Sunday 30 April 2017

A Child's Cry

I am a child
Let me live like one
Enjoy the days of my childhood
I want to run around
Play with sand
I want to go to school
And become a great leader of my nation
Don't abuse me verbally
Don't abuse me sexually
Don't teach me evil
Instead give me a book and a pen
Hear my cry and let me live like a child i am
Don't send me to the street to sell
And don't beat me too much for my mistakes
Cos i won't get corrected
Instead i will have a strong heart
Let the days of my childhood be one to remember
And when i grow up and have a child. 
I will give that child that u gave me
I will let him or her enjoy life as a child.

Source: Ohluwarbhewmmie Reehanarth