Monday 11 July 2016

TEST OF TIME Episode 22

Episode 22

(Jade couldn't believe her ears...)

JADE : my biological father?!
CALLER : yes dear. He wants to see you...
JADE : he wants to see me...why? Where has he been since all these years? Why does he want to see me now?
CALLER : my dear, you will ask all those questions when you finally see him. I can't answer them for you. My own responsibility is to bring both of you together as father and daughter.
JADE : what makes him think I want to see him now?
CALLER : dear, its up to you if you want to see him or not...but notwithstanding, please come home, even if you don't want to see him, its better you come and let him know.
JADE : (thinks about it)...when am I supposed to come?
CALLER : can you come this weekend?
JADE : I'll try Mum...
CALLER : please come over because his family members will be here to see you. They've been here to beg me...
JADE : haha....since when?
CALLER : the whole thing has been going on for some weeks now...
JADE : and you didn't tell me Mum...
CALLER : I'd not made up my mind to forgive him till now...
JADE : (thinks for a while)....okay....I'll try and make it, its just that, I'm kind of broke now that's why I've not come home for sometime know I have to buy something for Banke and the others....
CALLER : Jade, the issue on ground is more important than buying things for your siblings. Just get money anyhow and come please, I don't want those people to come and not meet you here, it will be as if I've not forgiven your father yet.....
JADE : okay Ma. I'll look for money somehow and come over.
CALLER : alright dear, I wish you safe journey...
JADE : thanks Mum...bye....(She hangs up and keeps quiet, thinking about what her mother just said....)
YOMI : (seeing her changed mood)....are you okay? Hope there's no problem?
JADE : no, there's no problem...
YOMI : sorry, I couldn't help but over heard what you were saying on the said you're going somewhere...
JADE : yes. I'll be going to Ibadan for the weekend...
YOMI : oh...that means our proposed business will be postponed....
JADE : yes, till I get back...
YOMI : and I heard you saying you don't have money....
JADE : were eavesdropping! That's a bad habit!
YOMI : I'm sorry...I just couldn't help it. I mean, you're right in front of me....
JADE : hmm...
YOMI : Jade, can I help you with some money to go...please?
JADE : hell no. I'll get money somehow...
YOMI : okay....less I forget, your cheque is in the car.
JADE : my cheque? What cheque?
YOMI : the cheque for your 10%.
JADE : but I've told you I'm not collecting that from you....
YOMI : I've written the cheque already...
JADE : then keep it or something...
YOMI : Jade...stop being so need this money....after all, its not like I'm asking you to sleep with me before I give you the money....I told you I'm dashing you because you brought me luck, if we were doing business together, won't I give you your percentage?
JADE : yes, but I didn't do anything to deserve that...
YOMI : neither did you do anything not to deserve it, haha! Take it, you need're so stubborn!....
JADE : I still can't...Why will I be collecting money from you?
YOMI : oh....I'm an enemy, right? Or I'll turn you to yam if you collect it?..... Look Jade, I mean well for you, fine, we may not have started on a good note but I can't.....I mean, I just want to help....please just collect it....please....
JADE : (seeing the way he scolded her, she changes her mind)....okay, fine, but that money is too much considering the fact that I didn't do anything to deserve it....
YOMI : okay...take it as the money for your wardrobe, use it to buy new clothes, shoe wears etc.... You'll have to look really good for our marketing, you know...
JADE : that's still too much...
YOMI : okay...(thinks for a while).… as your Boss in this business, I'm ordering you to collect it...
JADE : (laughs)...whose Boss? Whose Boss?...(Looking around)
YOMI : yours of course...
JADE : yeah right! We're partners, hear that part-part-partners! No Bosses.....
YOMI : Where did you come from?
JADE : my mother's womb...
YOMI : oh and that's some work she did on you....God! I don't know what to do with you!....
JADE : (laughing)....really thanks for the offer, but the money is too much...
YOMI : okay let's do it this way, don't let's waste that cheque slip, collect the whole money and take whatever you want there, buy clothes and everything you need then we can talk about what to do with the rest...
JADE : you fraudster! I know what you want to do.....
YOMI : (laughing)....hmm....anyway, how will you move to ibadan? Are you taking a car?
JADE : no o, I'll go by transport.
YOMI : okay...well, we still have three more days before you go. We can still see before then...
JADE : yeah...and less I forget, you've not told me about the girl that broke your heart....
YOMI : oh that? I really have to use a blind fold when telling you cause I can't look at your facial expression when I'm saying it....
JADE : a blindfold....(Laughs) why not tell me now? After all I've told you mine...
YOMI : oh no.... not now....
JADE : not now? Then I don't want your cheque....(About to stand up)
YOMI : (holds her) hey! Not so're blackmailing me o....
JADE : me? Black what? I'm not...
YOMI : yes you are...
JADE : do we have a deal or not?
YOMI : (thinks about it)....oohhh....!
JADE : (tries to stand up again)....okay...
YOMI : oya wait nau, I'll tell you....
JADE : good, now we're talking.....oya shoot....
YOMI : (reluctantly)....Jade, its not like I don't want to say it, its just that, the story is one that really affected my life till I met someone.
JADE : really?
YOMI : event that claimed my job....its an event I don't ever want to experience again....
JADE : eyah....
YOMI : I fell in love with her blindly...that is, I saw her flaws but ignored them...unknown to me that those flaws will still come and hunt me...Jade?
JADE : (sitting up)...I'm listening...
YOMI : promise me not to say anything till I finish the whole story....
JADE : hmmm....okay....
YOMI : don't mock me, don't blame me, just listen. When I finish then you can say all you want to say...
JADE : (seeing how serious he now is)...okay....
YOMI : her name is Bimbo....(He tells her everything about his relationship with Bimbo, how she broke up, what led to the break up, how she constantly embarrassed him when he went back to beg her, etc)...the last straw was the day I now saw that she had started dating the same guy that came on her birthday...
JADE : (cuts in)...wait, she dated someone else how many months after she broke up?
YOMI : barely three months...
JADE : wow...
YOMI : and when I got there, after her sister and friends had embarrassed me, she asked the guy to tell me that they're dating and that I should leave her house. That was when I realised I was a fool. But at that time the whole thing had affected my work, I'd been given letter of query like three times...
JADE : oh my God...
YOMI : but before I could work on my self, I was asked to, that's my story...
JADE : eyah...its such a pity...although, this your story sounds similar to one I heard from a friend, about a girl that broke up with her boyfriend just because my friend bought her expensive things... The thing is, I don't know why some girls are so materialistic....
YOMI : won't you make jest of me?
JADE : why would I? In fact, I pity you...she only rubbished what you feel for her...
YOMI : felt....felt, I don't feel that way again....although, I had promised not to fall in love again but God knows best...
JADE : eyah...
YOMI : if not that I've deleted all her pictures from my phone, I would have shown it to you...
JADE : eyah....
YOMI : she was the one that I didn't want to see in that bank...
JADE : eyah...but why don't you want to see her? You still love her right?
YOMI : hell no. Its because I don't want her to think I'm still coming after her...
JADE : hmm...that's true.... anyway my advice to you is that you shouldn't allow that incident affect your next relationship, because you men can be very funny, most times you tend to treat your next relationship based on the experience you had in the previous one...
YOMI : trust me I won't....
JADE : I hope so...
YOMI : you surprised me though...
JADE : why?
YOMI : because I was thinking you'd make jest of me...
JADE : no I can't, you don't joke with things like that. I may not be in your shoes but I understand what you went through....
YOMI : thanks for your understanding...I really appreciate that...
JADE : you're welcome...(Looks at the time)....hey....we should go home now, its getting late....
YOMI : yeah let's go....


(When Bimbo got home she told Tara more about the girl she saw....)

TARA : so you didn't see the person that brought her?
BIMBO : I didn't follow her outside to see the person in the car, but she entered into the passenger's side...
TARA : you know what...either you see it or not, we can still work on it.
BIMBO : how?
TARA : let's call him and tell him we saw his girl friend at the bank with some guy...
BIMBO : we should?
TARA : yes nau...we should put some sand into their garri nau...
BIMBO : that's true...where's my phone.....(Searching for it in her bag).....but wait he may not pick my call o. He's not being picking my calls for sometime now...
TARA : that's true....(Takes her own phone)....Take. Use mine, he doesn't have my number...
BIMBO : (collects the phone and dials Mark's number).....hello?
RECEIVER : hello....sorry who am I speaking with?
BIMBO : Mark can you see that nemesis is catching up with you. When you and I were dating, I was totally loyal to you, I never look at your new girlfriend, I saw her at my branch today with another man....can you see that my God has started dealing with you....
RECEIVER : who is this?
BIMBO : oh, so now you don't recognise my voice again?....well its me Bimbo....(The line went dead)....hello? Hello!
TARA : what happened?
BIMBO : he just hung up on me....
TARA : yes!...(Jumps up)
BIMBO : what? Why did you say that?
TARA : come on Bimbo, that shows he's angry at her already....that's the only reason why he hung up. I'm sure he will be calling her right now to blast her...
BIMBO : but are you sure? What if he just feels I'm bluffing?
TARA : then he would have blasted you back on the phone....
BIMBO : hmmm......that's true...
TARA : you know what, try his phone again....
BIMBO : okay.....(She re-dials the line and listens)....its busy...
TARA : you see....
BIMBO :, you should be a detective!
TARA : trust your girl nau, I'm good in all this things...
BIMBO : yes o, you are...
TARA : so we're getting somewhere....
BIMBO : yes we are...(They both laugh about it....)


(Meanwhile Jade had just finished freshening up when she receives a call from Mark....)

JADE : (picks up the call)...hi Mark...
CALLER : hey Jade....long time no yarn...
JADE : hmmm....
CALLER : how have you been?
JADE : not bad.
CALLER : how was your day?
JADE : very well thanks...
CALLER : so, did you go out today?
JADE : yeah I did. I went to submit my CV to a company on the island....
CALLER : at a bank?
JADE : oh no, it was at a telecommunication company....but why did you ask if it was at a bank?
CALLER : don't mind me, you know we have more of banks employing this days....
JADE : although I went to one of your branches to credit an account today sha...
CALLER : oh really?
JADE : how was your day?
CALLER : not bad...I just wanted to know how you're doing. You know we've not talked since sunday...
JADE : alright thanks....
CALLER : you're welcome....
JADE : alright..I've had a long day myself I just want to sleep...
CALLER : alright then. I'll call you tomorrow....
JADE : alright...good night...
CALLER : good night...
JADE : yep!.....(She hangs up and lies on the bed and couldn't stop reminiscing about the day's events smiling and chuckling at intervals. Just then Funmi walks in)....
FUNMI : hey you...
JADE : hmm...(Looking at her)
FUNMI : you didn't finish gisting me the other time...
JADE : hey, you're going to work tomorrow...
FUNMI : I know but I'm interested in every detail...
JADE : where did I stop?
FUNMI : where he said you must take the've not told me if you'll take it....
JADE : that's the problem Funmi...
FUNMI : (cuts in)...what problem? Don't tell me you'll reject it?
JADE : Funmi....
FUNMI : (cuts in)....if you dare reject it will see my red eye! Haha! What is it with you, someone is dashing you money because you brought him luck and you're rejecting it....haha!
JADE : I didn't say I'm not collecting it nau....
FUNMI : better...!
JADE : that's not even the thing now...
FUNMI : then what is it?
JADE : its Yomi...I think I'm getting too close to him...
FUNMI : why?
JADE : I'm beginning to expect his calls....I don't know may be its because I pity him or....I don't know...
FUNMI : wait what exactly is going on?
JADE : didn't you hear me, its like I'm liking him...
FUNMI : do you hate him before?
JADE : ohhh nau....Funmi, liking him as in thinking about him.....
FUNMI : really? Since when?
JADE : you know he's been calling me every night now for about two weeks...every night now I'm like expecting him to call and if he doesn't....I miss him...
FUNMI : (laughs)...hahahahahaha.....somebody has started loving o....
JADE : what do you mean by that....haha...I didn't say I'm loving o, after all I just left a relationship...
FUNMI : so? You better allow yourself love, you're no more a kid o....
JADE : hmm......I know thank you....
FUNMI : (laughs) better love and forget about that tight fisted Ex of yours....
JADE : hey Yinka is off my mind already...
FUNMI : now we're talking....Meanwhile when do I meet Yomi?
JADE : whenever you want....oh less I forget, Mum called me today....


Yinka received a call from his Mum to come and see her as soon as possible and he set out for his parents place after work. His mother had just finished making dinner when he got there....)

YINKA: good evening Mum....
YM: good evening my dear how was your day? fact you're right on time....(coming out of the kitchen)....i just finished making dinner...
YINKA: Oh thats great because I'm famished...(he heads for the dinning and dinner was served.
Aftrer dinner his mother goes straight to the point...)
YM: Yinka, i called you because i had a very frightening dream about you...
YINKA: hope i didn't die in your dream Mum, because i know your dreams have their ways of coming true....
YM: God forbid...
YINKA: thank God for what happened?
YM: in the dream, you stumbled on a big box, it look dirty and unkempt, in fact i looks tattered, at first you carried it but as you were about taking it inside the house, you felt it was too heavy for you and then you dropped actually wanted to open it but you changed your mind along the way and then turned back dropped it on the roadside and walked away. Later on, someone else saw it picked it up and dusted it...later on the person opened it and inside was gold and diamond stones.
YINKA: you mean i left it and someone else carried it?
YM: yes....
YINKA: the same box of gold and diamond stones?
YM: yes son...
YINKA: God forbid! Someone else will not carry my box of treasure in Jesus name....
YM: Amen, but you have to be careful....
YINKA: i will Mum....i will make sure if i see any dirty box, i open it before i throw it away....
YM: (confused about his statement but does not know what to say)..anyway, i will speak to my pastor about it...
YINKA: okay Mum....I'll be leaving now...(standing up)....
YM: why don't you just sleep here today....
YINKA: no i need to get some files from my place to work tomorrow....
YM: okay...

(Around twelve o clock on saturday afternoon, Jade got to her family house in Ibadan. Everyone was happy to see her. She gave them what she got for each one of them.

Barely two hours after she arrived some visitors also came around and they were introduced as her father's relatives...)

To be continued

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