Sunday 3 July 2016



Episode 16

LADY : (smiles)...I am. But I don't think it was at a church.....did you once attend a youth conference in Port....
YOMI : (cuts in)....yes! Yes! Now I're the lady that took on everybody...
LADY : (laughs)...I did?
YOMI : of course you did...
LADY : I was only expressing my opinion actually...
YOMI : really, I admire your courage.
LADY : thanks...
YOMI : I'm Yomi Coker by the way...
LADY : I'm Jade Thomas...
YOMI : yeah, now I remember the Anchor calling that name...he kept calling you Jade and you kept telling him its Ja-de.
JADE : oh well....I guess I can't help that anymore. People can't seem to stop calling me Jade instead of Ja-de.
YOMI : Jade is a beautiful name, Ja-de is native and it sounds more like someone telling you to get out, I guess that's why they prefer calling you with the English pronunciation...
JADE : oh well...its Jadesola...
YOMI : hmm..., I'd rather call you Jade or Jadesola than Ja-de.
JADE : well...its your call, I'm used to the 'Jade' thing...
YOMI : anyway, nice to meet you once again....
JADE : same here...
YOMI : its such a small world....look at where we ended up meeting again...
JADE : yeah it is...
YOMI : think that I almost got you angry that day....
JADE : (laughs)...oh was more like a debate. No beef, trust me...
YOMI : sure?
JADE : yeah...sure....
YOMI : I'm happy to hear that...(Looks around for a seat)....and this people...they just kept us here without saying anything....
JADE : well....we're the one who needs the job so we have no other choice than to wait, we do?
YOMI : you're right... Its absolutely not their fault. I even brought a novel along, and believe me it really helped. That's what I've been reading since.
JADE : I've been doing the same.
YOMI : yeah I noticed...can I sit with you?
JADE : yeah, sure....(Adjusts for him)
YOMI : (sitting beside her)....can I see your novel?
JADE : yeah...(She gives him the novel)
YOMI : oh...Borne Identity?...(Laughs)
JADE : why the laughter?
YOMI :'re far behind.
JADE : hmm....I was never a Robert Ludlum fan.
YOMI : no wonder. So this is your first collection of his?
JADE : yeah. I do more of Sydney Sheldon.
YOMI : hmm....I have a good collection of Ludlum. I have all the Borne... That's Borne Conspiracy, Borne Identity, Borne Supremacy, Borne Legacy and Borne Ultimatum....
JADE : and you've read them all?
YOMI : what can a Jobless man do...
JADE : eyah...
YOMI : since I lost my job months ago, I've taken comfort in novels.
JADE : hmm....
YOMI : yeah, it helps to take your mind off stuffs, it also sharpens your thinking....
JADE : yeah....I've being off novels for sometime till I had a heartbreak....
YOMI : hmm....
JADE : its helped me a lot though...
YOMI : hmm....

(After talking about novels for sometime...)
JADE : are we ever going to be interviewed?
YOMI : well....(Looking at his wrist watch)
....I'm enjoying our little chat anyway....(Some few minutes later, one of the supposed interviewers came in to announce that they should please go home, that the company will get back to them. The applicants leave the hall.

 Yomi and Jade walks out together....)

YOMI : I guess that's it then...
JADE : yeah it is... Thanks for the company.
YOMI : hey...I should be saying that....(Still walking out of the compound)....can I have your number, may be I could get you some of my novels...
JADE : hmm.....(Thinking about it)....okay....(She gives him her number)
YOMI : I'll sure call you....
JADE : alright.
YOMI : and I'm sure if we're called back again, we'll see.
JADE : sure.
YOMI : I'll even let you know if I hear anything from them.
JADE : I'll appreciate that.
YOMI : alright then, take care...
JADE : thanks. Bye...
YOMI : bye...


(Yinka was in his office when Mike walks in.....)

MIKE : guy....what's being happening to you? You've not being yourself for sometime now....
YINKA : Mike....
MIKE : yes?
YINKA : ....I really miss her...
MIKE : you miss who?
YINKA : Jade...
MIKE : (laughs) that's a joke right?
YINKA : its no joke. I really do miss her.
MIKE : wonders will never end...were you not the one that broke up with her?
YINKA : yes...but...
MIKE : (cuts in)... but what? You said you wanted out, so why saying you miss her now?
YINKA : I....I.....didn't really mean to. I just did it because I wanted to straighten her out.
MIKE : wait...(Confused)....what kind of straightening out is that? Do people break up to straighten out?
YINKA : stop scolding me should pity me.
MIKE : pity who? Hell no, 'cause you broke up, she didn't.
YINKA : fine, whatever...(He walks away from the office)
MIKE : (laughing)....see this guy break up finish come dey regret? Dem put gun for your head say make you break up?...(Hisses)


(Its saturday, Mark was on his way to Jade's house when Hyke calls him....)

MARK : Hyke.....sup with you man?
CALLER : I'm good. I'm back from Paris.
MARK : already?
CALLER : yeah.
MARK : where are you now?
CALLER : I'm in Lagos. Lekki house.
MARK : can't check up on you now o, I'm on my way to Jade's.
CALLER : so you're really getting it on with this girl?
MARK : I definitely am. In fact, I'm gonna tell her my intentions soon.
CALLER : hmmm....
MARK : yeah. She's the best thing that's happened to me Hyke.
CALLER : hmm....really?
MARK : yeah. She's not after my money like that Bimbo.
CALLER : oh....and what do you intend doing about that one?
MARK : she should have read in between the lines nau, 'cause I don't give her any kind of attention again....
CALLER : why?
MARK : 'cause I don't need her anymore...
CALLER : but you once told me this Jade is the no-sex type, didn't you?
MARK : yeah....but...
CALLER : how do you now want to handle that? Why not keep that one for the sex and keep this one for the marriage?
MARK : what I said about the sex issue was what I knew about her then, now I'm not so sure if that still stands, I just suspected because she's still the same way she was then.
CALLER : we're still saying the same thing, what if she's still like that...
MARK : haa! The more reason why I'll stick to her cause that means she's a virgin....
CALLER : you're still not answering my question...I said how will you handle it?
MARK : hmm...time will tell but I wouldn't want to loose her for anything. Bimbo may end up bringing a mess into the whole picture.
CALLER : so you stay without sex?
MARK : (laughs)...guy, I'm not like you o who can not do without sex for a week. I've being off sex for a year before nau...
CALLER : what! Na lie!
MARK : I'm serious!
CALLER : a year! That's a fcuking lie!
MARK : why would I lie to you? I have. For example now, I've not being with either Bimbo or any other girl for the past six weeks and still counting.
CALLER : why? Mehn you suck!
MARK : let me, you sucker!
CALLER : better get laid by some bitch...
MARK : yeah right! I'm driving, take your dirty words off my ears.
CALLER : (laughs) then when are you coming around?
MARK : I may come visiting you with Jade.
CALLER : hmm....should I book a room for you guys then?
MARK : don't even think about it... She ain't a bitch, you know...She'll hate me....don't spoil this for me Hyke, if not I'll not come.
CALLER : okay, okay....I won't.
MARK : I'll just check up on you and we'll leave, she may not like your company.
CALLER : what? Why? Am I so bad?
MARK : come on Hyke, we all know you're such a bad influence.....(Laughs)
CALLER : hmm....thanks. The world goes around just because of people like us.
MARK : yeah right....we'll talk later anyway.
CALLER : alright...
MARK : bye...(He hangs up)


(Jade was in the sitting room when her phone rings...)
JADE : (she picks it)...hello?
CALLER : hi...its me Yomi...remember me?
JADE : oh are you doing?
CALLER : I'm good you?
JADE : very well thanks.
CALLER : so are you through with the novel?
JADE : yeah, I am. I finished it yesterday.
CALLER : how was it?
JADE : it was okay...but Carlos was still not found...
CALLER : yeah. That's why you have the other ones.
JADE : hmm....
CALLER :  I could lend them to you if you don't mind...
JADE : but how do I get it?
CALLER : I could bring it over to your place...
JADE : oh no...I wouldn't want to bother you...
CALLER : its no bother at all...I'm even looking for how to keep myself preoccupied...
JADE : em....I'll call you back to let you know how I'll get them then.
CALLER : alright. I'll be expecting your call then.
JADE : yeah thanks....bye......(She drops the call and immediately another calls comes in...( Its Nike...) Hey Nikky.... Sup with you?
CALLER : are you?
JADE : I'm very good...
CALLER : and your cousin?
JADE : she's alright. And you?
CALLER : I'm doing very fine...
JADE : what of everyone at home?
CALLER : all fine.... Hey tell, me have you heard from Yinka?
JADE : all o.
CALLER : wait you mean he's not called you since then?
JADE : not a beep. I even sent him a message saying we need to sit down and talk things over, he said he doesn't have time for such.
CALLER : what! Why did you do that Jade?
JADE : I don't know....may be impulse...I don't know....
CALLER : ..I know you loved him, so its normal for you to do that, its just that he doesn't deserve it...
JADE : now I know better.
CALLER : hmm...I love the sound of that. So are you getting over him?
JADE : I'm pushing him out of my system gradually....
CALLER : it should be quite easy, you've only dated for about seven months right?
JADE : something like that.
CALLER : don't worry, you'll get someone far better than him I'm sure.
JADE : Amen o! how's Toyosi?
CALLER : he's alright. Infact our introduction is coming up soon.
JADE : oh really!
CALLER : yeah.
JADE : that's nice! I'm so happy for you...
CALLER : don't worry about coming for it but you must be there for my wedding o, because you'll be my maid of honour...
JADE : (surprised)...what! Me?
CALLER : yes you. You're like a sister to me Jade...
JADE : oh are too.
CALLER : so get ready for that.
JADE : I sure will...I'm really honoured....

(As she ended the call, Mark knocks at the door and she goes to open it....)
MARK : tah-dah!
JADE : Mark...(surprised to see him)
MARK : how are you doing today?....(Entering with some polythene bags in his hands...)
JADE : I'm good...(She sees the things with him)...what are you up to?
MARK : I got you some groceries....(Putting them on the table)
JADE : (surprised)...haha...what for? Don't we give you enough food when you come over?
MARK : no, its not that. My Mum always thought me to visit the needy with gifts.
JADE : and who is the needy?
MARK : don't you need a job?
JADE : a job not groceries...
MARK : but hey...when you have no job, then you have no money for groceries...
JADE : says who....Funmi's working...
MARK : ...oh God....Jade, you're too defensive. Why can't you just accept this things and not say all these?
JADE : because you keep wanting to help but in the wrong way...
MARK : what else should I do then? Anytime I offer to transfer some money into your account, you won't agree, you told your cousin not to give me your account details, you won't accept cash gifts from me, you won't allow me lend you money for business even though business is what you love to do...why?
JADE : oh Mark...its not that way. I just don't feel comfortable collecting money from people, most especially guys...
MARK : I'm now like any other guy on the street to you?
JADE : (laughs)'re my friend nau....(Holds his hand)...Mark, please just take me like that. You know, like 'that-is-how-Jade-is'....okay?
MARK : ......okay. But I've gotten this ones already. You'll have to take it.
JADE : I just don't like you bothering yourself.
MARK : ohh...come on..its no bother....
JADE : but thanks for the groceries anyway...
MARK : you're welcome....(Smiling)...
JADE : ain't these too much?...(carries the groceries and is going into the kitchen)
MARK : em....Jade....
JADE : (turns back)...hmm?
MARK : em....I'm sorry but...there's more in the car....
JADE : what! Who will eat them?
MARK : my bad....!
JADE : you better take them home...
MARK : but you know I can't cook....
JADE : hmm....(Thinking)...I should come and cook something for you over there one of these days...
MARK : (excited)...oh really!
JADE : its the best I can do for you cause you've made my weekends since I got back here.....
MARK : I'd love that so much....what and what should I get?
JADE : (laughs) would I know? I've never being to your house before....I guess you have a kitchen, right?
MARK : (laughing) of course I do. I've just never cooked in it since I moved there.
JADE : and those girlfriends of yours never cooked there?
MARK : but I told you I don't have any.
JADE : I didn't say you have, I meant the ones you've had in the past....
MARK : oh....they don't...we always ate out....
JADE : so guys just come to the house to have sex?
MARK : haba nau...see the way you just called it....
JADE : it a lie? Is it not sex...or guys come there to 'make love'
MARK : (laughing)...Jade....
JADE : yes, 'cause if it was love making you won't be single now.
MARK : it all just doesn't work out....
JADE : hmm....and now I have to look for a girlfriend for you...
MARK : (laughing)....hmm...
JADE : anyway, go and bring the stuffs in the car before I change my mind about allowing them in....
MARK : yes ma...(He quickly goes into the car to bring in the remaining groceries.

When he got back...)
JADE : hey Mark...(Unpacking)
MARK : (coming into the kitchen)...yes...
JADE : what of that your friend....
MARK : you mean Hyke?
JADE : yeah...
MARK : he's good...he just came back from Paris...I was even thinking we could go to his place afterwards...
JADE : today?
MARK : yeah...or you have other plans?
JADE : no... that I've thought of it, why not invite him over to your house, I'll do the cooking....
MARK : (shocked)...are you serious?
JADE : yes.
MARK : when?
JADE : today of course!
MARK : (surprised) today?
JADE : yeah....I'm in for it now.
MARK : em.....(Thinking about it)...okay let me call him then....(He dials Hyke's number and talks before he would start talking rubbish)...Hyky! Jade is inviting you over to my house for lunch....
RECEIVER : hey! Who's Hyky!
MARK : I'll give the phone to her nau....(Pushes the phone to her)
JADE : (shocked, she collects the phone anyway).....em...hello
RECEIVER : hi are you doing?
JADE : I'm good....we just want to invite you over for lunch....
RECEIVER : at his place right?
JADE : yeah...
RECEIVER : what time?
JADE : (looking at her wrist watch)....hmm...say in three hours tops...
RECEIVER : okay...I'll be there...
JADE : okay....I'll give the phone back to him then....(Hands the phone back to Mark)
MARK : you're coming right?
RECEIVER : you, I don't trust you....are you planning something?
MARK : of course not! She just offered to come cook instead of us coming over there.
RECEIVER : hmm....okay. I'll be there.
MARK : to you later....(He hangs up)...
JADE : why did you do that?
MARK : what?
JADE : pushing me to talk to him without my consent...
MARK : because I know he won't turn you down and I really want you to come and cook at my place....
JADE : naughty you!
MARK : (laughs)....hmm....

(Soon after, they set out first going to the market first to get perishable stuffs and then head to Mark's house.

Meanwhile Tara and Bimbo had planned coming to Mark's house later in the day....)

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