Tuesday 12 July 2016


Episode 31

(Jade looks at the car; the vehicle is 31 feet long  -ideal for large traveling parties. It has 4 televisions, a DVD player, a 1400 watt Kenwood sound system, laser light show, changing color neon lights, and glass-topped, pull out trays all-round.
She has never been in a limousine before talkless of a Hummer Stretch! She couldn't keep wondering who her father is in this foreign country.
Few minutes later, they were at a big mansion, the drive way is about half a kilometer. The car drives in and stops in front of the big castle. Another person looking like one of the workers in the house opens the door of the car and bows to her as she comes out.
As Jade steps out and was led into the castle she could not hide her amazement.
Akin Thomas was laying on the bed when Jade enters into the big bedroom...)
AKIN : come...(Stretching his right hand out to her)...come....(The nurse helps him to sit up on the bed)
JADE : (walks towards him)...you're my father?
AKIN : yes...come...
JADE : (holding his hand, she couldn't control the tears that flows from her eyes as she sees the pathetic state he was in. His legs have been amputated with his left hand.)...I'm sorry, I didn't know your condition was this terrible...(She sits beside him)
AKIN : I know.
JADE : please don't say anything...(She couldn't stop crying)....
AKIN : its okay. I can talk...I have a lot of things to say to you.....I'm sorry I wasn't there for you as a father......I'm sorry I didn't accept your mother's pregnancy, I'm really sorry. I was still very young then and didn't know what it was to be responsible.... I came over here to school ignoring the woman that was carrying my child. Can you ever forgive me?
JADE : yes...I've forgiven you already...(Holding his hand)
AKIN : thank you...(He calls one of his attendance) Lex...please make sure she's well taken care of....(Looks at Jade)...follow him dear. He will take you to your room so you can freshen up.
JADE : okay...(Standing up)....I'll call Mum and everyone at home then come back to see you...
AKIN : okay...(as she was leaving he calls her name)...Jade...
JADE : sir..(Turning around)...
AKIN : I hope you'll enjoy your stay here.
JADE : (smiles)...I sure will...(She follows Lex)
(As Jade follows him down the gallery, she saw pictures of her father's wife and the another picture which she suspects to be his daughter. She was tempted to ask questions but kept quiet as she walks past them admiring the way the whole house was furnished.
She was taken to a very big room, a room bigger than the whole two-bedroom flat she and her cousin lived in Lagos. On the wall are beautiful paintings and pictures of nature. The bed is big enough for four people to sleep comfortably. There is a center rug on the which the bed is placed, one that sank your feet when placed on it. The curtains used to cover the six large windows are so beautiful she has never seen its material before. There is also a door leading out to the balcony, where you can view the landscape and enjoy the beauty of the whole area from the eastern side.
As she walks in, she had to control herself from asking too much...)
JADE : is...is this my room?..I mean where I'll stay?
LEX : (placing her box down on one side)...yes ma'am....lunch will be served soon....I'll be downstairs in case you need anything...(He bows and turns to leave)
JADE : okay...thanks...
LEX : you're welcome ma'am....(He opens the door and leaves)
JADE : oh my God...(Looking at everything in the room)....yee!....look at the bed....(Touching the mattress)....so big...(She goes to the curtains touching them, she feels them with her cheek, then looks out through the window)...this is beautiful.....(She walks to the door leading to the balcony and peeps out)...wow...what a beautiful view....(Then she goes towards where she suspects to be the bathroom and opens it, but when she looks inside it was the closet! She closes the door and looks for the bathroom not knowing that behind the closet door is the door that leads to the bathroom.)...haha, where is the bathroom and toilet.....(Still looking for it)...it should be somewhere here...(She searches around the room for it)...haha...will I now be calling the guy now to show me where the bathroom is?...oh that will be disgraceful nau....(She sits on the set of chair in the middle of the room)...I need to freshen up before this a/c cools my body...okay, I should be able to take a hot bath....but where is the bathroom now...(Looking around, after wondering for a while she sees the phone and brings out her diary from her bag. She calls her mother to tell her she's landed safely. Afterwards she calls Funmi and finally she calls Yomi)...hello dear
RECEIVER : huh...finally, I've been expecting your call...how was your trip?
JADE : very fine. You know it was first class so I really enjoyed it.
RECEIVER : it was?
JADE : yes o. I didn't know it was till I got inside...you know nau, when someone has never traveled before...(She laughs)
RECEIVER : I didn't check the ticket myself...but tell me, how's the place and your Dad?
JADE : oh Yomi...you need to see him, I never knew his situation was this terrible.
RECEIVER : are you serious?
JADE : in fact Yomi I couldn't control the tears when I saw him. His legs has been amputated...
RECEIVER : (cuts in)..Jesus!...
JADE : Yomi even his left hand. He can't sit up expect the nurse helps him.
RECEIVER : oh my God. The accident must have been very terrible.
JADE : I tell you.
RECEIVER : I'm sure he'll be so happy seeing you.
JADE : yes o he is. He started apologising again but I told him not to worry. Who would see a person like that and not forgive immediately.
RECEIVER : have you called Mum?
JADE : yes I did.
RECEIVER : okay. Because she already called me to ask if you've called.
JADE : I've called her...ha Yomi you need to see his house. Its so big! See I'm already in the room I will stay and hmm you need to see the room, its bigger than that our flat combined together.
RECEIVER : (laughing) are you serious!
JADE : yes o Yomi..
RECEIVER : the thing is that, the real British people love big rooms. That's how they build their houses over there..though the very rich ones o...
JADE : haa..in fact, you really need to see it...I can't even find the bathroom sef.
RECEIVER : (laughing)...haha...bathroom has turned to needle ni yen o...
JADE : oh Yomi, I'm serious I can't find it.
RECEIVER : its in the room somewhere search for it.
JADE : I've been searching nau...
RECEIVER : haha...how many doors are in there?
JADE : one leads to the balcony, then another one to the closet that's all.
RECEIVER : the bathroom is usually close to the closet so check beside it.
JADE : there's no door there nau, seriously.
RECEIVER : check inside the closet, the closet is big abi?
JADE : yes very big.
RECEIVER : go and check inside it.
JADE : okay hold on....(She goes to check inside the closet and there she finds the door that leads to the bathroom. She sees the bathtub, the jacuzzi and the water closet, then she comes back to the phone...)Sweetheart, I've found it o. The bathroom sef is so big!
RECEIVER : your father must be very influential...
JADE : hmm...na wa o.
RECEIVER : okay go and freshen up now let's talk later.
JADE : okay. I'll call you afterwards. I want to have lunch then go and see him.
RECEIVER : okay dear.
JADE : I love you.
RECEIVER : I love you too.
(Jade hangs up, undresses and goes to freshen up. Few minutes after she finished, Lex comes to knock on her door...)
JADE : come in!
LEX : (stepping in)...ma'am, Sir Thomas asks if you'd join him for lunch in his room...
JADE : yes I will.
LEX : he awaits you...(He leaves)
(Jade dresses up and goes to her father's room to join him for lunch)
AKIN : hope its no bother asking you to come over?
JADE : at all....I'd really love to eat with you....
AKIN : come, sit here beside me...
(A chair and a table has already been placed beside his bed for her)
JADE : (sitting down)....thank you sir.
AKIN : you can call me Dad if you don't mind...
JADE : (chuckles)...okay...
AKIN : tomorrow I would like you to go shopping for clothes. There are places Nate will take you to and I want you to look elegant enough for the reception you'll receive there.
JADE : Dad...
AKIN : yes dear?
JADE : can you tell me all about yourself? Everything about you and most especially why you didn't come looking for me?
AKIN : hmm....(Takes a deep breath)...I came here to school. I went to the University of Reading and that was where I met Melissa. She was a beautiful and adorable woman who showed me love at first sight. We became friends and then got married immediately after my Masters. It was during our marriage I got to know that her father is one of the richest men in the United Kingdom and she's an only child. Although her parents were against our relationship, but she was adamant. She loved me so much she stood up against them for me. Her mother was a friend of Her Majesty and so Her Royal Majesty spoke to her but she told them nothing can come between us and believe me nothing did. We got married amidst all the opposition and I needed to prove to them that I love her wholeheartedly. That was why I didn't tell her about you. One day, she was almost shot by one of her father's enemies and I took the bullet for her. That was when they accepted me totally. Some years later, her parents died in an auto crash and bequeathed all they had to her. We were happy, though managing her father's large empire wasn't easy but we managed, not allowing it affect us. One way or the other, I help increase what they left in many folds but last year, the three of us, Melissa, Zeta your sister and I were coming back from the country house when we had the auto crash that claimed their lives and left me this way...(Tears in his eyes)
JADE : its okay Dad...(Patting him)
AKIN : though I came to Nigeria so many times...
JADE : (cuts in)...really?
AKIN : yes. And every time I came you crossed my mind but I always ignored my conscience.
JADE : hmm...
AKIN : (seeing she wasn't eating the lunch that is before her)...please eat your food, don't let me disturb you with my story....
JADE : its okay...(She starts eating)...I'm listening...
AKIN : enough of the sadness, I just want you to forgive me. I was totally wrong and irresponsible, so please forgive me.
JADE : its okay...I've told you I've forgiven you.
AKIN : thank you so much.
JADE : so....have you eaten?
AKIN : (smiles).....don't worry about me. I have a particular diet...because of my health.
JADE : so when do you eat?
AKIN : I'll eat in the next....(Looking at the time)...30 minutes.
JADE : (knowing he won't be able to feed himself).....can I feed you?
AKIN : hmm....(Smiling)....I will love that....
(The following day, Nate followed Jade to shop for shoes and clothes at the most expensive Boutique in London. He also got her prepared for her various meetings.
Her father gives her a break down before the first one...)
AKIN : I've sold all my properties except this house and the country house. All I have left apart from the money are the companies here and the ones in Nigeria.
JADE : in Nigeria?
AKIN : yes. Remember I told you I do come over..
JADE : yes sir.
AKIN : I bought some companies over and bought shares from some others. I am the chairman of the board of Directors of a bank, and three multinational companies based in Nigeria, that's apart from the companies I own. That's apart from the companies I bought over. I don't know what you'll like to do about the businesses and companies I have here but Nate can help you in the decision making. He will take you to those companies as the new owner...
JADE : (shocked, she cuts in)...what! Owner? I thought I would be helping you to manage it....
AKIN : no. I don't have much time left....the doctor said I have limited time that is why I want to hand everything over to you before I die.
JADE : (tears in her eyes)...no you won't die...
AKIN : my dear its better I die than being in this pain. I can't stand up and do whatever I like. I am always in bed. I use diapers, I'm like a burden to myself and the others....
JADE : (crying already)...don't say that, don't talk like that. You're not a burden...
AKIN : I know I am. I'm just awaiting death so that I can have peace of mind...
JADE : Dad...(Sitting up)....that peace of mind cannot be genuine except you give your life to Christ totally. That is when you can really have peace of mind after death...
AKIN : really?
JADE : yes. You need to confess your sins and accept Jesus Christ into your life as your Lord and Saviour. That's when you can reign with Christ in the Kingdom of heaven.
AKIN : (thinks about it for a while)...tell me, what do I have to do?
JADE : (smiles happily)....confess all your sins to God and ask for his forgiveness....(He does that and after sometime)....then say after me...Lord Jesus....I ask you to come into my life....I accept you as my Lord and Saviour today.....I forsake all my sins and accept your death on the cross of calvary for all my sins....thank you Lord for accepting me as your own...in Jesus name I pray....Amen...(She prays for him and reads the bible to him)
(The next one week was quite stressful for Jade. Nate takes her to all her father's businesses and companies in the UK and they all accept her as the new owner. She puts up some of the businesses (the casinos) for sale and gives the money up for charity.
One of those days she got home and was told that Yomi had called when she wasn't around. After freshening up, she calls him up...)
JADE : Baby, I'm so sorry...
RECEIVER : Jade, what's going on, you've not called me for some days now, and anytime I call they tell me you're not home....
JADE : I'm sorry love, I've been very busy. I should have told you everything that's going on but its not being easy. My Dad has a lot of businesses here and he wants me to take over. In fact I had to sell off some of them and give the money to charity.
RECEIVER : really?
JADE : yes....meanwhile what's up with your trip?
RECEIVER : that's why I called you. I'm coming over by next week...
JADE : (she jumps up excitedly)...are you serious!
RECEIVER : yes Baby.
JADE : oh I'll be so happy about that. I'm sure you can even help me out with some decision making here....I can't wait for you to come over...
RECEIVER : I'll let you know when my flight is.
JADE : wow..I'm so excited! Let me go and tell Dad before he sleeps off....I'll call you back....
RECEIVER : okay o....(wishing they could still talk a like more)
(Jade goes to her father's room to tell him about Yomi...)
AKIN : can he stay here throughout his study?
JADE : (surprised)...but why?
AKIN : well the house is too empty and since he's going to be your husband, I should spend as much time as I can with him....
JADE : (smiling)...I'll talk to him about it because his company already made a reservation for him.
AKIN : which company is that?
JADE : oh you can't know it. Its a Nigerian based company.
AKIN : hmm mm...
JADE : yes Dad, its Panon Oil.
AKIN : hmm mm....okay...has Nate shown you the list of companies I own in Nigeria?
JADE : not yet Dad. We want to finish with this ones here first.
AKIN : okay. Just talk to any of the chauffeurs to take you to the airport to pick him up.
JADE : alright Dad.
AKIN : and tell Lex to ensure the maids prepare a room for him, in case he decides to stay here.
JADE : okay...thanks Dad...
To be continued..

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