Sunday 18 December 2016


Mr Tolu Bodunrin (Financial Inclusion Expert)
A Presentation training delivered by Mr. Tolulope Bodunrin (Financial Inclusion Expert) for MFM Benson Youth Church during the annual youth week (Nov. 25-27th) tagged, Kingdom Ambassadors.

One of the major goals you and I have in life is financial independence and freedom. Achieving financial freedom is getting to the point where we don’t have to worry about money anymore. Money is important for an effective living; nothing can take the place of money in the area in which money works. In this series, of presentation training, I’d like to expose and equip our youth with vital points that can aid in transforming our lives for a better financial freedom.

A. True wealth actually starts from the inside out.

It is first within than without. You cannot prosper beyond the level of development that has taken place inside of you. You become wealthy when you believe that you have the ability to become wealthy. All things are possible to him that believes. What you believe determines what you do. You will always take actions that will turn your belief into reality.

To acquire the money desired, you must believe that you have the God-given ability to make money. When you believe that you can make money, you will begin to do the things that will attract money, rather than give excuses.

Read more.

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