Sunday 28 January 2018

Your Foundation and Your Making

Topic: Your Foundation and Your Making
Text: (Matthew 4:19)
Ministering: Pastor Olatayo
Many lives are collapsing today because their foundation is not too strong.
The past is gone but it'st not dead. There are times whereby the past of a lesson will rise. The past sometimes speak volumes in life.
*>>>What is Foundation*
• A basis on which something depends on.
*>>> Facts About Foundation*
• Dictates a kind of structure that can be built
• Is hidden below that's not easily known.
• A shallow foundation carries a weak and small structure while a deep foundation can carry big and strong structure.
• Many, the reason why they are struggling is because, their foundation is weak and cannot carry a successful structure.
• Your foundation determines the volume of your success.
• Is made up of components that are abominable to God such as adultery, rituals, evil dedication, etc.
• A person who has bad parents has already starts his/her life on bad deficit.
• The only language that bad foundation understand is spiritual warfare.
• Your immediate parent maybe very good, grandparents may have been horrible yet your foundation can still fight you.
*>>> For you not to be stranded in the journey of destiny fulfillment, the following life should not be lived;*
1. A life without Christ
2. Avoid a violent godly consecration
3. Ability to do something without godly character
4. Don't ever display zeal without knowledge.
*Go for knowledge!*
5. Seek for knowledge
6. God's power and authority without godly compassion
7. Gift without a relationship with the giver of the gift
*>>Way out from faulty foundation*
1. Confess your sins
2. Do a personal research into the history of the family where your are born
3. Take note of all re-current evil features.
4. Confes the sinful of your ancestors
5. Renounce all the evil activities perpetrated by your ancestors.
6. Destroy every evil foundation of your ancestors
7. Build a new foundation by the word of God.
8. Build up your life afresh.

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