Tuesday 12 July 2016


Episode 33

(Hyke and Mark are having lunch at Hyke's place with some girls as usual...)
HYKE : so what's up with Jade? You've not talked about her for sometime now?
MARK : she's still in the UK. I told you she went there to see her father....
HYKE : oh that's true. Was thinking she'd be back now.
MARK : no she's not.
HYKE : and her fiancé?
MARK : I don't know, he should be here somewhere.
HYKE : you know we didn't think about that trip of hers well....
MARK : how?
HYKE : now that he's here alone and Jade is far away, we should have helped Bimbo get him back so he can leave Jade for you.
MARK : (thinking about it)...that's true...(He leaves the girl he was holding)....since I know his house...
HYKE : that was all we needed...oh and then a bargain with Bimbo to help her get him back so she can cooperate....
MARK : hmm...that's true but I don't have the intention of ever being in good terms with that girl again.
HYKE : hey! Do you want to get Jade back or not?
MARK : I do, but please not by going into a bargain with Bimbo.
HYKE : (laughs)....you're so funny...
MARK : I can just imagine how she'll feel if I show up at her house. She'll think I came to beg her, and then she'll start treating me like she treated that guy? Hell no.
HYKE : fine, I'm not saying you should go to her house. You can ask her to come over to your house....
MARK : are you dumb? To come over to my house again? And you think she'll be so stupid to come?
HYKE : then what can you do?
MARK : I don't know...let me see, may be I will talk to her about it at our christmas dinner....that place will be better, people will be around and I'll just bring up the idea to her. She gets the guy and I get Jade. And if she says no, then fine, she goes her way and I go my way.
HYKE : (thinking about it)...well, that's a good idea...
MARK : that's what I'll do.
(Bimbo just got home after a round of shopping, she met her friends in the house and shows them what she's got..)
ANET : Bimbo isn't that too exposing? (Looking at the dress Bimbo is holding)...
BIMBO : no its not!...haha...you want me to dress like holy Mary to the party?
TARA : abeg let her dress well o, Mark will be there too.
CHIOMA : really?
BIMBO : yes o. I want him to see what he's missing...
ANET : hmm...
TARA : moreover, you and Chioma are married now while  Annette and I have a fiancé, she's the only one left, how do you want her to get a husband?
CHIOMA : hmm...Bim-Bim! I trust you jare!
BIMBO : yes o, I'm not taking any chances again. I also want to settle down.
ANET : okay o....Babes, I have to leave you now, my husband will be home soon...(Standing up)
CHIOMA : me too...(Standing up to leave)
TARA : hmm....married women, na so. Go home, go cook...
BIMBO : alright. See you guys later....(Still bringing out some of the things she bought)
TARA : my regards to your hubbies!
BOTH : yeah bye!(They leave)
TARA : so Babe any other good catch available in that place?
BIMBO : all managers and their assistants are coming for the dinner, so you can imagine...
TARA : hmm...it will be a big one...
BIMBO : I tell you.
TARA : any invites? May be I can come with you...
BIMBO : haha...for what again? If your fiancé should catch you...you better learn from me...
TARA : haha...person no fit have fun again?
BIMBO : I will find out...
(Jade had just come back with Yomi and Nate. They plan the different steps needed to be taken for her take over...)
JADE : I really miss Dad.
YOMI : its okay dear...I was actually thinking he'll be around for our wedding.
NATE : I think its better he isn't.
JADE : why?
NATE : because he can't walk you into the church...
YOMI : that's true.
JADE : (becoming very sad).... I never really thought of that. And I was even ready to do the wedding in the UK just for him.
YOMI : its okay Baby....I'm sure he's in heaven now.
JADE : (with tears in her eyes)...yes...
NATE : its okay Jade. I need to finish my work here and go back by January.
JADE : okay.....(cleaning her eyes)
NATE : I've made a schedule for you. This christmas will be quite busy for you.
JADE : I thought you said I don't have to show up at every one of them?
NATE : of course you will. Only that you'll only show up at some for their Board meetings, those are the companies where you have shares. But for those ones owned by you, you'll have to be presented to them as the new owner.
JADE : why did Dad have to buy so many companies and shares for God's sake...He should have just gotten one and kept to it.
NATE : from what I understood, he didn't spend his profit at all, since his wife's family had everything. He didn't buy houses or any other properties, just because he wanted to give you a livelihood that is worthwhile. So all the profit he made, he piled them up and used it to buy more companies and more shares as they came his way.
JADE : and to think that I was searching for a job....
YOMI : that's life.
JADE : well...what can I do? But Nate...
NATE : yes....
JADE : can't Yomi represent me at some of them? Since he has decided to help out.
NATE : well...you too are not married yet.
When you get married and change your name, then your husband can be recognised.
JADE : but, he said I don't have to change my name but add his.
NATE : is that so?...(Looks at Yomi)
YOMI : yes. That was her father's last wish from me. You know he has no son to carry on his name. So I promised him that she and our kids will bear Thomas-Coker.
NATE : hmm...its still okay. You're Coker, its still the same, you can represent her only after you're married.
JADE : so I still have to go to all of them?
NATE : yes. Though he can go with you.
JADE : (she thinks for a while)...okay.
NATE : so...all the weekends and public holidays will be busy for you because of your presentation.
YOMI : (surprised) all?
NATE : yes all. You'll be in Abuja for two companies and the rest in Lagos. That's about three. That's apart from the companies where you will chair.
YOMI : haha chair again?
NATE : yes. That one is about 7. Three banks, two other oil companies and two regular companies.
JADE : wait, Nate are you going with me?
NATE : for the ones you own, your father's Lawyer here will go with you. But for the ones he chaired, both of us will go with you.
JADE : hmm...okay.
NATE : Jade
JADE : yes?
NATE : when are you moving to your father's house?
JADE : but I just got back yesterday nau...
NATE : I know. The reason why I asked is because your father's lawyer will be coming to see you and well....this place...(Looking around)
JADE : (cuts in)...what is wrong with this place?
NATE : em....it doesn't befit you, please, moreover, what will he think of your Dad? That he didn't take care of you before he died?....he may even think he just decided to give you all his properties and that you're not his biological daughter...
JADE : so? When I didn't know him was I not living? This is where I've being staying before all the money came, I'm okay here.
NATE : (Turns to Yomi)....please talk to her.
YOMI : its true dear. I agree with his first point. We don't want the man thinking badly of your Dad.
JADE : (thinks for a while)... I'll think about it.
NATE : here's the address and the key to the house...(He drops a note and a bunch of keys on the table)...that's where your father usually stay whenever he comes around. Please go and stay there. Please...
JADE : I've heard you. I'll think about it.
NATE : the man will be coming tomorrow.
JADE : fine, we can meet there tomorrow. But I've not decided to stay there permanently.
NATE : (seeing she's has stubborn as a mule)...okay...(he looks at Yomi who gives him a wink that he'll talk to her)...should I leave the company documents for you to study before you go?
JADE : alright.
NATE : so, I'll be on my way now....I'll be at my hotel room in case you need me.(Standing up to leave)....see you tomorrow...
JADE : thanks Nate...
YOMI : (standing up)...I'll see you off...(Yomi sees him off and comes back to talk to Jade)....Baby...(Sitting beside her)
JADE : yes love...
YOMI : Nate was right. We don't want your father's lawyer to know that he didn't take care of you. Please dear, think about it.
JADE : actually, I didn't agree because I've not spoken to you about it. Do you want me to go live there?
YOMI : why not?
JADE : honey, the house is in Lekki, you'll have to come over there to see me, that's one. Two, I don't want you to feel inferior to me in anyway and if living in such a place will make you feel that way then I don't want to.
YOMI : (chuckles and holds her hand)...Jade, I love you and want the best for you. That I'm living on the mainland while you live there is not a problem for me. Okay?
JADE : are you sure?
YOMI : sweetheart....if I wasn't okay with it, I would have asked you to stay here...hmm?
JADE : okay...then take me there yourself...
YOMI : of course I will...
JADE : good....(Gives him a peck)
YOMI : where is Funmi? I've not seen her...
JADE : she's busy preparing for her wedding that's why she's not home.
YOMI : okay.....Jade?....(Holds her hand again)
JADE : yes?
YOMI : when are we going to start preparing for our own wedding?
JADE : hmm....immediately after doing all the take over.
YOMI : we have over-stretched this wedding of a thing. Let's get it over with.
JADE : Baby, we can plan a wedding in a month if we like. There's more than enough money for that.
YOMI : so.... what are you saying?
JADE : that we can get married first week in February if we like...
YOMI : (smiles) are you serious!
JADE : yes I am...
YOMI : yes!...( He stands up and carries her, swinging her in the air)...yes! Yes! Yes!...finally I'm going to be your husband!
JADE : (laughing)...Yomi! Don't throw me down o...
YOMI : (putting her down)...now I'm about to be fulfilled....
JADE : hmm....
YOMI : okay. Let me go to the office and clear myself....(Standing up to leave)
JADE : (holding him back)...so...(She puts his hands round her waist)....you're going to be resigning from there?
YOMI : (smiling)...hmm mm......
JADE : I wish I could see their faces when they find out you'll be the new owner of Panon Oil. It will be incredible...
YOMI : hmm...resigning to own the place.
JADE : yeah yeah... Signing the company over to you was one of the best thing Dad did, because that was the only thing that made you agree to stop working there....
YOMI : hmm....(He thinks about it for a while)....wait, don't tell me you knew about it....
JADE : (walks away)....hmm?
YOMI : (follows behind her)...Jade, so you and Dad planned it abi?
JADE : hmm?....(Ignoring him, she changes the topic)....Baby when are you picking me up tomorrow?
YOMI : hey....don't change the topic...
JADE : what topic?
YOMI : (tickling her)...you think I don't know your tricks?...
JADE : (laughing)...I don't know what you're talking about....(Laughing she tries to run away from him)
YOMI : come here....(Dragging and tickling her)
(Funmi was at Phinix bank to cash a cheque when she ran into Mark...
MARK : and who do we have here?...(Walking towards Funmi)
FUNMI : oh Mark....what's up?
MARK : nothing much. How have you been?
FUNMI : very well thank you.
MARK : what of Jade when is she coming back?
FUNMI : she's back already.
MARK : (He didn't like the news) she's back? Already?
FUNMI : yes, she is.
MARK : since when?
FUNMI : about two weeks ago.
MARK : and she didn't even call me?
FUNMI : she's been quite busy that's why.
MARK : is she still using her old number?
FUNMI : yes she is.
MARK : okay. I'll give her a call then.
FUNMI : alright. Its good to see you again.
MARK : same here dear....I didn't even ask you what you came here to do?
FUNMI : oh I came to cash a cheque.
MARK : then come to my office, leave the queue...I'll call one of them to cash it for you.
FUNMI : alright thanks...(Follows him)
(Some few minutes after Funmi had left, he calls Jade)...
MARK : hello Baby!
RECEIVER : hey Mark, how are you?
MARK : I'm good! Longest time!
RECEIVER : you can say that again...
MARK : na wa o, you didn't even ask of me...
RECEIVER : oh...I'm sorry, I've being so busy.
MARK : I just saw your cousin now. She was the one that told me you're back.
RECEIVER : forgive me. I've been so preoccupied.
MARK : its okay. So, how was your trip?
RECEIVER : it was okay. I told you I was going to see my Dad, right?
MARK : yes how is he?
JADE : I lost him.
MARK : oh my God! I'm so sorry...I didn't know. Accept my condolences.
JADE : thanks.
MARK : when is the burial?
JADE : we buried him already. We buried him there.
MARK : oh....I would have said you didn't even invite me. But its okay. Hope you're good sha?
RECEIVER : yes I am. Thanks.
MARK : anyway, I wanted to invite you to a dinner.
RECEIVER : you and I?
MARK : no, its a dinner organized by my Bank.
RECEIVER : oh....
MARK : yeah....I was thinking we could come together. That way you may even get to meet people. It will enhance your quest for a job....
RECEIVER : hmmm....when is it?
MARK : em....(Takes the invite and checks)...16th. Its on a friday by 7pm. I'll come pick you up myself...
RECEIVER : em...let me check my schedule and get back to you.
MARK : I'll appreciate that a lot. Thanks!
RECEIVER : alright.
MARK : take care!....(He hangs up and dials Hyke's number)...hey man!
RECEIVER : guy! what's up
MARK : guess what! Jade is back already...
RECEIVER : oh...
MARK : I just spoke to her now.
RECEIVER : how's she?
MARK : fine, I'm sure. I invited her to our Dinner.
RECEIVER : and she'll come?
MARK : no she'll get back to me. I hope she'll come.
RECEIVER : I hope so too. But what about our plan?
MARK : hmm....that's another thing.
RECEIVER : are you still going to talk to Bimbo about it?
MARK : not if I go to the dinner with Jade, never.
RECEIVER : And if she doesn't come?
MARK : of course I will. I even did a back ground check on the guy and I got to find out he doesn't have a job.
RECEIVER : how do you know?
MARK : Remember he said he was working at Lionel that day at Bimbo's party?
RECEIVER : really? can't remember.
MARK : I know the company very well. As a matter of fact we pay their salaries.
RECEIVER : oh...
MARK : I found out he's not on their payroll anymore.
RECEIVER : that's good for you...that means both of them are jobless, they can't wed any soon.
MARK : exactly. In fact, he's not being on their payroll for more than a year.
RECEIVER : really! And he threw that party for her?
MARK : abi o?
RECEIVER : maybe he has another job.
MARK : well....I'm not sure 'cause I checked his account too and his withdrawals have been more than his income.
RECEIVER : he may be running another account...
MARK : wait, why are you so pessimistic? you dey low my spirit o this guy. I thought you were my friend?
RECEIVER : ha...no be like that. Okay I'm sorry...I don't think he has a job yet.
MARK : better. Because that will give me a chance.
RECEIVER : alright. But what I'll advise is, if Jade doesn't go with you, still talk to Bimbo, but don't tell her the guy doesn't have a job o!
MARK : haba! Trust me nau...I know what she wants. But I pray Jade comes.
RECEIVER : I pray so too.
MARK : alright we'll talk later.
RECEIVER : yeah bye...
MARK : bye...
(By the time he hung up, a message had entered into his phone from Jade saying she'll be involved on that day and can't make it to the dinner. He reads it and was angry)..... shit! (Hits his hand on the table)
(The Dinner organized by the management of Phinix Bank was a glamorous one. It was held in one of the best hotels in Lagos. Managers of each branches and their assistants were present, all dressed as gorgeous as you can imagine.
They all arrive in their twos into the hall looking radiant and ready for the report of the year's hard work.
The program started and afterwards the year's report was read. Then it was announced that the Bank now has a new chairperson, who would come and address them later on.
Bimbo is dressed in a red skimpy gown which has an open back and a very low neck, with her cleavage and her breasts almost popping out. She looks very captivating in a sexy way. She came along with Tara.
After the year's report had being made, the guests were left to mingle for a while since the new Chairperson was yet to arrive...)
TARA : wow...so many good looking guys here o...(Looking at the guests as they walk into the hall where the party is held)
BIMBO : why do you think I'm dressed this way...
TARA : hmm....and I can see so many eyes on you, girl...
BIMBO : you can say that again...Let me go and redo my make up...(About to stand up and go to the ladies)
TARA : (she sits down there and kept looking around then she sees Mark at a corner with another girl)....hmm another girl again...(she waits patiently for Bimbo to return from the ladies.When  Bimbo came back...)...looks who's there...
BIMBO: who?...(looking at the direction Tara is talking about)....
TARA: Mark and another girl....
BIMBO: (she sees him)....come let's go and say hello to him....
TARA: are you sure?
BIMBO: of course, he needs to see what he's missing...come let go....(she leads the way)....

(They both walk up to Mark....)
BIMBO: hi Mark?
MARK: (turns to look at Bimbo)...oh, hi....(looking at what she's putting on)....nice dress....
BIMBO: oh thanks....
(While they were talking, the Host announces the arrival of the new owner and they all turn their attention to the projector as the new owner walks to the podium...)

To be continued...

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