Monday 11 July 2016

TEST OF TIME Episode 24

Episode 24

(Meanwhile, Jade had decided to go out that saturday morning and do things right. But before she left the house she makes some calls....

First she calls her mother's pastor...)
JADE : (on the phone)...good afternoon sir...
RECEIVER : good afternoon, sister Jade, right?
JADE : yes sir.
RECEIVER : how are you?
JADE : I'm good sir...
RECEIVER : what about the program I asked you to do?
JADE : I've just concluded it sir...
RECEIVER : did you have any dreams?
JADE : yes sir....
RECEIVER : can you tell me?
JADE : yes sir...firstly sir I think I made a wrong decision not to go and see my father...
RECEIVER : Good. I'm sure that was the decision the Holy Spirit was talking about...
JADE : I saw a man, crying for my help. He was in pains and he said he is my father. He started pleading for my forgiveness.
RECEIVER : hmm...can you see that you've not forgiven him yet? Hence, the decision not to see him?
JADE : yes sir.
RECEIVER : so what do you want to do now?
JADE : I'll get in touch with him sir.
RECEIVER : that's the right thing to do.
JADE : thank you very much sir...
RECEIVER : any other thing?
JADE : yes sir...the proposal you spoke about sir...
RECEIVER : okay...
JADE : it did come...
RECEIVER : really?
JADE : yes sir...but I didn't have any dreams about it...
RECEIVER : keep praying God will see you through...
JADE : but sir, both of them will be expecting me to say something...
RECEIVER : hmm....that's true...
JADE : what should I do?
RECEIVER : okay.....until you see a clear picture of what to do, just tell them you'll think about it. But I believe things will clear up for you before long...
JADE : yes sir, but the problem is that my father is in the UK and I may have to go there any time from now....
RECEIVER : don't worry sister, I believe things will happen for good. You just start working on seeing your father...
JADE : okay sir...thank you very much sir...
RECEIVER : you're welcome...
JADE : (she hangs up and calls her mother)...hello Mum?
RECEIVER : hello dear...
JADE : Mum please how can I get in touch with my biological father?
RECEIVER : thank God!..I will send you Nate's number now. In fact, he's in Lagos. He has been asking about you....
JADE : okay Mum please do.
RECEIVER : I will.... And let me know what you've decided to do.
JADE : I will go and see him.
RECEIVER : that's good.
JADE : okay Mum. I'll be waiting for the message....(She hangs up. Some few minutes later, she receives the text message and dials the number...)......hello?
RECEIVER : hello?
JADE : is this Mr Nate?
RECEIVER : yes. Who am I speaking with?
JADE : this Jade...
RECEIVER : (surprised)...Jade Thomas?
JADE : yes.
RECEIVER : oh my....hi
JADE : hi....
RECEIVER : how have you been?
JADE : I'm good thanks...can we see?
RECEIVER : of course yes! When? Just tell me the time and the place and I will be there immediately.
JADE : can you come over to my place?
RECEIVER : of course...just send me the address.
JADE : alright, I'll do that.
RECEIVER : thanks a lot...I appreciate this call....
JADE : you're welcome....(She hangs up and sends him the address)
(Meanwhile Nate calls Sir Akin Thomas to give him the update...)
NATE : I have good news sir...
RECEIVER : tell me...
NATE : your daughter is now around...
RECEIVER : really? When did she get back?
NATE : em I don't know but she wants to speak to me now. In fact I'm on my way to her place...
RECEIVER : this is good news...but do you think she will accept me?
NATE : sir, she's a very nice girl. You should get to know her, she's just like you, very intelligent and shrewd.
RECEIVER : really?...
NATE : yes sir...
RECEIVER : but how do you know that? I thought you've not met her?
NATE : (realising he has said too much)...oh.... em...we've spoken on the phone before now when she said she can't be around till later.
RECEIVER : and do you think she'll forgive me?
NATE : actually sir her mother has really talked to her to forgive you.
RECEIVER : oh, that's thoughtful of her.
NATE : yes sir. I'll call you when I get to her place...
RECEIVER : alright...
NATE : bye sir....
(On Bimbo's way out she bumps into Tara...)
TARA : hey, where are you going, looking so....oh-my-God-ish!
BIMBO : let's just say I'm about retrieving what's mine...
TARA : what's yours?
BIMBO : yeah....
TARA : hmm....and you don't want to tell me about it?
BIMBO : let's make it a surprise...okay?
TARA : okay o. We'll see about that...
BIMBO : yeah we'll do I look...
TARA : didn't I just say you look wow!
BIMBO : good...
TARA : (sees the necklace)...hey...wait! And the necklace?
BIMBO : you like it?
TARA : its beautiful...when did you buy it...
BIMBO : oh no, someone sent it...
TARA : really! It must be so expensive...who?
BIMBO : oh dear, just wait, you'll find out....
TARA : you're going to the person's place, abi?
BIMBO : exactly...
TARA : okay...I can't wait for you to come back and gist me...
BIMBO : trust me nau....(She enters into the car and drives away...)
(About an hour and a half later, Nate shows up at Jade's place)
NATE : hi....(Entering into the house)
JADE : please sit down...
NATE : thanks...(Taking his seat)
JADE : I want to know about him....
NATE : I'm happy to hear that....but do you mind speaking to him?
JADE : (takes a deep breath)....I don't.
NATE : oh, less I forget....please, I lied to him about your stand earlier, I didn't tell him you've not forgiven him. I only told him you're not yet around and we've not been able to talk to you....
JADE : but why?
NATE : because of his condition...
JADE : notwithstanding, you should have told him...I mean, how else would he know that what he did was very wrong?
NATE : believe me he knows already. He's paid for it.
JADE : so you'll say...
NATE : yes its true....and please another thing don't show him your anger now..
JADE : why? I shouldn't speak my mind?
NATE : you can do that but please not on phone. Do that when you see him....
JADE : (thinks about what he just said)......okay.
NATE : should I call him now?
JADE : yes you can...
NATE : alright....(He dials the number)......hello?
RECEIVER : Nate...I'm here...
NATE : I'll put her on sir...(He gives the phone to Jade)...
RECEIVER : hello...
JADE : hello...
RECEIVER : is that my Jadesola Akin thomas?
JADE : .....yes.......sir
RECEIVER : my dear, please forgive me for not being there for you. Please forgive me...
JADE : (not knowing exactly what to say)....em...I heard you're on the hospital bed, how are you doing?
RECEIVER : I'm better now hearing your voice...and knowing if you've forgiven me...
JADE : though what you did was too painful, but since Mum was able to forgive you, what can I do?
RECEIVER : I'm really sorry...I know I can't reverse the hand of time but please I'm ready to make it up to you for all I wasn't able to do...
JADE : I heard you're not in Nigeria...
RECEIVER : no I'm not, but please I would want you to come over so I can see you...can you do that? I've longed for that...I want us to talk like father and daughter, catch up on old times...
JADE : I'll think about it...
RECEIVER : please dear, I really don't have much time left...
JADE : you will not die in Jesus name...
RECEIVER : Amen...but please I need to see you before I die...remember we'll all die one day...
JADE : its okay. I'll come but I don't have the resources to do that yet. I'm out of job and...
RECEIVER : (cuts in)....oh don't worry about all that. All I need is your acceptance to come over. Every other thing is covered.
JADE : okay...but you have to give me some weeks to clear some things up.
RECEIVER : should I tell Nate to use that time out to get you your visa?
JADE : is he the one that will do that?
RECEIVER : Yes. Just give him your passport...
JADE : what of the interview...
RECEIVER : don't worry, you don't have to. I'll just press some buttons from here and you be given the visa... Just give him your passport photograph and international passport.
JADE : okay....
RECEIVER : can you give him your number to send it to me? So that I can call you and talk to you directly....
JADE : okay, I will...
RECEIVER : I'll be very glad to have it dear. Thanks.
JADE : you're welcome. I'll give the phone to him now...
RECEIVER : alright dear. I'm very happy to have spoken with you. Thank you so much....
JADE : you're welcome....(She gives the phone back to Nate)
NATE : (collects the phone)...okay....sir...
RECEIVER : Nate, you have to start working on the visa immediately. Make sure you pay for whatever she will need okay?
NATE : yes sir.
RECEIVER : I'll tell Hotchkis to get in touch with the consular. And you, get all the details, okay?
NATE : yes sir.
RECEIVER : did you tell her anything about me, who I am?
NATE : no sir.
RECEIVER : good...I'll keep in touch. And make sure you send me her number, I need to be in direct contact with my daughter.
NATE : alright sir...
RECEIVER : and hey, make sure she's okay. Nothing must happen to her.
NATE : I will sir.
RECEIVER : good. I'll keep in touch.
NATE : okay sir. Bye sir......(He hangs up) Miss I'll be on my way now. I'll keep in touch....(Standing up to take his leave)
JADE : oh my bad, I didn't even offer you anything....
NATE : oh no, its okay....
JADE : alright...(She sees him off. When she got back to the house she picks up her phone again and listens to the messages on her phone...)....hmm....I need to get somewhere....(Thinking) should I call or go there? it not better to discuss this issue personally?....(she dresses up and leaves the house)
(Its a saturday and Mark was at his house on the phone with Hyke...)
CALLER : as she shown up?
MARK : nope.
CALLER : don't worry, she'll still show up...
MARK : actually, I'm expecting her call first, but wait, in case she calls what should I tell her?.....(As he was speaking he hears a knock on the door)...that must be her....we'll talk later...(He goes to open the door).....em....(Looking at the stranger) look stunning!...come in...
BIMBO : (stepping in) now that your girlfriend is cheating on you, you are now coming back to me?
MARK : I'm sorry about the whole thing.
BIMBO : you Mark....
MARK : (cuts in)...are we here to dwell on the past or come back to enjoy each other's company?
BIMBO : so you expect me to just let everything go, right?
MARK : you gave me the impression that if I have a problem, money-wise, you'd leave me...
BIMBO : (goes close to him holding his hand)...Mark I'm desperately in love with you. That's why I'm here...
MARK : sure?
BIMBO : dead sure...
(She kisses him, he kisses her back slipping his hand down her body. After kissing and caressing her for a while..)
MARK : let's go upstairs...
BIMBO : okay....
(He carries her upstairs while she feels on top of the world in his arms. He puts her on the bed and starts caressing her again...after a while he stands up... And Bimbo wonders where he's going...)
BIMBO : Baby what happened?
MARK : I want to wear a condom...(Going to the drawer)...
BIMBO : no don't...
MARK : (surprised)...what?...(Turns back to look at her)
BIMBO : don't use it...
MARK : but you've always asked me to use it whenever we want to have sex...
BIMBO : sex? we're not about to have sex, I want you to make love to me, not have sex.
MARK : even at that, I should use a protection or you want to get pregnant?
BIMBO : what if I do?
MARK : outside marriage? I won't subscribe to that...
BIMBO : okay fine...use it.
(He uses the condom and goes back to her.
He sleeps with her...)
MARK : (standing up after the act)...did you like the necklace I gave you?
BIMBO : of course I do, that's why I'm wearing it...thanks so much, you're a darling...(She wraps the bed cover round her naked body and goes to give him a peck)....
MARK : you're welcome...I'm happy you like it....
BIMBO : Mark...
MARK : yes
BIMBO : I'm ready for a commitment..
MARK : really?
BIMBO : yes...that's why I didn't want you to use the condom....
MARK : I see...
BIMBO : so now that we're back...what's next?
MARK : well....
(Before he could say anything the door bell rings...)
BIMBO : oh nau...who could that be?
MARK : wondering who it is...
BIMBO : are you expecting someone?
MARK : nope...
BIMBO : may be its Hyke, does he know we're back?
MARK : (looks at her smiling)...let me go and check who it is...(Going)
BIMBO : I'm coming with you...(She looks for what to wear...then she wears Mark's shirt on her naked body...
Meanwhile Mark goes downstairs and opens the door. Only to see Jade at the door...)
MARK : (shocked) came...
JADE : yes...I got your message...
MARK : (trying not to let her in, he thinks of what to say) did you get in? Is the security man not there?
JADE : I don't know? He wasn't just at the door...I opened the gate and came in...
MARK : ehn ehn...haha where did he then go?(stylishly trying to peep outside in order to delay her from coming in)
JADE : he may have gone to the toilet or something... (wondering why he's still at the door not asking her to come in)...
MARK : (thinking of what to do so that Jade won't see Bimbo)...but that's not safe...I mean what if some hoodlums come around...
JADE : you can't keep him glued at the gate always Mark...
MARK : but that's irresponsible of him...(Trying to come out and close the door behind him...)
JADE : haha..won't you ask me to come in?
MARK : em...(Smiles)...I...
To be continued...

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