Sunday 24 July 2016

Crushing the Yoke of Idolatry, Pt. 3

Crushing the Yoke of Idolatry, Pt. 3

About this message

In this message, Dr. D.K. Olukoya continues the series Crushing the Yoke of Idolatry. Enjoy!
In Jer 8:1,
1At that time, saith the LORD, they shall bring out the bones of the kings of Judah, and the bones of his princes, and the bones of the priests, and the bones of the prophets, and the bones of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, out of their graves: 2And they shall spread them before the sun, and the moon, and all the host of heaven, whom they have loved, and whom they have served, and after whom they have walked, and whom they have sought, and whom they have worshiped: they shall not be gathered, nor be buried; they shall be for dung upon the face of the earth.
                                                                                         KJV, American Version
You can see the horrible hatred in which the passage above was written against idolatry. God hates idolatry with perfect hatred. Many societies in many parts of the world have worshiped idols to their detriment. Idolatry breeds all other kinds of sins and abomination. It causes the mind to be hardened and deceived. It provokes God to jealousy. More than any other thing, idolatry kindles the anger of God like nothing else.

When people go into idolatry, it's like they are doing a spiritual marriage. It pollutes people and makes them slaves. Many are suffering right now because of the idols that their parents worshiped. God calls idolatry iniquity and like we have been studying in this series, there is a generational dimension to idolatry. The judgment, punishment and consequences of idolatry goes to four generations. Idolatry is very destructive because it puts Satan in control of man. So, idolatry is a chain that ties us to the prison of the past and until you pray from it, moving forward will be impossible.
Some people sometimes say, "Why is it when I'm praying hard, things become harder?" It's because chains become cruel when you are struggling to be free. When you are not trying to escape, no problem, but once they see that this person is likely to get out, they become more cruel.

I'm praying for someone that any chain of idolatry from your father's house. Any chain of idolatry from your mother's house, holding you in one position, making you stagnant, causing blockages, I command them to be broken now in the name of Jesus. Shout a seven-fold amen.

People who could have been winners, movers and shakers have been reduced to rags because of the chains of idolatry.

There used to be an operational aircraft in Nigeria. At the tail of that aircraft is the image of the head of an idol. The airline was called Okada.

Where is Okada today? It's gone! I knew the aircraft would have problems because of the name that was given to it. A single chain on the neck of a person can incapacitate the entire body. No wonder Apostle John would say, children, keep yourselves from idols. There is continental idolatry, national idolatry, territorial idolatry, family idolatry. There is something known as the evil power of your family idol. They represent satanic umbilical cord to tie you to the past. There is something known as the angry idols of your father's house. They are angry because they demand that you worship them and since you refuse to worship them, they harass and terrorize you. Refusal to serve them and ignorance on how to neutralise their powers has led to destructive consequences. All these local idols that we serve - that our forefathers served - there is not a good one among them. They are all fierce and resolute and have sound memory register, that is, they don't forget what you promised to give to them. If you promise to give them something and you don't bring it, they are going to ask when the time comes.

The problem with us in Africa is that while many of us are in Lagos trying to pray prayers, there is an old man or old woman somewhere in the village taking your name to the idol that you don't even know. There is an old man somewhere - you are in America or Russia - right there in your village where you come from, an old man goes to the idol and says, "you idol, I brought this sacrifice for you on behalf of all of us and the children abroad. So, through one way or the other, you are being chained!

I decree that any vow that your parents have made to any idol to cage your destiny, by the power in the blood of Jesus, let that vow break now in the name of Jesus

These idols can put a chain around your potentials and choke life out of your life!
This is an excerpt from the full message. If you have enjoyed this message recap and have been blessed by it or are interested in the prayer points and stories during the message, consider adding it to your collection by ordering a copy. Use the 'Purchase' link in the 'Message Resources' section to get started. Until next time, stay blessed.

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