Sunday 12 February 2017

Dr. D.K. Olukoya MTU Foundation


The General Overseer of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries has an unquenchable passion for the youths and this has inspired him to float many programmes to steer away the youths from the path where the devil always feed on their innocence. Programmes such as the establishment of youth churches, Dr. D.K. Olukoya Bible Quiz, Dr. D.K. Olukoya Football Club, GEN 2:18 Club, and so on have been floated just to help the youth to attain their divine purpose. A lot of these youths have also relied on the generosity of the General Overseer to finance their education. Fortunately, the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries now has a University of its own where the dreams of youths in the church can find expression and where expectedly the responsibility of the General Overseer to these youths will increase. As a way of assisting the General Overseer to carry this gargantuan responsibility, this institution known as Dr. D.K.Olukoya Mountain Top University Foundation was created.

Essence of the Foundation

The Foundation is conceived as an organ that will actualize the vision of the General Overseer to bring the University within the reach of an average Nigerian and by extension an average member of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, anywhere he or she may be found in the world. Before the approval of MTU, it is a known fact that the General Overseer of MFM commits a huge sum to payment of school fees and other incidental charges for members of the church. Now that the church has a university of its own expectations are high and demands on the General Overseer to permit members to enroll into the University on zero budget are likely to increase. This has to be properly managed for two reasons. First, people, especially MFM members, already know Dr. Olukoya to be a generous and burden-bearing man; he cannot afford to do anything that will be contrary to this now. Two, his compassionate nature cannot be allowed to impede the progress of the University and especially the move to make it a world-class University whose proper funding must as a matter of necessity come from the fees payable by the students and which the less privileged members of the MFM family may not afford. The Foundation provides the leverage by setting up standards that must be followed to enable the underprivileged members of the church to benefit from the “church’s” University. And this is very significant in order to avert the kind of disenchantment that some members of churches that had established faith-based universities now hold against the leadership of their churches as a result of their inability to afford the fees of the universities established by their churches.

Objectives of the Foundation

The following are the values which the Foundation will provide:
  • To serve as a bridge between the church (MFM) and the school (MTU)
  • To finance some MTU needs of members of MFM
  • To relieve the General Overseer of the burden of education sponsorship for MTU students
  • To portray MFM in positive light
  • To provide a veritable platform for evangelism
  • To attract huge membership to the MFM church
  • To guard against distracting MTU from its divine mission of working towards becoming a world-class university

Standard Operational Procedures

The foundation operates with the following modalities:
  1. Adopt-a-Student Scholarship Scheme
  2. One of the following is to be chosen:
    a. Full Tuition each session for four sessions i.e. N550,000 per session for four sessions
    b. Part Tuition each session i.e. N300,000 per session for four sessions
    c. Full Feeding each session i.e. N240,000 per session for four sessions
    d. Part Feeding each session i.e. N120,000 per session for four sessions
  3. Donations from Dr. D.K. Olukoya MTU Foundation Partners and Friends
  4. Grants and donations from national and international organizations

Eligibility Conditions

  • A beneficiary must have been issued MTU admission letter
  • A beneficiary must have spent a minimum of 2 years as a member of MFM
  • A beneficiary shall provide 2 references from senior persons in MFM
  • A beneficiary shall sit for MTU Foundation Selection Test
  • A beneficiary shall not only pass the MTU Foundation Test but shall also meet the cut-off point

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