Sunday 17 July 2016

Crushing the Yoke of Idolatry, Pt. 1

Crushing the Yoke of Idolatry, Pt. 1

About this message

In this message, Dr. D.K. Olukoya reveals how idolatry is the black man's biggest problem and why it must be crushed. Enjoy!
It is important that we read three key scriptures as we start this series, so that we can understand where our problems are coming from and answers to questions we keep asking.
Exo 20:1-6:
And God spake all these words, saying, 2I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 3Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 4Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: 5thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the inquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; 6and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commadments
KJV, American Edition
If we take a good look at verse 5, it says "...unto the third and fourth generation..." which is a mininum of 120 years. That is, if you have somebody in your family who worshipped idols in 1900, the punishment for what he or she did that far back will not expire until 2020, if you do not address it.
Psa 16:4:
4Their sorrows shall be multiplied that hasten after another god: their drink offerings of blood will I not offer, nor take up their names into my lips
KJV, American Edition
I pray for someone that if your father has laid a foundation of multiplication of sorrow, wherever you are, let the blood of Jesus wipe it off in the name of Jesus.
Psa 115:3:
But our God is in the heavens: he hath done whatsoever he hath pleased
KJV, American Edition
This is why some people will pray and pray and pray and pray and pray and sing "wa wa wa emi mimo wa...", but the holy spirit will not come, but rather say, " this one", because they that make them are like them.
None of us have a clue what our forefathers were doing 200 years ago, but one thing is certain if you're a black person: our forefathers did not serve God. They actively served the devil and it's now affecting us. There are 50 kinds of people who should pray like mad prophets:
  • If you're from a royal family
  • If the name of an idol is part of your name
  • If you have a shrine in your family house
  • If you come from idolatry village
  • If you buy food from our local market
  • If you have participated in traditional and/or cultural dances
  • If you are into idolatry by association, that is, you are not directly involved in idolatry, but your business partner is
  • Idolatry by marriage
  • Idolatry by sex
  • If you have incisions on your body because those are marks of idol worship
  • If you have done wicked ritual ceremony
  • Marriage ceremony rituals
  • If you have ever done anything fetish
  • If you have ever consulted witch doctors
  • If you have ever used any lucky charm
  • If you have ever bought satanic souvenirs and put it in your house to decorate
  • If you have ever been to a local bone setter
  • If you have ever used candles or incense to pray
  • If you are involved in Palmistry
  • You practice horoscope or astrology
  • You read magic books
  • If you have ever played ludo, whots, or snakes & ladder
  • Lodge membership
  • If you have acupuncture or tattoos on your body
  • If you have ever used rosaries
  • If you hang crucifixes on your neck
  • If you have celebrated ritual parties before
  • If you have eaten food sacrificed to idols
  • If you have gone to a satanic church
  • If you have gone to consult the dead
  • If you buy herbs from our local market
  • Concoctions
  • If you carry sacrifices
  • Some of the things we think are big issues are caused by small things. The bible says, "my people perish" not my people faint or my people are weak.
  • Idolatrous foundation
  • Living in any house in Africa that was built before the gospel came to that place. In Lagos, majority of the houses do NOT belong to Christians
  • If your parents are still actively worshipping idols
  • If your placenta has been buried somewhere and a tree has been planted on top of it
  • If you have shaved your hair for the dead before
  • If there are materials buried in your family compound
  • Killing of animals ritually
  • The list continues on the CD
Idolatry is something designed by the devil to control the land, families, and people. To God it is a serious abomination. Any worship of anything outside God through Jesus Christ is idolatry. Any thing you place before or beside God is an idol. God sees idolatry as spiritual prostitution and all races that are into idolatry as actually married to the demons of the idol.
Africa has burnt strange fire and smoke to the devil, thereby, insulting God to his face.

 This is an excerpt from the full message. If you have enjoyed this message recap and have been blessed by it or are interested in the prayer points and stories during the message, consider adding it to your collection by ordering a copy. Use the 'Purchase' link in the 'Message Resources' section to get started. Until next time, stay blessed.

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