Sunday 21 August 2016


A memoir was sent to all the old students of Atlantic College that there will be a re-union party organized for them in Nigeria. The date and time was communicated to all them.

All the students got the message on social media and they look forward to seeing their old school mates again.

Although some of them got the message abroad, few of them are back in Nigeria. Some of them still get in touch with each other, while others have lost communication somehow.

They look forward to the re-union party and also prepared towards it.

After waiting for a month, Lekan transfers the whole money from his savings account to his current account in the same Alan Trust Bank.

At a point he would withdraw money and give it to orphanages anonymously. Whenever people come to him for help he gives out cheques like he owns the central bank.

(Andrew finished with his degree at the university in New-York and came back home only to continue with his usual behavior and his Mother could not but complain. He goes to club every day and comes back as late as possible. His promiscuity had no limit. We would party and bring home different girls, sometimes changing girls between the same day.

At first Silvia wanted to ignore him, but his unruly and uncultured behavior was becoming unbearable so she had to talk.

This particular day, he had gotten back late the night before and when his mother woke up that morning, she had seen a girl creeping out of their house early in the morning.

Later that day, she accuses Andrew...)

SILVIA : Andrew, what is wrong with you? I thought you'd have changed. In fact it’s as if you're worse!
ANDREW : what have I done again Mum?
SILVIA : you brought a girl home yesterday, didn't you?
ANDREW : (surprised)....haha...what do you expect? Is it a guy you want me to bring home? I went to the club and wanted to have fun...this girl saw me and was glued to’s only natural for me to bring her home....I have needs Mum, I'm a man.
SILVIA : are you crazy? Bringing a total stranger to the house, a prostitute!
ANDREW : don't be ridiculous Mum! She came for her business...
SILVIA : shut up!...(Getting really furious)...what do I do with you for God's sakes!
ANDREW : Mum stop bothering yourself...(Walks away)
SILVIA :  Andrew! Andrew come back here!
ANDREW : (turns back)...what is it for God's sake?
SILVIA : Andrew all this your useless behavior must stop..
ANDREW : (cuts in)...what! What is it? sent me to the US to stay with that in-law of yours, the guy treated me like a prisoner, yet you did nothing about it and I stayed there didn't I? I abided by his strict and outrageous rules. Yes, I complained to you but you turned deaf ears to me. I didn't say anything did I? Now I'm back, doing what I wasn't allowed to do then and you're complaining again...please Mum leave me and let me live my life. I've lived the last few years for you, but now, you can't tell me what to do or not to do because I’m now an adult!...(Walking away)
SILVIA : Andrew! Andrew!.....(Seeing he didn't turn back)...God....what kind of son did you give me...he clubs every day, he's not even thinking of getting a job, neither is he thinking of doing his masters...

(Andy is still very impatient. He got in touch with another Bank manager who promised to help. Mr. Henz is a very greedy man, who, despite the fact that he will have to hack into another person's files, he agreed to help Andy.

Henz, without knowing the full information about the money started searching only after hearing its billions and in a dormant account. He searched through all the Bank's dormant accounts to see if there's anyone with an outrageous account. He searched for some weeks and since he could not find it, he resigns to fate.

Andy goes to see him...)

HENZ : sir, I've tried all my best but I couldn't find any account as such. I guess we have to wait till Mr. Badru recovers.
ANDY : damn it!...(hitting the table with palm)
HENZ : once he tells us which account he transferred the money, it won't take me up to ten minutes to transfer it back.
ANDY : (takes a deep breath)...what if he doesn't recover?
HENZ : hmm...(Relaxes on his seat)...then, we can as well forget about the money sir...
ANDY : what!...never! I can't. That money is too much to be forgotten.
HENZ : sir...(Sits up again)...why don't you tell me exactly how much we're talking about...?
ANDY : (takes a deep breath)’s about...seventy billion naira...
HENZ : (cuts in)...what! Seventy billion?
ANDY : yes seventy billion.
HENZ : now you're talking. If you'd told me this since then the search would have been easier. I'll just call up all accounts that have such an amount, simple.
ANDY : oh...I didn't know...
HENZ : well, you were too discreet about it sir.
ANDY : sorry about that.....(Leans forward) do you think there's hope now?
HENZ : let me try with that. You said he usually transfers it to a dormant savings account right?
ANDY : yes. According to him, it will be difficult to remove a large sum, even if the person wants to.
HENZ : it’s true.
ANDY : okay. So when should I get back to you?
HENZ : don't worry sir, I'll call you.
ANDY : alright.

(Andy left and Henz started thinking to himself...)....useless politicians...look at him, after embezzling money, he's now running around for someone to help him. So you think I will even give you the money if I find it? amount you cannot declare missing?....(Laughs)...I will divert it to another account straight.....em… let me see, how do I do it...(Thinking)...okay, I'll transfer it to another account and then tell him the person has spent it....(Thinks for a while)...he won't know that I've diverted the money. Then I will give him the person’s details so himself and the person will know how to sort themselves out...yes, that's what I'll do....I'll divert the money to a safe place...(Thinking again)......not just one account, let me make a list of some of my clients who will help me bring out the money safely....(Bringing out a sheet)...this guy doesn't know me...(Laughing) Just wait let me find the money.

Few weeks later, Lekan celebrated his wife's birthday for her. It’s was her fortieth and she was so happy with the surprise party her husband gave her.

Lekan kept the money in several of his accounts, both in and out of Alan Trust Bank, waiting for what will happen.

However, he never touched the money for his personal use, except when people came to him for help, neither did he tell anybody about the money.

Still bothered about his money several weeks later, Andy decided to call up the Doctor to know what's going on with Badru...)

RECEIVER : oh good afternoon sir.
ANDY : good afternoon Doc. How come I've not heard anything from you, It’s been months?
RECEIVER : sir, I didn't call you because....
ANDY : (cuts in)...has he not recovered?
RECEIVER : he has sir, but...
ANDY : (cuts in)...then why didn't you call me. I told you it’s a very urgent situation...
RECEIVER : sir. The patient has amnesia.
ANDY : am-what? What does that mean?
RECEIVER : he lost his memory.
ANDY : Jesus Christ!
RECEIVER : although, it’s a temporary thing.
ANDY : meaning?
RECEIVER : he will soon regain his memory. The memory loss was because of the coma he was in.
ANDY : so when will he regain his memory.
RECEIVER : I really can't say yet sir. But our psychiatrist is working on him and once he's alright I'll call you.
ANDY : I think you better tell your psychiatrist to be fast about this….
RECEIVER: sir, these things takes time….
ANDY : (takes a deep breath)...alright. Please call me immediately he’s alright.
RECEIVER : I will....
ANDY : (hangs up)...damn it! What the hell is this again? He has recovered now, only for him to now loose his memory...(Hisses)....why did I even pick this fool in the first place....

(About two months after his wife’s birthday, Lekan is having dinner with his family; his wife and two kids, Bolu and Bola...)

LEKAN : honey...(Leaving his food for a moment)
SOLA : yes dear?....(Looks at her husband)
LEKAN : I'll be going to Abuja next month.
SOLA : what for?
LEKAN : I'm one of those taking up the case against the former president so I have to be there.
(Bolu, his nine year old son, who seem to have been listening to his parent’s conversation blurts out...)
BOLU : Daddy, how long will you be gone?
LEKAN : (looks at Bolu).....not less than a week.
BOLU : next month is my graduation Dad, hope you'll be there?
LEKAN : of course. I won't miss it for the world.
BOLU : that's a promise Dad?
LEKAN : its a promise...(Looks at his daughter)...Angel...
BOLA : (looks at her father)…yes Daddy
LEKAN : you've been quiet...
BOLA : Daddy, I'm not happy.
LEKAN : (holds her hand as she is the one sitting on his right)...tell me why?
BOLA : Bolu will be leaving my school and you are also traveling.
LEKAN : oh dear, but I'm coming back.
BOLU : (looks at his little sister) Bola, you'll soon be joining me in my school soon.
LEKAN : (holding Bola's hand)...yes that's true Angel. You'll be joining Bolu soon.
BOLA : and when will you be coming back?
LEKAN : I'll only be gone for a week. Though I'll go back later but that will only be for 2-3days...don't worry, I'll call you when I get there. I'll call you every day.
BOLA : (smiling)...promise?
LEKAN : yes I promise.
BOLU : Dad, don't forget you promised me a phone when I get to JSS1.
LEKAN : I know I did.
BOLU : so you'll bring it when you're coming right?
LEKAN : (laughs)...yes I will.
BOLU : that's my Dad...
SOLA : (turns to the kids) that you two are done can I have my husband back?...(Turns to Lekan)...Mine
LEKAN : (laughing)....yes dear....
SOLA : I'll miss you.
BOLU & BOLA : I'll miss you too!
LEKAN : I'll miss you all too....(Smiling)...
SOLA : its being a while you traveled and it makes me feel so weird about it.
LEKAN : I know. That's why I'm telling you now before I leave at all.
SOLA : (takes a deep breath)...alright.
LEKAN : (seeing they're all not smiling as they were at the beginning of Dinner)..hey guys, enough of the dullness, I'm taking you all out for lunch on Sunday.
BOLU & BOLA : yes!

(Andy was at his home when he saw his phone ringing. He picks up the phone to see who the caller is...)

ANDY : (looking at who the caller is) this not the Doctor?...I hope he has good news...(Picks the call)...Hello?
CALLER : hello sir...
ANDY : Doctor Shile right?
CALLER : yes sir.
ANDY : tell me, any good news?
CALLER : yes. He has regained his memory. He just woke up and asked for his driver just now. He remembers the accident.
ANDY : so that's good news, right? I mean that means...
CALLER : (cuts in)...yes it means he will remember everything that happened before the accident.
ANDY : (stands up)...that’s great news! I'll be right there immediately.
CALLER : alright sir.
ANDY : (hangs up)...yes!!! I have to go there right away…(leaving for his room)

(Andy comes straight to the hospital to see Badru. The doctor led him into his office first, making sure the psychiatrist is around before going to speak with Badru. When they got there Badru immediately recognizes Andy. Seeing that, the Doctor and the psychiatrist allow them talk privately...

BADRU : good afternoon sir.
ANDY : good afternoon Badru, how are you feeling now?
BADRU : very well sir.
ANDY : can you remember all about or transaction? The one you made before your accident?
BADRU : yes sir. In fact I'm so sorry about the whole thing sir.
ANDY : it’s okay. I've gotten someone who can help me with it, but they need to know the account details.
BADRU : oh that's true. I would have written it out for you now, but I don't have the account number here but I have the name in my head. The account number is in my diary.
ANDY : your dairy? (Looking around)
BADRU : yes sir.
ANDY : it is still available?
BADRU : yes sir, I'll tell my wife to bring it for me.
ANDY : can they locate the account with the name only without using the account number?
BADRU : no sir. Sometimes we usually have multiple names that are alike.
ANDY : well, they can just check the accounts of all those who have that name.
BADRU : the person that will help you may not want to go through that stress.
ANDY : why not call her to start coming over? (Stretching out his phone to Badru)
BADRU : she has told me she’s on the way already. Don't worry I'll text all the details to you immediately she gets here.
ANDY : (takes a deep breath)....okay.
BADRU : I know you've being very eager to get your money sir.
ANDY : you can say that again...(thinking of waiting but he knew that will be showing too much desperation on his side)

(Badru could not send the details till the following day. Immediately Andy got the details, he calls Henz...)

ANDY : hello?
RECEIVER : good afternoon sir.
ANDY : afternoon Henz, I've gotten all the details.
RECEIVER : oh really?
ANDY : yes. Should I bring it? So you can do the transfer immediately.
RECEIVER : don't need to come all the way here sir. You know I will still have to locate the account first and right now I have a lot of assignment on my table now. I may not be able to do it till later tonight when our archives are free. Then, nobody will be at work, it will be easy to do anything.
ANDY : okay. I will send the details to your phone now.
RECEIVER : alright sir.
ANDY : so when should I be expecting?
RECEIVER : by tomorrow, latest, I'll call you to tell you how far sir.
ANDY : alright. Please call me as soon as you have done it.
RECEIVER : alright sir.
ANDY : then we'll talk about your pay. Remember I still have to sort Badru too.
RECEIVER : I know sir. No problem sir.
ANDY : okay.... (hangs up)...yes! Now I can have my money back...(He sends the details to Henz immediately.)

(Immediately after getting the message, Henz who had lied about being busy, set to work. He brings up the account in question and found nothing there....)

HENZ : haha! (Checks again)...there's no money here....(Hisses)...nonsense...(immediately, he calls up Andy back)...hello sir
RECEIVER : hello?
HENZ : sir the money is not there..
RECEIVER : you have checked?
HENZ : yes I just did.
RECEIVER : I thought you said....anyway...did you just say the money is not there?
HENZ : yes it’s not. That's why I called you back immediately.
RECEIVER : are you sure you checked well?
HENZ : yes sir. I did. And the account is not even dormant. It has been reactivated.
RECEIVER : what....!
HENZ : maybe there was a mistake somewhere. You can call Mr. Badru back to ensure all the details are right.
RECEIVER : (confused) okay.

After Andy received Henz’s call, he was angry at the report he was given. He decided to call Badru immediately…)

ANDY : there had better being a mistake somewhere because nothing must happen to my money, absolutely nothing…(dialing Badru's number immediately)....hello Badru...
RECEIVER : sir, have you…
ANDY : (cuts in)…what the hell is going on? Henz cant seem to find the money were you said you kept it….
RECEIVER : what! Please let me speak to him sir….
ANDY : fine, hold on, I will put him on so we can make a conference call….(He dails Henz’s number and they make a conference call....)'s Henz on the line...
HENZ : good afternoon sir
BADRU : afternoon Henz.
HENZ : sorry I've not being there to check up on you sir.
BADRU : hmm...
ANDY : (cuts in)...will you people talk about getting my money back and cut off these condolences!
HENZ : sorry sir.
BADRU : he said you told him the money is not there?
HENZ : yes sir. Maybe there's a mistake in the....
BADRU : (cuts in)...I know what I'm saying....the details are correct.
HENZ : but there's no trace of the money sir. The account is not even dormant.
BADRU : what! Please check the history of that account immediately.
HENZ : I'm not at the office right now. I'm on my way to the head office...(He lied) I will check it when I get back or when I get to the head office.
BADRU : okay. Please get back to me and let me know what happened.
HENZ : okay sir...I'm going off now. (He hangs up)
ANDY : Badru, what happened to my money?
BADRU : sir, let's see what Henz will find in the history of that account. I'm sure that is where I kept the money.
ANDY : but he just said the account is not dormant. That means...(He pauses)...hmm...I just hope it’s not what I'm thinking?
BADRU : don't worry sir, your money will be safe...but do you trust Henz that much?
ANDY : why did you say that?
BADRU : because...em....I don't trust him at all. He's got some dirty history.
ANDY : are you trying to say he may try doing something funny?
BADRU : I hope he doesn't....don't worry sir, I'll call someone I can trust to help me check.
ANDY : better do.

(Immediately after Andy hung up, Badru calls another person. He sends him the account details to check for the history and few minutes later, he was called back.....)

BADRU : what! You mean he transferred all the money!
CALLER : absolutely everything.
BADRU : oh my God...
CALLER : sir, I'd advise you report the issue to the management.
BADRU : em.....don't worry. I'll ask the owner. He may want to let go.
CALLER : let go? Of such a huge amount!
BADRU : let me consult with him first
CALLER : alright sir.
BADRU : (hangs up)...damn it! To think that I'm supposed to get my cut from that how I'll lose a whopping 700 million?....(Thinking)....What should I do now?....I should call to tell him....but I will he take the bad news….

(Meanwhile, Henz had lied because he wanted to make the transaction without Badru knowing. He quickly checks the account history and found out that the money had been transferred to another account.)

HENZ : son of a bitch!.....(Looking at the computer screen)...he transferred the whole where now? (Still checking)....He's such a conniving bastard!....damn it. He was really fast!....(Takes a closer look) a current account?.....oh my...(Takes his phone and was about calling Andy)....wait a minute, if I call now they'll know that I was lying about going to the island....I'll call later on.

To be continued....

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