'the devil you know is better than the angel you don't know'....
JADE : (chuckles)...hmm
MARK : this guy loved his Ex, what made up think he's forgotten about her already?
JADE : Mark, that is between me and him, you don't have to bother yourself with that...
MARK : but I'm only bothered about you. See I witnessed how this guy kept coming back to beg the girl to take him back. Guys who love their Ex that way don't forget them easily...
JADE : oh really?
MARK : yes.
JADE : okay, thanks for that info. I will take note.
MARK : but can we still hook up as usual?
JADE : you know I have a fiancé now? I can't just hook up with any guy any how again.
MARK : okay...(Disappointed) but we're still friends right?
JADE : why not?
CALLER : okay...
JADE : alright later, got to run. I'm going to church...
CALLER : should I come and worship in your church?
JADE : oh I'm not going to my church but my fiancé's
CALLER : oh.....alright.
JADE : yep bye..(Hangs up and takes a deep breath)....can't he just see its not possible? Huh!
The following week, Yomi was paid handsomely for the blueprint he made for Mr Stanley.
However, he kept applying for jobs and going for interviews, since Jade will be traveling to the UK soon.
Jade on the other hand, was busy getting all she'll need for her trip pending the time her visa will be ready.
About two weeks later, Yomi showed up at Jade's place after calling her to know if she's at home...)
YOMI : (entering into the house)...guess what!....(He hugs and carries her up)
JADE : Yomi...(Laughing in the air)...what is it this time?....don't throw me down o...
YOMI : I got a Job!!!
JADE : are you serious?
YOMI : yes! Yes! Yes!....(Still carrying her)
JADE : Yomi...(Laughing)..put me down and tell me how it happened nau...
YOMI : (putting her down)....sit down...(Pulling her to the seat)...this morning, around 11pm, I received a call from someone saying I should show up at Panon Oil's head office to receive my letter of appointment. I thought it was a joke, so I didn't want to tell you anything till I confirm it. So I went there and behold it was true. I got the letter and went to see the Personnel Manager who told me everything involved in the job. One, I have to go for a Course for 6 months...guess where?
JADE : where?
YOMI : guess nau...
JADE : tell me joor and stop keeping me in suspense...
YOMI : in the UK!
JADE : its a lie!
YOMI : I'm dead serious!
JADE : oh my God!
YOMI : yes. Now let me tell you what is involved; apart from the hotel reservations made, which includes feeding and all that. I'll also get an allowance of €1000 fortnightly. Then after the Course I will resume at their office with a salary of 14.4 million naira per annum.
JADE : oh my God!
YOMI : wait that's not all o. That salary is subject to an increment which will be paid in dollars....sweetheart I'll be paid in 'Dolapo'!
JADE : eee! (She starts singing)..Thank you Jesus...(Yomi joins her)....the owner of my soul, Alpha and Omega, you are worthy to be praised in all generation, there is no one like you, Alpha and Omega you are worthy to be praised.....
YOMI : yes o, he's worthy!
JADE : hey, God you're awesome! You're marvelous, beautiful, wonderful, powerful, glorious...
YOMI : (cuts in)..excellent, faithful, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent...He's a miracle working God!
JADE : wow! I'm so happy for you...(Hugs him)
YOMI : for me? So I'm now alone abi? You should be happy for us, we're in it together.
JADE : wait did you say the UK?
YOMI : yes nau!
JADE : does it mean we may be going together?
YOMI : (laughs) I don't know o...but I think the traveling comes first because I have to go for the course.
JADE : I hope so...
YOMI : though they just wanted my acceptance which I've given them. So they  will start working on it.
JADE : that's better, because anytime from now Nate will bring my visa.
YOMI : I know. You said you've given him your international passport already.
JADE : yes I gave him on tuesday.
YOMI : either you go before me, or I go before you, we'll definitely meet there.
JADE : UK is big o, we may not be in the same state...
YOMI : even if! ....are you telling me you won't come and see me?
JADE : (laughing)...haba nau....of course we'll see...
YOMI : hmm... let's go and celebrate...I'll take you anywhere you want, and don't tell me somewhere will be too expensive..
JADE : (laughing) okay o...
Two weeks later, Jade's visa was ready and she gets ready to leave for the UK. She went to Ibadan to inform her Mum about her trip and to introduce Yomi to them.
Yomi had also introduced Jade to his family members. They all liked her immediately.
Nate had left earlier, after giving her visa and ticket to her, he left to prepare her reception.
Few days after, Yomi is about taking her to the airport...)
JADE : Funmi, I'm going to miss you...
FUNMI : I'll miss you too coz...(Hugging Jade)...make sure you call me when you get there.
JADE : of course I will....(She turns to Yomi)...I'm going to miss you...
FUNMI : haha...is he not coming over soon?
JADE : yes he is, but I'll still miss him before he get there nau...
FUNMI : (laughing)....hmm love in tokyo...
YOMI : no this one is in London.
FUNMI : hmm...thank God you'll be in London together, if not....hmm
YOMI : she will move over to whichever state I am straight!
(They all laughed and he takes her to the airport...)

After Jade landed at the airport in London, she looked out for Nate who leads her to the car that will take her to her father.

As they step into the car park, Jade was surprised to see the car that was to take her to her father. It was a clean, beautiful, white Hummer stretch)
JADE : Nate...(Getting to the car)
NATE : yes?
(the chauffeur opens the door for her)
JADE : is this the car?
NATE : yes...please step in...
JADE : (she enters into the car and the driver takes her 'home'. She could not stop wondering who her father is as she admires all the facilities available in the car)....wow...who owns this car?
NATE : Sir Thomas.
JADE : Sir?
NATE : your father....
To be continued..

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