Sunday 3 July 2016



Episode 17

(Meanwhile, Kanyinsola was at home preparing food for her husband and kids when she receives a visitor....)

KANYIN : good afternoon, please how can I help you?
NATE : firstly Ma'am, I'm Nate, an attorney for Sir Thomas...
KANYIN : (confused)...please who did you say you're looking for?
NATE : Mrs Kanyinsola Ibidapo, nee Bodunde....
KANYIN : (still confused and shocked that the strange man knows her name)....those are my names, but please I don't know you?
NATE : yes I know that...(He brings out a picture....)....I was sent to you by this  man here....(Handing out a picture to him. The man in the picture looks faint with sickness....)
KANYIN : (collects the picture and looks at it)....I don't know this person....(Looks at Nate)...I don't know him...
NATE : that man, you see in that picture had a terrible accident where his wife and kids died. He's the only surviving victim of that accident...
KANYIN : eyah...I'm sorry o....but what have I got to do with him? I still don't understand....(Giving the picture back to him)
NATE : he was the one that asked me to get in touch with you, so please let me call him so you can talk to him...em may i come in please?
KANYIN: em....okay...
NATE: thanks...(entering into the house, He brings out his phone and dials Sir T's number....)
KANYIN : please take your seat...
NATE: thanks ma'am....(returns to his call).....hello, please give the phone to him now......(After some minutes)......sir?
RECEIVER : Nate...
NATE : I'm there now sir...let me give the phone to her...
RECEIVER : wait...did you do what we agreed? Showing her the picture and all that....
NATE : yes sir...
RECEIVER : and did she pity me?
NATE : I think so sir...
RECEIVER : please pray for me....
NATE : (smiles) is well sir....can I give her now?
RECEIVER : (thinks for a while)....but do I have to? Can't you just persuade her?
NATE : sir, she doesn't seem to recognize you in the picture'll have to talk to her yourself....
RECEIVER : (takes a deep breath)....okay...
NATE : here's the phone Ma'am.....(Giving the phone to Kanyin)
KANYIN : hello sir....please who...
RECEIVER : (he changes his language to yoruba) is me....Akin....Akin Thomas...
KANYIN : (shocked but didn't show it)...Akin Thomas.....who is Akin Thomas....(Gives the phone back to Nate)...please I don't know anyone with that name....(She stands up)
NATE : Ma'am...please listen to him.
KANYIN : haha..... is it by force, I said I don't know anybody with that name...(Walking away)
NATE : Madam....please...(Trying to calm her down)....
KANYIN : please do you mind leaving my house, I have a lot of things to do....

(Just then her husband who has been in the bedroom walks in....)
NATE : good afternoon sir...(standing up)
BODE : good afternoon....what's going on here....(Seeing his wife's mood)
KANYIN : can you imagine this man coming to ask if I know someone and I said I don't know him....(She leaves for the kitchen)
NATE : sir, I'm really sorry to intrude your privacy, but my Boss sent me to her and I can't return without settling the rift between them because he's dying...
BODE : your Boss...? Who the hell is your Boss, can't he see she's a married woman? My friend leave my house!
NATE : sir its not what you think....he only wants to ask for forgiveness from her...
BODE : (taken aback).....forgiveness, from what?
NATE : he offended her so many years ago.....
BODE : haha...come dear, who offended you?
NATE : here's his picture sir....(Handing it out to him).....
BODE : (collects the picture and looks at it)......haha.....this man is sick.....
NATE : yes. He had an accident about a year ago and can die at anytime that's why he wants her forgiveness.
BODE : Kay! come.....come let's talk about it....
NATE : please Boss is till on the line will you talk to him?
BODE : Wait, let me talk to my wife first...
KANYIN : (coming out of the kitchen)....who else, if not that useless Akin who I had Jadesola for....
BODE : oh.....I now he wants her forgiveness eh....let me talk to him....
NATE : thank you sir....(Gives Bode the phone)....
BODE : ehn ehn....
RECEIVER : good day to you....please I know you're Kanyin's husband but please help me talk to her. Help me beg her to forgive me so that I can know my child before I die...
BODE : you're not serious o. You're a very stupid man. You got her pregnant, denied and left her alone with the pregnancy. now you're coming to say she should forgive you....
RECEIVER : I know I have no right to be saying all this. And you have every right to say whatever you like but please, I really need your help.... Please.... I don't have a wife or kid again....
BODE : useless man, so now that you don't have a wife or children again you now remember you got someone pregnant before abi? You must be a very foolish man....anyway I will see what I can do. Because if you had not left her, I wouldn't have seen such a wonderful woman to marry....Mumu like you....odeh!....(He gives the phone back to Nate)...I will see what I can do. I hope she listens to me.
NATE : thank you when should I get back to you?
BODE : I'll give you my number, call me in a few days time.
NATE : thank you very much sir...

(Bode gives Nate his number and he leaves for his hotel room....)


(Bimbo and Tara are home getting ready to leave the house.....)

BIMBO : you think its okay for us to just go there and wait?
TARA : wait Bimbo, you said the security man didn't allow you enter....
BIMBO : yes.
TARA : that shows there's something fishy nau. He must have given him strict instructions not to allow you in. And that could only be because he's up to something.
BIMBO : I'm sure he is. He doesn't call me again, neither does he pick my calls....
TARA : that security man is just telling you that he's always at his parents, its a lie. So we'll wait for him today....
(As they were dressing up, Annette enters)
ANNET : haha....what are you guys up to?....(Sitting on the bed)
TARA : what's your own?
ANNET : (laughing) don't tell me you're going to Mark's house?.....because I heard you guys saying something about it yesterday....
TARA : what if we are? What's your own?
ANNET : (laughs again) better stay in your house and stop disturbing the poor guy. He's through with you Bimbo.
TARA : how can you say that? He loves her, he's only been busy that's all.
ANNET : oh really? I see. That's why you people are evading his house, abi?
BIMBO : Annette...(Walking towards her)...Mark is my fiancé and I can't see what business of yours is there if I go to his house, after all I've being going're just jealous because you don't have someone like him....(Turns to Tara)......abeg let's go....(She picks her car keys and they leave)
ANNET : (laughs)...hmm....I pity you people. Its obvious someone is through with you and instead of you to take it in good faith you want to go and fight the good fight...


(Jade and Mark gets to Marks house, they take the food stuffs into the kitchen....)

JADE : nice place you have here Mark...
MARK : like it?
JADE : its not bad.....(Looking around as she places some of the things on the kitchen table....) I just hope everything I'll use is here if means I'll have to go back to the market and get them....
MARK : ouch!
JADE : (she started searching through)....knife....pots....hey! This are small pots....
MARK : I have pots?
JADE : oh my God! You don't even know you have pots?
MARK : sister must have gotten them when she came....
JADE : how did you think she cooked? With plates?....
MARK : I don't enter this place...
JADE : then the bigger ones should be somewhere....(Searching)...she must have gotten a set....I also need a chopping board....(Couldn't find that).....and a grater......, a sieve.....oh my!....I'll need to go back to the market...
MARK : oh....I'm so sorry...why don't you give me a list and then I'll go....
JADE : nah.....I can't rust you with that...
MARK : alright let's go.....
JADE : no, let wait, in case your friend gets here...
MARK : can you trace your way to and fro?
JADE : of course! Why not....
MARK : okay....(Gives her the car keys)
JADE : just put the drinks in the fringe and those perishable stuffs too, I'll be back in a jiffy....(She leaves)

(As the security man was opening the gate for her to drive out, Bimbo's car show's up at the end of the street and she sights the car....)
BIMBO : yes! That must be him coming out...(She starts flashing Mark's car but she notice her flash wasn't returned....)...haha....he's not flashing back.....
(The car approaches them...)
TARA : (looking well at the driver)...that doesn't look like a man, its a lady driving o.....
BIMBO : (takes a better look)....that's true....haha...who the hell is she?
TARA : haha....
(The car drives past them)
BIMBO : hey....don't tell me Mark is truly through with me.....its not possible...after all I did for him....(Matches the brakes)should we go after her?
TARA : no, don't let's be in a rush, that may be his sister o. Or have you seen any of his sister's before?
BIMBO : starts moving)
TARA : then don't over react.....let's go to the security man and ask him questions. Thank God he doesn't know we've seen his car....wait...
BIMBO : what...(Slows down)
TARA : let's reverse and park somewhere. Don't let him see our car in sight....
BIMBO : why nau?
TARA : just do it. I'll tell you why later...
BIMBO : okay.
(They reverse and park somewhere then walk up to the gate and knock...)
S.MAN : (peeping through....) Haa, madam na you....(Coming outside)
BIMBO : how are you?
S.MAN : I'm fine o....chai! Na small you take miss oga o...he just comot now, now.
BIMBO : ehn ehn....oga comot?
S.MAN : yes o Madam, he just comot. E remain small you for see am, na now he drive comot...
BIMBO : (looks at Tara)...hmm mm
TARA : okay thank you.....(Pulls Bimbo) let's go....

(After seeing they've gone, he goes inside. Bimbo and Tara goes back into the car....)
TARA : I told you something is fishy.
BIMBO : so what should we do now, I can't allow him just go like that...
TARA : I'm sure he's inside there....
BIMBO : how would you know?
TARA : see, its either he's there or that girl has gone to pick way or the other let's just stick around and snoop...
BIMBO : but for how long?
TARA : (thinks for a while) there, let's move closer to the house....
BIMBO : okay.....

(She starts the car and moves closer, about two houses away. They wait there....

As they were waiting there, after sometime Jade drives back and the security man opens the gate for her to enter....

Bimbo and Tara sees her arriving)

BIMBO : should I follow her inside?
(But before they knew it, another car had come from behind and followed Jade in...)
TARA : haha...who's that one again?...
BIMBO : I wonder o....or may be Mark has gotten another car....
TARA : Abeg let's follow them inside before that guy will close the gate again.....

(Immediately, Bimbo follows the second car in before the security man could do anything.

The security man closes the gate anyway and walks up towards Bimbo's car.

Meanwhile, Hyke had entered behind Jade, both of them not knowing that another car had entered behind them until they got down. Then they notice the security man running towards the unknown driver. Hyke walks towards Jade who was packing out the things she bought...)

JADE : (looking up at him)...were you chasing after me?
HYKE : (still walking towards the car)....hmm mm...(Going to hug her) are you?
JADE : I'm good....(Hugging him, she notices the other car) someone else joining us.....
HYKE : (turning towards the car)....well I wouldn't know...

(Then they both heard noise coming from the strange car....)

BIMBO : I just told you I'm not leaving!
S.MAN : abeg I no wan loose my job....
BIMBO : will you just get out of here! I've told you nothing will move me from here!...
S.MAN : Madam, please oga no dey house...
BIMBO : so?...I'll wait for him....(She comes out and walks towards the duo, while the security man tries to stop her from going)...


HYKE : (sees Bimbo and whispers to himself)....oh my God....(He turns to Jade)...let's go inside....
JADE : (wondering what was happening with the ladies)....oh, that was the car that flashed me when I was going to the market...
HYKE : you shouldn't speak to the lady, let Mark handle her and its better you hurry inside before she meets you here....(Hurries inside)
JADE : okay...(Though confused about what is going on, she didn't wait to see how Bimbo will maneuver her way from the security man, she hurries inside carrying the things she bought with her)
HYKE : (entering into the house)....Mark! Mark!
MARK : (coming out of the Kitchen)...hey! hey....what's....
HYKE : (cuts in)...look at you...can't you hear the noise from outside! Bimbo is here....
MARK : (shocked, he cuts in)....what! How did she get in?.....(Goes to look out through the window).....oh my God..(Hurrying towards the door)...Jade will be here soon, I don't want her to.....(Then Jade opens the door and walks in, himself and Hyke looks at each other....)
JADE : Mark, that lady sure looks like she's coming to break your head....
MARK : em....(Confused about how to handle the situation)....Jade you can go and continue cooking I'll attend to her....

(Unknown to them that Tara had helped Bimbo push the security man away and Bimbo had run to the door. She enters....)
BIMBO : (closing the door behind her)....oh wow! Finally Mark...(Walking towards him, she takes note of Jade carrying the things with her inside the kitchen)
HYKE : (trying to lure Jade into the kitchen)....let me help you with the cooking while they sort themselves out....I'm really famished....
JADE : (smiles, while entering into the Kitchen) have any ideas about the kitchen?

(Meanwhile in the sitting room...)
MARK : (trying to think fast about what he would do)...hi...
BIMBO : why have you being avoiding my calls?.....(Walking up to him)
MARK : well...I've been so busy....
BIMBO : busy! And now?
MARK : I don't think I have any explanations to give I? Its my life, my house and my world, I owe no one any explanations....
BIMBO : now you're through with me've gotten another bitch to toy swine!
MARK : (wishing Jade didn't hear any of that).... You know what, please leave my house....
BIMBO : you bastard!
MARK : you're trying my patience dare you come into my house to insult me....
BIMBO : oh I will.... You knew how to come to my own house to beg me to date you didn't you? That's the same way I can come to your house to do whatever I like with you....(Shouting at the top of her voice)
MARK : you know what, I have no time for these....(Tries to hold and pull her out)
BIMBO : (she releases herself from his grip and runs towards the kitchen)....hey where's that bitch!
MARK : what the hell is wrong with you....(Going after her)
BIMBO : (entering into the kitchen)...oh there you are....oh and you Hyke, I'll come back to you!

(While they were talking Tara enters into the house too and goes towards the scene)

MARK : Bimbo, leave my house now!....(Trying not to rough-handle her in Jade's presence)
BIMBO : no I won't!....(Turns to Jade) you, let me tell you, you're next! He's through with me right?'re next in line....(She turns to Mark), I left a guy that really loved me just because I thought you and I will have something better together only for you to treat me this way...(Turns to Hyke) for you....
HYKE : (cuts in)...hey, hey, you better know who you'd run your loud and dirty mouth with, don't you dare face me. If you have a problem with Mark, you settle it like a matured being not like an uneducated and untamed village com market woman. Its no one's fault if things didn't walk out with you, so don't you dare face me.
TARA : why won't she face you? Was it not you and Mark that kept coming over to beg and plead for her to date him, now you're saying nonsense....
HYKE : (turns to Tara)...hey bitch, who's talking to you? You slimy gold digger, will you shut the fuck up you punk!....(Turns to Bimbo) advice, sort yourself out and stop blaming others for your misdeeds!
BIMBO : (turns to Mark) you Mark, so this is what you're up to...(Close to tears)
MARK : hey why are you acting so pathetic! Do you think any guy would keep up with you? You're just a gold digger! You were after my money....or weren't you? Did you not leave your boyfriend because of my money? Now you're acting all pitiful...please leave my house...
TARA : so now she should leave your house, right?
MARK : look at this one o, when I was buying you gifts you were smiling at me, laughing...telling me to walk her Ex out. Now its your turn and you're complaining? two should leave my house now...
TARA : after everything she did for you...
MARK : (cuts in)...oh my God! Will you stop saying that shit! What did she do for me? She got me a job? Or gave me a kidney or what...?
BIMBO : (cuts in) I gave you my heart!...(Crying)...I gave you my heart and my body...! And see what you did with it...
HYKE : wait a minute....what were you expecting?... who would see the way you treated that guy and be with you, tell me?......a guy that wanted to propose to you on your embarrassed him before all your guests, why? Because you were enticed by material things....
BIMBO : (cuts in)..that's a was because I wasn't ready to settle down....
HYKE : yeah right...we know better...
MARK : I can't believe you're making a fool of yourself this way...
HYKE : didn't she make a fool of her Ex the other know what I told Mark, I said I would never forgive a girl that does that to me!
MARK : (turns to Hyke) imagine if a richer guy comes around she'd definitely do the same to me....(Turns to Bimbo).....stop arousing pity....because you didn't pity that guy on that day so why should I treat you differently?
TARA : (seeing that things has gone beyond their control)....Bimbo let's go....(Pulling Bimbo)
HYKE : you better go and beg your Ex, he may take you back!...(Laughing)
BIMBO : (crying, she turns around to talk) God will punish you for what you did to me...
HYKE : yeah right! God is punishing you for what you did to your Ex right?
MARK : please just go...

(Tara and Bimbo walks out disgracefully)

To be continued....

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