Sunday 30 October 2016


Episode 6
As I turned back from locking the door, he was already behind me and my heart jumped into my mouth. He fell on his knees and looked into my face.
‘I have never killed anybody in my life until today. I killed your joy, your hope, your future and everything about you in general. Please, the Bible says he that kills with the sword, the same shall be killed with the sword. Please, have your way’ he said and bent his neck, pointing at left side.
‘This is where the jugular is. Just thrust the knife and cut it. I would be forever gone’ he said and I looked on in amazement.
He knew the Bible.
He knew the jugular
He had never killed before
He was remorseful
Who is this guy?
‘Sir, the reverse is the case o. I brought this knife here so you could finish what you started.’ I said and knelt down before him too.
‘What?’ he asked me, so surprised that he shifted backward.
‘This is my neck and thank God you know the jugular. Aren’t you a hired assassin? Please finish your job. Kill me! You did an incomplete job the other time. Now, please kill me’ I cried out with a serious voice.

I really wanted to die!
But I could not kill myself. I was a coward!
The guy fell to the ground, his hands still in bounds and cried so hard that I had to really think over and over again to be sure that he was the one that reeked of alcohol and raped me few hours ago.
‘Forgive me please. I have ruined everything…please forgive…’ he kept on saying when I got mad!
‘Forgive you for what? Are you mad? Forgive you for raping me or forgive you for climbing me with your filthy dirty body? or forgive you for taking my so much kept and treasured virginity? or forgive you for making my husband to walk out on me? or forgive you for making my wedding to be cancelled? Forgive you for what?’ I screamed so loudly that Briton had to growl loudly and swirl around in a circle.
‘I don’t have any excuse madam. I will go to the jail if that is…’ he was saying when I banged the wall with the knife.
‘What is my business with this jail thing that you have been shouting about? If you wanted to go to jail, why couldn’t you go to jail on your own? Why? Why must you drag others into serious problems like this? Why?’ I cried out, throwing the knife away. I knelt beside the guy and started punching him as I cried ‘why?’ repeatedly. He continued wailing and shaking in his tears.

Read more.

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