Wednesday 13 July 2016


Episode 35

Being the person that got the bodyguards and bouncers for the new president, Mr Kay had felt better calling on Mike. As they leave for the President's room, he felt honoured to have been the one to do this because he believes that this will make him have a personal connection with the new president.

When they got to the president's suit, Mike was asked to stay outside with the bodyguards and wait while Mr Kay goes inside to tell the president that they are ready.

Few minutes later, the president walks out of the room and Mike was dumbfounded. He tries to compose himself as they walk her down the hallway.

Mike wished he could make a quick call but he felt its not necessary. He walked on behind the bodyguards who are behind the president.

Meanwhile, in the hall, the MD noticed the President approaching and announces her arrival.
As Jade walks into the hall, Yinka looks at her and felt it is just a lady that looks so much like Jade.
He looks at her...)
YINKA : wow...what a resemblance, I would have said its Jade but no, this one is more beautiful and...(As he goes on in his thought, the MD announces the name from the podium....)
MD : ...miss Jadesola Thomas!
YINKA : (snaps out of his thoughts)....what! Jadesola Thomas...(He kept looking at her as she mounts the podium to give her speech, while Mike walks up to him)
MIKE : Yinka, are you thinking what I'm thinking? Is that who I think it is?...(he noticed that Yinka's eyes are glued to the President. More like he didn't hear a word he spoke)....Yinka...(Taps him)..Yinka
YINKA : am I dreaming?...(He moves closer and also looks at the projector)...
MIKE : (follows and holds him)...take it easy man...I wanted to come and tell you, but it was immediately I saw her that we started coming out. Couldn't leave Mr Kay alone.
YINKA : jobless Jade...liability this possible....a billionaire over night....? (Talking to himself)
MIKE : Yinka...(Taps him again)
YINKA : (coming out of his shock)...yes..(Turns to Mike)....Mike....(Pointing)....Jade, Jade is the President of Cuzins! Jade.... my Jade is the one introduced as the president of Cuzins Mike can't you see...
MIKE : I thought as much. Because I really can't remember her surname. So she's the one abi?! Such a small world...
YINKA : but this really possible?....I.....I...have to talk to her.....ask her how she did it?
MIKE : hmm...I heard she's leaving immediately after her speech.
YINKA : I will follow her and talk to her once she's leaving the hall.
MIKE : huh...those bodyguards will not allow you, except she tells them to leave you.
YINKA : of course she will allow it not the Jade I know. She needs to explain to me how all this happened.
MIKE : wait a minute....she owes you no broke up with her remember?
YINKA : what do you mean? She owes me an explanation because, she knows she owns the company where I work yet she pretended not to have money or what? Of course she owes me an explanation. Her father has been the owner of Cuzins for ages!
MIKE : well, I can help you arrange how to see her...
YINKA : please do.
MIKE : but I advice you don't quarrel with her o.
YINKA : why would I? I just want to know why she tricked me.
MIKE : hmm....(Winks at him)...and may be patch things up right?
YINKA : well...(He looks at her again)...she's looking more beautiful....just look at her....she's shining...
MIKE : (looks at Jade) can say that again....
YINKA : what's the program like? Is she leaving immediately after her speech?
MIKE : I don't know, but what I can do for you is to let those guys allow you speak to her. You know I was the one that brought them, so they'll give me that preference.
YINKA : please do. I'll appreciate that.
MIKE : you just stand on the way to her room, I will go and speak to those guys.
YINKA : okay...(He walks towards the hallway and wait there impatiently, pacing back and fort.
Jade finished making her speech and was told to wait behind to meet some of her father's "old friends". And she waits till the MC declares the program over and an after party.
Her Nigeran lawyer walks up to her and introduces her to the top executives of the company, the creme de la creme of the society as they all walk up to her, greeting her and offering their condolences for her father's death. Some of them telling her how much they know and love Akin Thomas, how close they are to him here and abroad and how sad they feel for not knowing he has such a beautiful  daughter.
While doing all that, the lawyer gives them her number and they all promise to keep in touch with her. Jade felt quite uneasy with the introduction and the popularity Cuzins is bringing to her, because the press was present. Though, the same thing would have occurred in Lagos, but Yomi knew how best to handle those situations, he was able to maneuver too many people from meeting her since she doesn't like it. But his absence is really felt now that he's not here in Abuja with her.
While all this was going on, Yinka waits impatiently for Jade to walk down the hallway. Mike is with him...)
MIKE : guy, calm down're making me nervous the way you're pacing...
YINKA : for God's sake can't you see? Can't you see the same Jade I once knew? She's now the same person dignitaries and politicians are meeting. Look at her, everybody want to meet her. Everybody wants to associate with her. She has become a celebrity over night....I still can't believe it. If not for the fact that they called her name, I wouldn't have believed she's the one. JADE!....the jobless Jade!
MIKE : guy take it easy.
YINKA : is this how things happen to people? Do they just become rich over night?....(He looks towards her direction again)..just look at her, they all want to associate with her....they don't even want her to go. Look....(Chuckles)...I can't even believe this is happening.
MIKE : wait are you sure you can talk to her this way? You're nervous.
YINKA : of course I will...even if it will make me wait till morning, I will wait. Have you talked to those guys?
MIKE : yes. They will allow you talk to her, don't worry.
YINKA : good...thanks man....(He continues pacing, thinking about all that happened between Jade and himself, how he pestered her to go out with him, how she came to Abuja and said yes to him. How she came to his house to cook for him, how they played together, how and how and how...)...shit!
After a continuous introduction to different guests that looks endless, Jade finally told Nate that she wants to retire to her room. The Bodyguards were told to lead her to her suite.
She bades all those around her goodbye and was led away.
On entering into the hall way, Yinka sees her and walks up to them calling out for her. On hearing the way he called her, one of the managers going with them to her suite saw him and felt disgusted at the way he calls his boss by her name, he stops to address him while the rest kept moving....)
MANAGER : (shocked at his approach) Mr Yinka, please she's your boss show some respect!
YINKA : em...(Short of words)...sir we are friends...(Looking back at where the rest are going)..
MANAGER : even at that. This is an official environment you have to be formal with her...
(As the manager was talking to Yomi, Jade stops the bodyguards as Nate whispers to her)
NATE : does he know you or do you know him?
JADE : (smiles)...yes...
NATE : oh....Is he the one Yomi spoke about?
JADE : (chuckles)...yes.
NATE : do you want to talk to him or we should ignore him?
JADE : hmm....(Takes a deep breath)...if I don't talk to him, it will be as if I'm proud or something....
NATE : so what do you want to do?
JADE : (smiles)...hmm....if I talk to him here, I'll just keep everybody waiting. He can come to my suite.
NATE : alright....(Nate walks up to the manager as he reprimands Yinka)....excuse me...
MANAGER : (turns to Nate)...Mr Nate don't worry...
NATE : (cuts in)....its okay. He's a friend...(Looks at Yinka) can come and see her at her suite later on...let's say in the next...(Looks at his wrist watch) or two hours, its suite 60. okay?
YINKA : okay. Thank you.
NATE : (turns to the bodyguards)..please allow the young man in when he comes....(They nod as he turns back to the manager)...we can go now.
(As they leave, Yinka looks at them walking Jade up to her suite. He returns to Mike...)
MIKE : what happened? You didn't see her or she doesn't want to see you?
YINKA : of course she will. She said I should come and see her later on in her room.
MIKE : are you serious?!!!
YINKA : of course yes!
MIKE : hmm....that means she wants to talk with you privately...and maybe catch up on old times...don't you think?
YINKA : (blushing)...well who knows? Anything can happen...
MIKE : hmm...I envy you...
YINKA : don't envy me yet, let me talk to her first...(Looking at the time on his wrist watch)
MIKE : look just remember me in thy kingdom o.
YINKA : (chuckles)....hmm...I sure will.
Jade enters into her suite and tells Nate all about Yinka and the relationship they had...
NATE : some nerves he's got there walking up to you...
JADE : hmm....
NATE : has he forgotten he dumped you for someone else to pick up?
JADE : (laughing)....yeah yeah
NATE : if I were you, I'd give him a tough time.
JADE : why would I do that when I'm not gonna go back to him?
NATE : hmm...that's true.
JADE : I need to call Yomi and tell him how it went....
NATE : he should be sleeping now, why not let the poor guy sleep? After all you two spoke before you went to the dinner.
JADE : hmm....I miss him...
NATE : yeah in the air.
JADE : hmm...thank you! Just let me know when that guy comes.
NATE : he will be here in about two hours.
JADE : two hours!
NATE : yes, any problem?
JADE : (looking at the time)...its almost 3 a.m and I have an eight o clock flight to catch, I want to sleep.
NATE : then you won't see him...
JADE : oh...(grumbling)...I don't want to sound proud....and yes, less I forget, I need about half a million.
NATE : now?
JADE : yes.
NATE : what for?
JADE : hey Nate just lend me half a million if possible, I'll reimburse you.
NATE : its late, where do you want me to get that....
JADE : ooooh! Okay....Forget it. I'll have to think of something else to do...
NATE : what do you want to use half a million naira for?
JADE : I want to pay a debt I owe.
NATE : oh who?
JADE : hey! Don't ask me that...
NATE : oh....sorry miss, but I gat no such money here.
JADE : fine!...I'll just write a cheque!...(She enters into the bedroom)....
NATE : (laughing)...naughty girl! I'm off to my room...!
JADE : (shouting from the bedroom)....I'm not talking to you...
NATE : (laughing)...oh really...anyway, I'll tell one of the bodyguards to get your ex for you....(Winking)
JADE : (storms out of the bedroom)...hey! You ain't gonna leave me alone here to talk to him!
NATE : (laughing)...hahaha...I got you!...(He laughs at her again)...don't worry, I'll stay right here. But I'll tell them to call him.
JADE : I'm tired already, I'll just give him a few minutes.
NATE : okay....what's his name again?
JADE : Yinka Badmus.
NATE : okay...
(Nate tells one of the bodyguards to call Yinka and he follows him down immediately...)
YINKA : (entering into the room, he sees Nate)....hi...
NATE : hello, Mr Badmus right?
YINKA : yes.
NATE : I'll call her for you, but you have just five minutes to talk to her.
YINKA : o....okay.
NATE : excuse me...(He goes to call Jade and she follows him out)
JADE : hi Yinka...
YINKA : Jade is this really you?
JADE : yes...oh this is Nate my lawyer, Nate this is Yinka an old friend...
NATE : nice to meet you....(Extending a handshake)
YINKA : same here...(Turns to Jade)...
JADE : please come with me...(She leads him to a corner of the sitting room)....have your seat...
YINKA : thanks dear...(sitting down)...
JADE : I'm sorry I won't be able to talk with you for too long because I'm very tired already.
YINKA : I have you been?
JADE : very well thanks.
YINKA : I've been trying your number but its wasn't going, what's up with you?
JADE : I was out of the country for sometime.
YINKA : how was your trip?
JADE : fine thanks.
YINKA : (seeing she's not smiling)....haba...why are you being so formal with me?
JADE : Yinka, I told you I'm very tired from the party, I really need to rest.
YINKA : should we talk some other time?
JADE : what exactly do we need to talk about?
YINKA : well....this your new position and all that, don't you think I should hear the gist?
JADE : the gist okay... I finally saw my biological father and he was the one that made me a heir to his fortunes.
YINKA : haba nau...Jade....(Tries to hold her hand but she removes her hand)....I know I've offended you....
JADE : offend? No you did not....
YINKA : then why are you being like this with me?
JADE : like how? I'm listening to you.
YINKA : then why don't you want me to hold your hand?
JADE : must you hold my hand while you talk?
YINKA : I know I've offended you, but notwithstanding, I was there for you when you first came to Abuja, knowing nobody. I took you to places you didn't know. And even when you had no job, I was...
JADE : (cuts in)....em....wait a minute...(She goes into her room and few minutes later, she shows up holding a cheque) know what, you can be so predictable! I knew you'd talk about all you did for here...(Stretching out a cheque to Yinka)...this is a cheque of half a million. If I have to calculate, all the money you ever spent on me is not up to 30,000 for all the 9 months or so that we dated right?....even though you were collecting 350k right? All the N200 recharge cards every two weeks for 2 months, the N200 recharge card for the valentine gift, the 5 months N1000 BIS recharges when I had no job, and the gown you once bought for me....let's just round it all up to 30k. But here is a cheque for half a million. Use it to buy whatever you like and in case you have any kind of problem, don't hesitate to call please if you don't mind, I really want to sleep now....
To be continued...

Kindly appraise Jade's behaviour, is it right or wrong?

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