Saturday 13 August 2016


(Silvia could see reasons with what her husband has just said...)

SILVIA : hmmm.....That may be possible you know...but what if they are the types that cannot be bought?
ANDY : come on dear, every man can be bought, its just that we all have a price.
SILVIA : so, you're saying we could pay them any amount?
ANDY : of course...
SILVA : how do you do it then? I mean, how will you know if after collecting the money they'll not mess up?
ANDY : that is not a problem...I'm a Minister, someone in the high place. Offering them money in the first place is a benevolent gesture from me. These boys know how people in the government get things done when they want it.
SILVIA : I still don't get what you're trying to say...
ANDY : that, I could have gotten them out of the way somehow, but I didn't take that route. I decided to pay them off, that's nice of me, isn't it?
SILVIA : hmm....I prefer we get them paid...then take them for their word, that's better.
ANDY : oh well that's what I said isn't it?
SILVIA : Andrew should even leave for the states.
ANDY : its in your hands....Please I'm hungry....Can you get me pounded yam?
SILVIA : (looks at him disgustingly)...and who will pound it?
ANDY : you should get someone else to be doing that, woman.
SILVIA : I've heard you..but for the meantime, you'll make do with whatever is available....(Leaving for the kitchen)
ANDY : oh please!...... I'll call Musa to get me those boy's numbers, tell my PA to bring it to my room for me.
SILVIA : okay.


(Days later, Andrew was about going for his driving lessons when Ken came over...)

KEN : hey Drew..are you hearing anything about the church rat?
ANDREW : nope. Though our school mates have being calling me to ask what happened but I kept telling them I was fast asleep when it all happened.
KEN : (laughs)...bad boy!
ANDREW : or what would you have me say?
KEN : they called and asked me too but I said, I don't know exactly what happened.
ANDREW : I'm going to the US soon.
KEN : really? When?
ANDREW : may be sometime during the upper week.
KEN : okay. When are you coming back?
ANDREW : not sure yet.
KEN : okay....I'd love to come too but Dad is not just listening to anybody now. I think he's one of those eligible for the position of the Chief Justice of Nigeria and he's working hard for it. He's in Abuja right now.
ANDREW : I could tell my Mum to organize a ticket for you.
KEN : oh really! I'd love that....
ANDREW : with that I can compensate you for helping me out.
KEN : hmmm....that's my man!
ANDREW : yeah yeah...


(James' health has not improved ever since Jide has been detained. He kept thinking of what will become of his only son. A child he had craved for, for many years before he finally got one. He wondered if he will be set free or jailed for life. Whenever he remembers Jide's scholarship abroad, he feels a terrible pain in his heart. Sometimes when he thinks of Jide's predicament, his health would deteriorate so much, giving Abike so much to do, from going to see Jide and taking care of her husband and running different washing jobs at the same time.

Abike has being going to the station to see Jide and bringing him food regularly. Sometimes, when his present predicament would get to him, Jide would either refuse to eat and give out the food to the other inmates or cry his eys out.  Most times, both mother and son would cry, wishing and praying that things should turn around for them.

Its being almost two weeks now since Jide had being kept in Prison and they are still expectant. Jide could not stop thinking of what will become of him here. Will he be found guilty of a crime he did not commit? If that's the case what is it going to be? Death by hanging or life imprisonment? Or will he be set free and the real culprit indicted? He remembers he is supposed to be traveling to the UK for his university education. He wonders if all this will be over by then. He kept thinking of all that has happened and wished he had not been given a scholarship into Atlantic College. He wished he had gone to a regular school with poor students like himself, may be he would have made real loyal friends than enemies.


Bukola has been quite worried about Jide, she had asked her mum that they should go and see Jide at the police station, knowing she'll be going to the UK soon, but her mother had declined till she went to Abuja.


Abike has been worried about Jide's predicament seeing the Lawyer is not saying anything. She had come looking for Sukanmi several times but met his absence. This particular day she was lucky she met him as he was about going out....)

ABIKE : lawyer, please my son is still in prison, please, do something.
SK : Madam, look, the situation on ground is delicate. Although, we've found an evidence that may show that your son is innocent....
ABIKE : (cuts in) ehn!
SK : but, we need money to bring it out.
ABIKE : how much?
SK : the blood test will cost much o. About hundred to two hundred thousand or so.
ABIKE : haa! That money is too much o...
SK : yes. And that's apart from my own fees.
ABIKE : eeee! My God, what will I do, where will I get that kind of money....
SK : well, that's the problem. May be you should start looking for it anyhow before the court proceeding start.
ABIKE : (crying).....ha, God, why...
SK : (cuts in).... I have to go now...(He leaves her there crying)
ABIKE : God, where will I get that kind of money now...why is this happeneing to my son?...(Crying)


The Achibongs have been quiet about their decision for a while now. Both Jacobs and Charles had asked for an autopsy report to be carried out on Carol and when Charles went back for it, he was told that Jacobs had come for the copy. He wondered why Jacobs did not call him. He called Jacobs but his calls were not picked. He left messages for him and kept his cool, waiting for Jacobs to call him up when he's ready.

Worried about the incident and interested at the same time, Charles went to the prison to make more inquiries on what really happened that day. He also decided to see Jide and was allowed to ask him some questions...)

CHARLES : hello...(Looking at Jide as he sits down in his front)...I am Charles, the lawyer to Carol Achibong...
JIDE : good afternoon sir...
CHARLES : I came to ask you personally to tell me exactly what happened. Really, I'm not supposed to be talking to you till you show up in court but I'm quite interested in this case. I want to hear your story because there seem to be so many things hidden about this case. So tell me what really happened on that day....and hey, I want the truth.
JIDE : yes sir. That day, my Mum asked me to go and throw the garbage away...
CHARLES : (cuts in)...your Mum? At the party? I thought...
JIDE : (cuts in) Mum works as a cook at the Silva's house and she had to come and work with the caterers that day.
CHARLES : okay...go on.
JIDE : so she asked me to come and help her so I went there. I didn't go for the party, I went to help her. So, she asked me to go and throw the garbage away. As I was throwing the garbage away, I saw Ken...
CHARLES : who's Ken?
JIDE : a school mate, Andrew's friend.
CHARLES : and Andrew?
JIDE : the Minister's son.
CHARLES : okay.
JIDE : so he called me to come over. At first I didn't want to, because both Andrew and Ken are always picking on me in school. So I'm always avoiding them. So when they called me, I didn't want to go, but when he said Andrew had hurt himself, I decided to come and help. When I got there, he was writhing in pain on the ground with blood on his hands. So I bent down asking him what happened, that was the last thing I knew until I woke up with water all over me. I realized they had poured water on me to wake me up....
CHARLES : (surprised at the story Jide is telling him) mean, they had to revive you?
JIDE : yes sir.
CHARLES : hmmm...continue...
JIDE : so when I woke up, I saw Carol's body in blood, and most of the party guests and the security men looking at me. I didn't understand what was going on till the man I later understood to be Carol's father started beating and slapping me that I had raped and killed Carol. I told him it wasn't me but he didn't believe me.
CHARLES : you're saying you weren't the one?
JIDE : I'm not the one sir. I couldn't have done such a thing.
CHARLES : from all what you've said now, it means the crime had being committed and you were framed for it or something?
JIDE : yes sir.
CHARLES : and who do you think did it?
JIDE : sir, I think it was Andrew and Ken sir. Because....
CHARLES : (cuts in)....because they're your enemies?
JIDE : no sir. Because they were at the entrance of the room where Carol was killed when they called me to come over. And sometime ago, I'd seen Andrew taking the gardeners daughter to that same room...
CHARLES : (surprised, he cuts in)....really?
JIDE : Yes sir. He took the girl there and on their way there he tried to kiss her but the girl was refusing him. He was forcing her until he saw me and left her, so the girl ran away.
CHARLES : are you sure of what you're saying?
JIDE : yes sir.
CHARLES : (he thinks for a while)...and the gardener's daughter, do you know where she is?
JIDE : I don't know where they live. I just know her name. Her name is Belinda.
CHARLES : hmm...does the gardener still work at the Silva's residence?
JIDE : as at the day before the party, I still saw him there.
CHARLES : okay....good....thanks for your time.....
JIDE : yes sir.
CHARLES : (Standing up and was about leaving)...wait a minute, you've gotten a lawyer right?
JIDE : yes my mother got one for us.
CHARLES : has he being here?
JIDE : yes. He came here two days after I was brought here.
CHARLES : and after that?
JIDE : he came again with his friend.
CHARLE : your lawyer came with his friend...
JIDE : yes. They came to ask me where the girl wounded me and I said she didn't.
CHARLES : (surprised)...where the girl got you wounded?
JIDE : yes and I told them she didn't wound me.
CHARLE : what else did they ask you?
JIDE : they asked me if I'd noticed any wound on Andrew and I told them I didn't see anything because he was writhing in pain.
CHARLE : hmm....have they being here after that?
JIDE : no, he has not being here after that.
CHARLES : hmm....okay...(He leaves the room where they talked as they take Jide back to the cell.

Charles approaches the policemen at the counter...)
CHARLES : good afternoon Mr?
AZEEZ : Azeez...
CHARLES : Mr Azeez, please are you one of the policemen that went to pick up the suspect from the Silva's residence? I mean the incidence of the young girl that was raped and killed.
AZEEZ : yes, hope no problem?
CHARLES : like I told you before, I'm the girl's lawyer.
AZEEZ : hmm mm...
CHARLES : I need to see the report of the security personnel on duty that day.
AZEEZ : the security personnel....?
CHARLES : yes, the one on duty at the residence.
AZEEZ : oh...the man did not come and make statement o. Is only the girl's father that come and make statement.
CHARLES : hmm....I see...okay thanks.(He leaves)


After thinking about all he has heard about the case, Charles decided to visit the Silva's house again to confirm some of the things Jide had told him. He met the Security personnel as usual...)

MUSA : you're the girl's lawyer abi?
CHARLES : yes.
MUSA : today that you have come, Oga is not at home o.
CHARLES : and he still hasn't left the key?
MUSA : ha, when we asked him, he said he has forgotten the key in Abuja o.
CHARLES : and there's no spare?
MUSA : spare?
CHARLES : I mean a spare key.
MUSA : o, at all.
CHARLES : I see....well, I need to ask you some things about the incident that happened that night....
MUSA : hmm mm...(Being skeptical)
CHARLES : I was made to understand that you were the one that found the girl's body on that day...
MUSA : yes.
CHARLES : and the boy was also found unconscious beside him...
MUSA : yes, in fact we had to pour water on him to wake up.
CHARLES : oh...I see...okay thanks, I'll be on my way now....(Turns to go)
MUSA : okay...
CHARLES : (turns back)...em have a gardener working with you, right?
MUSA : yes...what about him?
CHARLES : is he around?
MUSA : he has gone home.
CHARLES : how can I see him?
MUSA : why? Is there something wrong?
CHARLES : em....I....I need a.....gardener, yes a gardener at my house.
MUSA : but he's working here already he can't work at two places...
CHARLES : oh yes I know....I ......was just thinking he could get me one....
MUSA : oh...okay....I'll get you his phone number then.
CHARLES : alright, thanks.
MUSA : I'll be back...(Goes inside to get the gardener's number and comes out later) it is....(he gives Charles the small note)
CHARLES : (collecting it)....thanks a lot....
MUSA : you're welcome.
CHARLES : oh less I forget...have you given your statement at the police station?
MUSA : (shocked at the question)
CHARLES : yes.
MUSA : em we're always on duty here and I can't have any time to go there.
CHARLES : hmm....please try and make out time to go.
MUSA : okay...
CHARLES : bye then...
MUSA : bye-bye!


(Charles decides to go back to the Silva's residence, this time around to ask for the phone number of Jide's Lawyer. Musa gave it to him and he calls them up. They decided to meet at a restaurant close to the magistrate court.

Tade was not around when Charles came so SK went to meet him anyway. Seeing the car that Charles drove, he was amazed to see that the Archibongs got a very expensive lawyer for the case.

After doing the introduction...)

CHARLES : please I was told you collected the girl's shoes...
SK : that's true.
CHARLES : okay. May I have it back?
SK : em...well, we may not be able to give the shoe to you just yet.
CHARLES : (surprised)...but why?
SK : may stand as one of our exhibit.
CHARLES : (chuckles)...oh well...(Adjusts on his seat) know we're lawyers and even though I'm on the opposite side, I shouldn't be telling you this. But because I'm someone that upholds the truth, I'll say it...(Takes a deep breath)..I strongly believe your client is innocent...
SK : you do?
CHARLES : yes. I've been doing some investigations myself and from all indications, its possible the culprit is still out there.
SK : we also think so and our evidence may be on the shoe.
CHARLES : (surprised)...the shoe?
SK : yes.
CHARLES : the girl's shoe?
SK : yes...(Adjusts on his seat)...there's a blood stain at a place where we believe is not the girl's blood.
CHARLES : really?
SK : yes. And we saw a wound on the Minister's son's shoulder. That doesn't prove anything though but we believe it may have something to do with the incident.
CHARLES : really?
SK : yes. We went to see the minister and fortunately, the boy came around, the wound was on his left shoulder.
CHARLES : hmm, the girl may have hit him with the shoe while they struggled.
SK : exactly.
CHARLES : hmm...if the girl is right handed, then she must have hit him on the left shoulder.....please let me see it.
SK : its at my place.  We're just waiting for the proceedings so the Judge may give an order for a test to be done.
CHARLES : (thinks for a while)....why do you need the court's order for that?
SK : because, we need the girl's blood too. We can get the suspect's blood, but we can't get that of the girl, except the court orders it. We can't possibly approach the girl's parents and tell them we need their daughter's blood can we?
CHARLES : hmm....that's true, so they can prove the blood stain is not hers...
SK : yes.
CHARLES : the blood test will be in three folds you know?
SK : (thinking)....hmmmm....
CHARLES : yes. You have to prove if it matches with Jide's, if it doesn't, then you'll prove if it matches with the girl's or not.
SK : yes, what else?
CHARLES : if its not the girl's, then you have to prove whose blood it is, don't you know?
SK : oh, that's true! You're right. But the boy's mother does not even have the funds to do any of that.
CHARLES : well, if you're so sure, we can do that of the girl and Jide's. Once we prove there's a third party, the court will definitely give the order for whoever the real suspect is. My client is interested in nailing the culprit, whoever it was. I've even proposed we do a test on the semen on the girl's body.
SK : oh really?
CHARLES : yes. That will also prove there's a third party and Jide will be declared innocent.
SK : that's very good then...
CHARLES : you can give me the shoe then. I'll do that of Carol and Jide. So we'll be left with the last one.
SK : (thinks for a while)...let's go to my place, I'll get you the shoes then, but promise you'll get the test results down to me...
CHARLES : of course, I'll sure do that.

(Charles follows SK to get the shoe from him. He explains to Charles why their suspicions may be right. Charles was happy with the way things are turning out. He collected the shoe and leaves.

Some hours later Tade comes back and SK explained what had happened to him...)

TADE : Jesus! So you just gave the shoes to him just like that!
SK : yes nau....mehn you need to see the guy, nah big boy o. We should be friends with such a guy. We can work together.
TADE : for God sakes! Is that what we're talking about?...(Hisses)....wait, wetin dey do you this guy! Come you go law school at all? Why you go give our opposition the only evidence we have?
SK : oh come on Tade, after all, we don't even have the money to do the test. The guy said he will do it and send us the result.
TADE : so what!
SK : didn't I tell you he also suspects that Jide is innocent? I'm sure he suspects that its the minister's son sef, he just didn't say it...
TADE : abeg joor...what if he messes up?
SK : he will not. He said they also want to do a test on the semen found inside the girl.
TADE : (hisses)..mtchewww....
SK : why are you like this? I'm trying to make this guy do our job for us and also see if we can get closer to him at the same time..... Instead of looking for money to pay for the test, he will do it and just send us the result...let's even say the boy's mother is able to get the money somehow, we'll just spend it, someone else would have done the spending.
TADE : hmm..that's if he does.
SK : look Tade, all this guy and the girl's father are after is nailing the culprit.
TADE : why are you so dumb? Wait, you really think the minister's son will go to jail abi?...(Laughs) are dreaming o. You are dreaming....(Walks away)
(SK is dumbfounded)

To be continued...

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