Tuesday 12 July 2016


Episode 27

(Yomi opens the door for Jade as she gathers all what she got from the market. She comes out of the car...)
JADE : thanks...(Coming out of the car, carrying what she bought)
YOMI : you're welcome darling...(Closing the door behind her)...let's go in...(Bringing out his house key)...
(Meanwhile, Tara had parked opposite where Yomi parked. Bimbo tries making up before coming out of the car. And...)
TARA : (seeing Yomi opening the door for another lady)...I think we're late...
ANET : (looking at the direction at which Tara is looking)...what happened?
TARA : (looking at the figure beside Yomi)....but wait!...Bimbo...are you seeing what I'm seeing or my eyes are deceiving me?
BIMBO : what?...(Looks at the same direction)
TARA : look at the girl with Yomi...
ANET : you know her from some where...
BIMBO : wait! Its a lie!....(Looking at who Yomi was going in with closer)...is she a twin?...but no, that's the same hair style she carried yesterday...
ANET : who are you guys talking about nau...haha...(Looking at both of them)
TARA : that's the girl we saw at Mark's the other day.
BIMBO : the same girl that Mark told me he wants to spend the rest of his life with!...(Looking at Tara)
ANET : wait, the same girl you said bumped into you and Mark?
BIMBO : yes, the same girl. The same bitch!
ANET : so then what's going on? What is she doing with Yomi?
TARA : that is the question, and the way I saw them, I think they're involved.
ANET : haha...how can they be involved when she's involved with Mark?
BIMBO : eee! This girl is a slimy bitch, I tell you!
ANET : wait, could she be playing a double game?
BIMBO : yes nau! I'm sure she's dating Mark....but with Yomi too?
ANET : that is weird....why Yomi and Mark? The. Same Yomi and Mark you were involved with...
TARA : but, Bimbo, come to think of it, I'm seeing a good thing coming out of this for you o...
ANET : (turns to Tara) how?
TARA : let's go in and tell Yomi that the girl is Mark's girlfriend nau...that way, she either goes back to Mark and leave Yomi for you or stick to Yomi and leave Mark for you...simple!
ANET : leave Mark? (Turns to Bimbo)...Mark is not the best for you o, Yomi is better for you because we're sure he loves you, not Mark.
TARA : fine we're still saying the same thing, let's go in, I'm sure she will be surprised we know Yomi, let's bust her joor!
BIMBO : that's true...in fact seeing her has giving me more courage to face Yomi because, she's no good for him...(Looks at both of them)....let's go inside...
(She comes out of the car, they follow after her as they go into Yomi's house and ring the door bell.
Jade was getting ready to go into the kitchen when she heard the door bell...)
JADE : sweetheart, are you expecting anybody? May be we should cook for three o...
YOMI : at all...may be its Lanre...I'll go check...(Going towards the door to open it)...you can take...(He opens the door and was surprised at who were standing at the door)....what in heaven's name are you doing here...
(Jade heard him and stops to see who is around..)
ANET : hi Yomi...won't you ask us to come in?
YOMI : what for? You guys are not welcomed here...(About to close the door)
ANET : wait nau...(Holds the door)...even me? Come on,...see, Bimbo came to ask for your forgiveness....we came to beg for your forgiveness...
YOMI : forgiveness! Yeah right...look, I don't have time for this....(Wants to close the door but Jade walks towards them)
JADE : (walking towards the door)...sweetheart what is....(She sees Tara and Bimbo behind Annette)...you!
YOMI : (surprised at Jade's reaction)...Baby, I can explain what's going on here....(Seeing the way she looks at Bimbo)....but wait, have you met her before?
BIMBO : yes me...(Turns to Yomi)...Yomi, wait a minute, is this the girl you're calling sweetheart?...Mark's girlfriend or fiancée like I heard...
YOMI : what....(Confused, he turns to Jade)...what is she talking about?
BIMBO : yes! She's Mark's fiance. She's the reason why Mark and I are not together anymore...
TARA : yes that's true! Or will you say you can't recognise me too? Was it not the two of us that saw you cooking at Mark's house?
YOMI : you guys are a bunch of liars....this girl here is my fiancée and you're just mistaken or something...
BIMBO : Yomi, open your eyes, did she deny knowing us?
JADE : wait a minute Yomi, who is she to you?
YOMI : do you really know them?
JADE : yes...I do....
BIMBO : you see...Yomi, she's not your sweetheart, she's Mark's, she's deceiving you. You better open your eyes....
ANET : look...(Holding Bimbo down) that's not why we came, we actually came to ask for your forgiveness. Please forgive Bimbo for all she's done, please...
TARA : yes that's why we came quite alright, but we can't see you about to be deceived and keep quiet....
YOMI : (confused but trying to handle the situation the best possible way)...em....please, I've heard you, but kindly excuse me now, okay....
BIMBO : (seeing Yomi's confused state, she seizes the opportunity)...Yomi, I'll give you a call later...
YOMI : goodbye...
(He closes the door and goes in while Bimbo, Annette and Tara leaves for the car.
On their way out...)
ANET : you guys should have stuck to what we went there to do not talking about the girl...
TARA : haha...why won't we...I can't blame you, if only you were there that day when Mark and his friend embarrassed us in front of the girl ehn, you would understand our plight...
BIMBO : and if you had been in my shoes yesterday ehn, you'll see why I just had to protect Yomi's interest...
ANET : you're more concerned about what someone is about to do to him instead of apologising for what you already did to him...huh...
BIMBO : don't worry, what we did will boost our apology....
ANET : hmm....I hope so o...
TARA : it sure will...
(Meanwhile, Jade had gone to sit down thinking about past events and relating all what Mark and Hyke said about Bimbo and her Ex and what Yomi said too.
While she was there Yomi goes to talk to her...)
YOMI : Jade, is there something you need to tell me?...(Sitting beside her)
JADE : so she's your Ex?
YOMI : yes, but that doesn't explain what she said....who is Mark?
JADE : (smiles)...wait a minute, do you believe all she said...about me being Mark's girlfriend?
YOMI : that's why I'm asking you Jade...because..I don't believe I'll share you with anyone...just tell me what's going on and I'll believe you...
JADE : I told you I was at a friend's place yesterday remember? The one I said was asking me out?
YOMI : that you saw him with his Ex...abi?
JADE : yes...that's Mark...
YOMI : but she said you were cooking at his place or something...
JADE : can you remember that when you told me how your ex girlfriend left and embarrassed you, I told you, I've heard something similar to your story before...
YOMI : (tries to recall).....hmm...yes...I can remember something like that...
JADE : could you believe that it was actually your story I had?
YOMI : how?
JADE : that day....(She explains the story of her first meeting with Bimbo at Mark's house to Yomi)...so she left and Mark begged me, then I didn't even know he had intentions. Moreover, I wasn't moved by what I saw because I've never seen Mark as a guy I could date...
YOMI : but where do you know him?
JADE : he used to be a family friend when we were young. My mum used to sell them toiletries. So when we were teenagers, he asked me out and I said no...being from a rich family, he entered into the university quite early and that was how we lost contact till we saw in Abuja months ago...
YOMI : its such a small world...(Shaking his head)...the same guy that took Bimbo from me....why are we both dragging the same girls? Life's so funny...
JADE : that's what I've been pondering over since you said she's your Ex...life's really funny...
YOMI : (holds her hand)...Jade...
JADE : hmm?
YOMI : for a split second there I thought I was about to loose you...
JADE : (smiles)...loose me?
YOMI : yes..hearing that you're someone's fiancée, I mean...I was almost thinking you were going back to your Ex...
JADE : come on, he's far away in Abuja and hey, I love you...he's in the past now...okay...
YOMI : I love you more...
JADE : you don't have to worry...
YOMI : when should I introduce you to my parents?
JADE : (laughs)....isn't that too soon?
YOMI : my pastor once said something...he said, when you meet the woman you'll spend the rest of your life with, you will know immediately...
JADE : hmm....and you knew at the conference?
YOMI : I didn't meet you at the conference, I saw you at the conference not meet. It was at the place of the interview I met you...
JADE : hmmm....I've heard you o...please let me go and cook....(Standing up)
YOMI : (smiles)....I'll help you....(Follows her)
(Meanwhile, Funmi was at home with her fiancé, Ayo, when suddenly flowers were delivered to the house. Enough flowers to fill up the whole house. As the flowers were being delivered...)
AYO : what's going on here? Who are the flowers for?
FUNMI : (still holding the door opened for the deliveries)...I swear, I'm as surprised as you are...
AYO : (taps one of the messengers)...hello? Who are the flowers for?
MESSENGER : we'll put the card on the last bouquet....(Leaves to carry another bouquet)
AYO : hmm....and you say you don't know who they're for?
FUNMI : I tell you...may be its for Jade...
AYO : but you just told me she went out with the Yomi guy?
FUNMI : yes...let's just wait and see who the flowers are meant for...
AYO : okay...(Sits down anxiously)
(Soon after the last bouquet of flowers was delivered, she checks the card)
FUNMI : (reading out)..."I'm sorry, please forgive me"....(Looks at Ayo)
AYO : so? Who sent them and to who?
FUNMI : no name, but I think I know who they're meant for and from who...its for Jade from Mark...
AYO : Jade again? Is that her Ex?
FUNMI : no o, that's Mark, the guy working at Phinix Bank nau....
AYO : oh....I've always known that guy was up to something, I was surprised he's not the one she's dating....
FUNMI : that one is another story o....
AYO : what happened....(Sitting up)
(Funmi was busy telling Ayo about what happened between Mark and Jade when Mark rings the door bell)...
FUNMI : who could that be again...(Goes to open the door)....
MARK : hi Funmi, is Jade at home?
FUNMI : hi Mark...oh sorry she's not home...(Looking at the person behind her)
MARK : sorry, this is my friend Hyke...
HYKE : (extending a handshake)...nice to meet you....
FUNMI : same here...(Faces Mark)..I'm sorry, she told me she was going out from church and will be coming back very late.
MARK : ouch...okay can you call me when she gets back? No matter the time...
FUNMI : (surprised)...anytime?
MARK : yes, anytime.
FUNMI : okay...
MARK : and please do me a favour, don't remove the flowers, let her come back and see them.
FUNMI : hmm mm....alright...
MARK : I'm really sorry for any inconveniences they may bring you...
FUNMI : its okay...
MARK : I'll be on my way now, please Funmi don't forget to call me when she gets back.
FUNMI : alright.
MARK : thanks..bye...(About leaving)
HYKE : bye....(Leaving)
FUNMI : bye...(Closes the door and comes back to Ayo)...
AYO : that was him, right?
FUNMI : yes. He said I shouldn't remove the flowers....


(Yomi later comes to drop Jade at home at around 8pm. As he parks the car for her to come out...)
YOMI : so, here we are....(Parking)
JADE : won't you come in?
YOMI : you want me to?
JADE : you don't want to?
YOMI : oh...she loves me.....(Laughing)
JADE : (hits hims jokingly)...you're not serious....(Coming out of the car)
YOMI : (coming out too)...is it a lie?....(Locking the door)
JADE : I don't know why you don't want to come down, after all you're not going out early tomorrow...
YOMI : (laughing)...who told you I wasn't going to come down?...(Walking towards the gate with her)...
JADE : hmm...(Opens the gate and enters)
YOMI : when should we start working on the registration?
JADE : hmm...let me see...(thinking about it as she walks towards the door)...we can go to Corporate Affairs Commission on tuesday...(Opening the door).... I'm sure....(she enters and sees the flowers).....haha....(Laughing)...Funmi..
YOMI : (entering and seeing the flowers)....oh my.....who's the lover boy?.....(Looking at the flowers)
JADE : Funmi! Lover girl....(Turns to Yomi)..I'm sure its her fiancé that sent them...I'll be back...(Goes into Funmi's room)....young lady, where are you?.....
FUNMI : (talking from her bathroom)....Jade! I'm here o...
JADE : oh....I saw Ayo's handiwork....I'll be in the sitting....
(She goes back to the sitting room before Funmi could say anything else.)
YOMI : believe me these flowers are beautiful....
JADE : yes, they are...(Smelling them)
YOMI : (sees the card)...look there's the card...
JADE : haba nau, you want me to be reading my cousin's note? Haha...
YOMI : sorry....(adjusts some flowers and sits down)....omo, the whole house is almost filled up with flowers o, nowhere to sit sef....
JADE : (laughing)....abeg allow them o....
(Funmi comes out of the bathroom not knowing that Jade was in the sitting room with Yomi she blurted out from the room while walking towards sitting room in her bathrobe)...
FUNMI : Jade! Have you seen the flowers they sent you? Can you see how Mark bombarded our house with flowers just to....(Coming out of the room she sees Yomi and keeps quiet)...oh Yomi, you're here?
JADE : what did you just say?
FUNMI : em...(Looking at Yomi)...
JADE : did you say it was Mark that sent them?
FUNMI : yes...(Seeing she didn't bother about Yomi being there)...the card is there nau, didn't you check it?
JADE : (goes to check the card)...that guy is not serious o....(Takes the card and reads it)...."I'm sorry, please forgive me"....sorry ke, I'm not angry with him....in fact I'm happy...
YOMI : so he was the one that sent the flowers...(All of a sudden the flowers started irritating him)
FUNMI : he even said I should call him whenever you come back. Even if its twelve at night...(Laughing)
JADE : he's sick...don't call him o...
FUNMI : he has called me like 10 times to ask if you're back already.
JADE : (laughing)...don't mind him...(Looks at Yomi)....Baby...
YOMI : hmm...(Looking really moody)...
JADE : hey..what's wrong with you? Why the sudden change of countenance?...(Going to sit beside him)
FUNMI : guys, I'll be in my room...(Going into her room)
JADE : alright coz!...(Turns to Yomi)...Baby...why the sudden change of mood?
YOMI: okay, you want me to be happy that someone sent my fiancee this much flowers? The same guy that took Bimbo from me for that matter... (He stands up and walks to the window)...what have I eve bdone to that guy? Why is he after me? He keeps coming after....
JADE: (cuts in while walking up to him)....Yomi...come on, why are you talking this way? All these does not move me....I've told you I love you and that's the most important thing. Whatever Mark is doing doesn't move me an inch...
YOMI: Jade, I can't even afford this much...I mean I don't have a job to spend so much on you like....
JADE: (placing her hand on his lips to stop him from saying anything further)...its okay dear...have told you not to bother your head with that....didn't I know that you don't have a job before I yes I'll date you? I mean, I knew Mark was there, yet I chose you....so please stop this worry, I don't like it....okay if it makes you feel better, let's put it all in the trash can....
YOMI: (chuckles)...hmm...your words have done the magic already....(he hug her)....

To be continued...

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