Saturday 2 July 2016



Episode 13

Before coming to Yomi's letter, let's go back to the following day after Mark and Jade saw each other again after so many years....

(Early that sunday morning, Jade was dressing up for church when Mark calls her up....)

JADE : hello?
CALLER : hey Babe, it me Mark.
JADE : oh Mark how are you doing?
CALLER : I'm good. And you?
JADE : very well thanks.
CALLER : what's your schedule like, was thinking we could hook up today since I'm leaving tomorrow.
JADE : oh...I'm going to church now, in fact I'm late.
CALLER : oh really...send me your church address, I'll come and worship in your church then.
JADE : oh...okay. Just give me some minutes, I'll send it.
CALLER : alright dear.
JADE : yeah...
(She hangs up and sends him the address.

After service, she receives a call from Mark again...)

JADE : hello Mark?
CALLER : I've been calling you since I got to the church but you didn't pick up.
JADE : sorry my phone was silenced, I don't pick calls during the service. So where are you?
CALLER : at the front of the church.
JADE : okay I'll be there.(She goes out to look for him)..hey you...
MARK : (turning around) Jade...
JADE : (hugs him)....hope you enjoyed the service?
MARK : hmmm...(Nodding)
JADE : and hope it wasn't stressful to get the place?
MARK : I just gave the address to a cab man and he got me here.
JADE : okay.
MARK : (looking behind her) here alone?
JADE : yeah...Nike was too tired due to the swimming lessons that she totally slept off.
MARK : and your fiancé?
JADE : oh, he doesn't come to this church.
MARK : then can I take you somewhere so we can catch up on old times?
JADE : hmmm....(thinking about it)
MARK : or you have plans?
JADE : actually I don't.
MARK : then let's go....
JADE : okay.
MARK : you lead the way....anywhere you want to go.
JADE : ....okay.(She calls a cab telling the driver to a restaurant. When they got there....)
MARK : wait a minute Jade, this is where you want us to talk?
JADE : yes. Or don't you like it?
MARK : is there no better place?
JADE : better place? Abuja is expensive o.
MARK : why not leave the expenses to me?
JADE : but this place is not so bad.....(Looking around)
MARK : since I'm the one taking you out, let me handle it then...(He calls another cab)....please oga, take us to a very expensive restaurant please.
DRIVER : no problem sir.
MARK : let's go.(They both enter)....Jade, what's being happening to you. It seems things here are not so rosy?
JADE : what can one do?
MARK : and your Mum? How is she?
JADE : she's alright.
MARK : I should talk to her one of these days....
JADE : I'll call her when we get there.
MARK : tell me, how have you being coping?
JADE : its God o. When ATTcoms asked us to leave the staff quarters, I had to move to Nike's place. Her family is so accommodating.
MARK : eyah...that's gross. But why didn't you just go back to lagos?
JADE : because of ATTcoms, in case they want to pay us, I won't like to be rushing down here again. And then my fiancé is here too.
MARK : what does he do?
JADE : he's an industrial engineer, working at Cusins.
MARK : oh....he's a big boy...he should be collecting close to 500k.
JADE : five hundred? I don't think so.
MARK : yes he should. Why can't he just give you some money for business...
JADE : no, I won't like that. He has his own problems to deal with too. He's the first born, his sibling are all in school.
MARK : never change...always defending those you love. Anyways, let me help out. I'll give you some money,....say 2 million, can you do something with that?
JADE : 2 million? Oh no. I wouldn't want to be a bother.
MARK : oh come on, two million is nothing, just use it for business.
JADE : oh really, nothing? Well, I can't.
MARK : why?
JADE : I just can't....don't worry, I'll get a job soon, I know that....moreover, my fiancé may not be comfortable with it.
MARK : then you won't tell him I gave you, you can say its a loan from.....from someone.
JADE : but I can't lie to him, no, I can't.
MARK : Jade, you need to change this your attitude o. Look even the Bible says money answereth all things...
JADE : hmm....its not just about him only, I can't make myself collect it.
MARK : hmmm...okay o...

(They get to a very big and luxurious restaurant...)
DRIVER : oga, is this place okay?
MARK : yes, it is thanks.
(They get down and go in. While they were going in, Jade's phone rings...)
JADE : its my fiancé.....(She picks it)..hello love?
CALLER : how are you?
JADE : I'm good.
CALLER : haha...are you not home yet?
JADE : how did you know?
CALLER : from the background, its obvious you're still on the road.
JADE : actually, I'm at Protea with a friend. The same one I met yesterday.
CALLER : (feeling very uncomfortable)...ehn ehn....but you didn't tell me you're going out?
JADE : yeah, he came to worship in my church so we hooked up after service and decided to catch up on old times.
CALLER : ehn ehn...(Not liking the sound of that)
JADE : do you want to say hi?
CALLER : no. Just be careful.
JADE : I will.
CALLER : I love you.
JADE : me too.
CALLER : say it the way I said it...
JADE : (laughs)...I love you too.
CALLER : okay. I'll call you later on.
JADE : alright.....(She hangs up)
MARK : that guy must be quite possessive....
JADE : (smiles)...not that much...
MARK : okay...please let's go in, I'm famished....

(While they were inside....)
JADE : I even forgot to ask you....after I got home, I remembered your surname wasn't wasn't something else not Boyle....
MARK : you're right. We just used that surname because of business, my friend was trying to hide my real identity.
JADE : why?
MARK : because we wanted to verify the authenticity of those guy's company from my bank. We didn't want them to know that I'm working at my bank or tell their contact my full name.
JADE : oh....I totally fell for the Boyle thing.
MARK : that was because Boyle was the name he called me.
JADE : hmm...
MARK : so let's order....

(The took their orders and as they were eating, Yinka calls again....)
JADE : please excuse me...(Picks her call her)...hello dear...
CALLER : are you still there?
JADE : yes...
CALLER : up till now? What are you guys talking about that's taking so much of your time..?
JADE : sweetheart, I've just being here for an hour or so....
CALLER : whatever... Why is he taking so much of your time?
JADE : Yinka, we're catching up on old times....
CALLER : just go home on time...its almost 3 pm.
JADE : I've heard you....(He hangs up before she could say anything else)..
MARK : its your fiancé again?
JADE : (smiles)...hmm
MARK : he sounds too protective...
JADE : well...
MARK : doesn't he trust you? Haba..he should trust you nau....keeping tabs on you doesn't help...its destroys relationships...
JADE : lets change the topic...
MARK : so which other certificate do you have apart from your BSc?
JADE : I have NIM and ACCA.
MARK : that's very good. You should get something very good then....
JADE : I pray so o....
MARK : I didn't even ask you....haven't you heard from your Dad?
JADE : my Dad ke? I haven't o....
MARK : I believe he will still come searching for you and your Mum.
JADE : I'm waiting for that day o....

Back to Yomi....

(The following monday, after Yomi collected the letter, he takes it to Mr Briggs office....)

YOMI : sir, this letter is asking me to resign from my duties sir, what have I done?
BRIGGS : Mr Coker, please sit down.....
YOMI : yes sir.
BRIGGS : you made a serious mistake with two of our designs. The design we first created for Mr Badmus was the same design Mr Allen wanted but with some modifications. You were in charge of those designs, as a matter of fact, you did the first design, so I felt we won't have a problem with it. Coupled with the fact that you were present when the modification was made. But to my surprise, you messed the whole design up.....
YOMI : sir, it was because I had a problem with my system....
BRIGGS : Mr Coker, this was the same mistake you made with Mr Eddy's and when he came to inspect the job, we had to reconstruct some parts of the building... The cost of doing all that is too much for this company. And we gave you a query for that and you apologized... We also gave you a query for the Avacadors job but this time, its getting too much. I'm sorry but its better you resign.
YOMI : sir, please. I was going through some psychological problem them.
BRIGGS : your problems shouldn't affect your job, you're a professional. Moreover, since you had problems to deal with, why didn't you ask for your leave, the time will help you sort out your problems....
YOMI : I'm sorry sir.
BRIGGS : but that's too late... The management already made a decision and I'm sorry we can't change it. Your entitlements will be given to you.
YOMI : so there's nothing you can do for me sir?
BRIGGS : absolutely nothing.
YOMI : oh my God....(He leaves Briggs office,  and goes to Lanre's office....) Lanre...
LANRE : what's up? You look moody, any problem?
YOMI : I've been asked to resign...
LANRE : what! Why?
YOMI : the mistake I made with the Badmus' design.
LANRE : oh my God...go and talk to Mr Briggs, he should be able to help out....
YOMI : I'm just coming from his office, he can't...
LANRE : shit!.... What will you do now?
YOMI : what else? I have to tender the letter...
LANRE : and this is all that bitch's fault!
YOMI : no, its not her fault. Its can I loose my job just because of a woman....I was the foolish one...
LANRE : its okay man. You'll get another job, I'm sure. You're good, its just the heartbreak that messed you up.
YOMI : it messed me up real hard!.....shit!.....I can't believe I'm back in the labour market....
LANRE : you'll be fine....I'm sure.....

(Days later, Jade was talking to Nike....)

NIKE : Yinka is being too possessive, you mean he particularly told you he doesn't like it when you hug guys?
JADE : that's what he wants o.
NIKE : I've not seen this kind of person before....
JADE : he's possessive of his woman nau.....(Then her phone rings).....its Mark....(She picks it)....hello Mark
CALLER : hi girl? How have you been?
JADE : I'm okay.
CALLER : I got two offers for you?
JADE : (excited) really! Tell me...
CALLER : one is with that my friend in Abuja. But I don't trust that guy. He said you can be his PA, but if you can remember, he was hitting on you on that day, I don't want him to put you in a tight spot just because of a job. He's a big time womanizer.
JADE : and the second option?
CALLER : I have a new branch in my jurisdiction, and some new workers will be employed.
JADE : but that's in Lagos, right?
CALLER : that's the problem, its here in lagos.
JADE : hmmm.....let's see....till when will this offer stand?
CALLER : till the next few weeks.
JADE : okay.....let me get back to you. I'll just tell my fiancé.
CALLER : how's it going?
JADE : I'm doing fine.
CALLER : alright, I just got back home, I want to freshen up....
JADE : okay, I'll get back to you...
CALLER : no, let me call you back, I have a job you don't....
JADE : okay...thanks.....(She hangs up)..Babe! Guess what!
NIKE : tell me what's up?
JADE : two job openings, two! Two! I will pick one....(Dancing)
NIKE : are you serious! That's so good...
JADE : wait, I will gist you, let me call my Baby first and tell him what's up.
NIKE : okay o...
JADE : (with excitement, she dials Yinka's number)....hello Love...
RECEIVER : hello, how was your day?
JADE : something just came up o...
RECEIVER : what's that?
JADE : Mark just called me now....
RECEIVER : what did he say?
JADE : he said there are two, here in Abuja with that his friend that I told you about...
RECEIVER : (cuts in)...the one that was hitting on you?
JADE : yes. He said....
RECEIVER : (cuts in)...cancelled, you can't work there. Which other one?
JADE : you didn't even let me finish? Anyway, the second one I think is at his Office...
RECEIVER : whose office?
JADE : Mark's. He said its a new branch so they are taking new workers.
RECEIVER : where did you say he works again?
JADE : a bank nau...
RECEIVER : no, you can't work in a bank o, especially not with him.
JADE : but Yinka...
RECEIVER : do you want to work there? Me, I don't like it, but if you want to, then suit yourself.
JADE : (takes a deep breath) both of them are cancelled then?
RECEIVER : yes. You'll get something better.
JADE : (feeling very moody and unhappy)....can I ask you a question?
RECEIVER : what is it?
JADE : why don't you want me to work there, don't you trust me? At least if you don't want me working with his friend, then I can work with Mark.
RECEIVER : see, I trust you but I don't trust any guy with you. Moreover this Mark guy, I don't like him one bit...
JADE : why don't you like him?
RECEIVER : was he not your admirer?
JADE : Yinka, he was but that has nothing to do with the fact that I'm jobless and I need a job. If I didn't date him then, what made you think I'll have anything to do with him now?
RECEIVER : see, if you get another job elsewhere, even if the place is farther than Lagos, you can go for it....see I can't even allow you work with any of your ex-boyfriends, talkless of your former admirer.
JADE : okay....I've heard you....we'll talk later...(She hangs up)....
NIKE : wait, did he just say you won't accept any of the offer?
JADE : exactly....

To be continued...

Dear Friends, what do you think about Yinka's action? Justified or Overbearing?

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